属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-名利赞 Celebration of the vani
1 | 敌视或破坏已建立的社会秩序的;行为违反被承认的社会惯例的。 | Hostile to or disruptive of the established social order; marked by or engaging in behavior that violates accepted mores . | |
2 | 第六条捐赠应当遵守法律、法规,不得违背社会公德,不得损害公共利益和其他公民的合法权益。 | Article 6: Donations should be made in observation of relevant laws, rules, and regulations; and must not transgress social morality, or impair public interests and other legitimate rights and interests of citizens. Article 6 Donors should abide by laws and regulations; they should not violate social mores , and should not work against the public interest, or any other people’s lawful interests. | |
3 | 电视对世界各地的社会传统有着不可避免的影响. | TV is having its inevitable effect on local mores around the world. | |
4 | 读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩:凡有所学,皆成性格。 | poets witty; the mathematics subtitle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. Abeunt studia in mores . Nay, there is no stand or impediment in the wit, but may be wrought out by fit studies | |
5 | 读书增进礼貌。 | Abeunt studia in mores | |
6 | 民风民德,以及个人道德中首要的因素是其连贯性。 | The essential element in the mores and in personal morality is consistency | |
7 | 那村子的习俗让人难以置信。 | The mores of that village are hard to believe. | |
8 | 上流社会的多数作家和典型人物所适应的贵族的习俗,对于绝大多数人显然不适用。 | Aristocratic mores , as adapted by most upper-class writers and exemplars, were clearly not applicable to most people | |
9 | 所有孕育这些事物的文明与文化都有等级之分,有不同的社会制度,语言和各种形式的艺术、宗教信仰以及不同的法律,不同的社会风俗,社会礼仪以及庆典仪式。 | All civilizations and the cultures that nourish them have hierarchies, social institutions, language, art of all kinds, religion or a system of spiritual beliefs of some kind, laws, customs, mores , rituals (other than religious)and ceremonies | |
10 | 泰皮人身体健壮,男女关系自由随便。 | The Typees are physically beautiful, relaxed in their sexual mores | |
11 | 通货膨胀,新生产区崛起竞争,燃料短缺,社会习俗变化,这一切使人们难以做出最好的选择。 | Problems of inflation, competition from new producing areas, fuel scarcities, and changes in social mores make it difficult to determine one’s best alternative | |
12 