1 | 又在安息日,月朔,并节期,按数照例,将燔祭常常献给耶和华。 | at every offering of burned offerings to the Lord, on Sabbaths, and at the new moons , and on the regular feasts, in the number ordered by the law, at all times before the Lord; | |
2 | 在安息日和月朔,国内的居民要在这门口,耶和华面前敬拜。 | and the people of the land are to give worship at the door of that doorway before the Lord on the Sabbaths and at the new moons . | |
3 | 在一连串探测伽利略卫星时,发现木卫一的火山比地球任何一座火山的温度来得高;木卫二冰层地表下有一片汪洋;环绕木卫三的磁场;以及木卫四地表以下可能有海洋。 | In a series of flybys of the Galilean moons , the orbiter observed volcanoes on Io hotter than any on Earth and found evidence of a liquid ocean below Europa’s icy surface, a magnetic field around Ganymede, and a possible subsurface ocean on Callisto. | |
4 | ||1:当凯什兰博士和他的团队观测火星时,他们可以分辨火星的两个微小卫星——这样的任务如果是利用牛顿的望远镜则需要一个直径最少长达30厘米的镜面。||2:并且,当他们观测天王星时,他们能够看见暗淡的白矮星。它围绕着夜空中最亮的那颗星运行。||3:从这些结果推测,他们认为,一个直径在15到40米、并且在轨道上运行的波带片足够在30光年以外的距离分辨一个与地球相似的行星的光谱。||4:如此一来,他们就应该能够找到人类是否还有其他邻居,而菲涅尔也最终能实现自己的想法。 | ||1:When Dr Koechlin and his team pointed it at Mars they could distinguish that planet’s two tiny moons -a task which would require a Newtonian telescope with a mirror at least 30cm across.||2:And when they aimed at Sirius they could see the dim white-dwarf which orbits what is the brightest star in the night sky.||3:Extrapolating from these results, they think that an orbiting zone plate measuring somewhere between 15 metres and 40 metres across will be enough to distinguish the spectrum of an Earthlike planet at a distance of 30 light-years.||4:With that, they should be able to find out if mankind really does have any next-door neighbours, and Fresnel will have come into his own at last. | |
5 | ||1:早在两位主角在这个反乌托邦世界里相遇之前,青豆和天吾这两条平行的故事线就开始交织在一起了。||2:他们都看见了一只黑猫和两轮月亮(一轮形状正常,散发着光芒,另一轮却形状诡异,而且是苔藓一般的颜色);他们也都知道小小人:那些小小人会不时从睡着的小孩口中爬出来,消失在床底下。||3: 两位主角是校友,而且,他们在十岁的时候还有过一次牵手。||4:想要重新拾回那个瞬间的渴望无法满足,渗入了他们两人的生活,而全书充斥着他们最终能在一起吗这个问题。 | ||1:Aomame’s and Tengo’s parallel stories begin to rub against one another long before the characters do.||2:They both see a black cat and two moons (one shiny and normal, the other misshapen and moss-coloured); and both know about the little people who emerge periodically from the mouth of a sleeping child and disappear under the child’s bed.||3:The two heroes were once at school together and even, briefly, held hands at the age of ten.||4:An unresolved longing to recapture that moment permeates both their lives, and the will-they-won’t-they question overshadows the whole book. | |
6 | ||1:最近沦为食尸鬼牺牲品的可能是俄罗斯的"福布斯-土壤"号探测器。俄罗斯此项探测任务雄心勃勃,准备让探测器从"福布斯"(火星的一颗较大卫星)上取回一块岩石样本。||2:该探测器于11月8日发射,但俄罗斯航天局工程师们很快便与其失去了联系。||3:截至本期《经济学人》刊印之时,俄罗斯方面已与探测器重建了一些联系,但该项任务能否挽回尚未可知。||4:尽管美国宇航局的工程师们都是理性之人,但他们也祈祷周六的发射会给他们带来些好运气,希望届时"食尸鬼"已经酒足饭饱,不会找"好奇"号的麻烦。 | ||1:The ghoul’s latest victim appears to have been Phobos-Grunt, an ambitious Russian mission that was intended to return to Earth with a rock sample from Phobos, the larger of Mars’s moons .||2:The Russian space agency’s engineers lost contact with it soon after its launch on November 8th.||3:Limited contact had been re-established as The Economist went to press, but it is not clear whether the mission can be salvaged.||4:NASA’s engineers, rationalists though they be, will be keeping their fingers crossed on Saturday, and hoping that the ghoul’s appetite has thus been sated, and that it will leave Curiosity alone. | |
7 | ||1:最近一个亡于"食尸鬼"的似乎是俄罗斯的"福布斯—土壤"。一个雄心勃勃的打算把火星较大一颗卫星——火卫一的岩石标本带回地球的任务。||2:11月8日,在发射不久,俄罗斯太空机构的工程师与它失去了联系。||3:本刊截稿时,他们已经重新建立起有限的联系。||4:尽管是理性主义者,NASA的工程师还是会在周六祈祷,希望"食尸鬼"的胃已经填饱了,而不去理睬"好奇号"。 | ||1: The ghoul’s latest victim appears to have been Phobos-Grunt, an ambitious Russian mission that was intended to return to Earth with a rock sample from Phobos, the larger of Mars’s moons . ||2: The Russian space agency’s engineers lost contact with it soon after its launch on November 8th. ||3: Limited contact had been re-established as The Economist went to press, but it is not clear whether the mission can be salvaged. ||4: NASA’s engineers, rationalists though they be, will be keeping their fingers crossed on Saturday, and hoping that the ghoul’s appetite has thus been sated, and that it will leave Curiosity alone. | |
8 | 在村上春树的新书里,他将一只黑猫、两轮月亮以及一群夜晚小小人拟人化。但他是否变得更保守点了呢? | A black cat, two moons and a host of nocturnal little people populate Haruki Murakami’s new novel. But has he become more conventional? | |
9 | “如果他们足够幸运的话,今年内将会发现这颗系外卫星,”西格尔说。 | "If they get really lucky this [discovery of extrasolar moons ] could happen this year, " Seager says. | |
10 | 1609年夏天,伽利略曾第一次用它观察了月球,之后他还观察到了木星的卫星和太阳黑子。 | Using it, he first observed the moon in the fall of 1609, then the moons of Jupiter, and sunspots. | |
11 | 1610年1月7日,伽利略·伽利莱对望远镜的改进帮助人类首次看到木星四颗最大的卫星。 | On Jan. 7, 1610, Galileo Galilei’s improvements to the telescope enabled humanity to see Jupiter’s four largest moons for the first time. | |
12 | 6月21日公布的卡西尼号飞船所拍摄的一张照片里,两个土星的卫星形成了鲜明的对比。 | Two of Saturn’s moons present a sharp contrast in a picture snapped by the Cassini spacecraft and released June 21. | |
13 | 从所有这些内容中确实可以学到一个教训,但它与奶酪、卫星和夸克毫无关系。 | There is a lesson to be drawn from all this but it has nothing to do with cheese, moons or quarks. | |
14 | 从现在开始有很多空闲的时间,这些老照片和旅行的记录,会让你回忆起过去那些美好的回忆。 | Many moons from now, these old photos and journal entries will ignite your recollection of great memories from the past. | |
15 | 但有时实在没有更好的方式来表达:《十三个月亮》真是糟糕透顶。 | But sometimes there is no clever way to say it: "Thirteen Moons " is awful. | |
16 | 对于这些幼童而言,唯一的让步就是墙纸,上面画着金色的星星和银色的月亮。 | The only concession to the tender age of these students is the nursery wallpaper, with golden stars and silver moons . | |
17 | 伽利略能用他的简易望远镜能够看清月球,这对于简单的现代仪器不是个问题。 | Galileo was able to see the moons using his basic telescope, so it is no problem for even simple modern instruments. | |
18 | 该理论阐述了多次碰撞,某种对地球的撞击,第二次是在双胞胎月球之间。 | Multiple collisions are theorized, some sort of collision with the Earth, and then a second collision between twin Moons . | |
19 | 该现象并非是针对太阳系而言的个别现象而是就所有天体而言的普遍现象,特别是针对星球表面大气层厚重的卫星。 | That’s not the case on some of the solar system’s other heavenly bodies, specifically the moons which orbit large gas giant planets. | |
20 | 根据美国航空局的数据,周五的满月预计会比今年其他时候的满月更大14%更亮30%。 | Friday’s full moon was predicted to appear up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full moons this year, according to Nasa. | |
21 | 光环和“土卫九”沿同一方向形成圈,而“土卫八”、其它光环以及土星的大多数其它卫星沿相反方向运动。 | The ring circles in the same direction as Phoebe, while Iapetus, the other rings and most of Saturn’s other moons go the opposite way. | |
22 | 航天探测器在太空时代早期就尝试撞击月亮和行星,但有时候是误打误撞。 | Space probes have been crashing into moons and planets since the dawn of the space age. | |
23 | 即便是已被降级为矮行星的冥王星也有四个卫星。 | Even tiny Pluto, which was demoted to dwarf status, has four moons . | |
24 | 尽管金星和水星没有卫星,火星却有两个卫星,更别提各有超过60个卫星的土星和木星。 | While Venus and Mercury have no moons , Mars has two, while Saturn and Jupiter have more than 60 each. | |
25 | 卡西尼号探测器从几十亿公里以外的太空将土星和其卫星的壮观影像不断传回地球来。 | From a billion miles away, the Cassini spacecraft continues to send spectacular images of Saturn and its moons . | |
26 | 类木行星的卫星上主要活动的是“冰火山”,它们之中有些还有十分强烈的活火山活动(如爱莪和海卫一)。 | Some moons of Jovian planets have cryovolcanoes, and some still active and very extensive, such as lo and Triton. | |
27 | 论大小,卫星可能要仰望行星;可是说到个性,卫星的锋芒可远盖过他们木讷的母星了。 | Moons may bow to planets in terms of size, but in character they often outshine their stolid parents. | |
28 | 目前已知,土星有48个卫星。其中的两个在此环形星球的照片上依稀可见。 | Two of Saturn’s 48 known moons are barely visible in this picture of the ringed planet. | |
29 | 那时,行星和一些主要的卫星承受着由重力造成的挤压加热以及巨大冲击造成的击打,这清除了它们许多的历史痕迹。 | The planets and the major moons have all been squeezed and heated by gravity and pummeled by giant impacts, erasing much of their history. | |
30 | 碰撞有可能发生在理论上存在的两个“原月亮”冷却的最后阶段。 | The collision would have taken place during the late stages of the theoretical proto-moons ’ cooling process. |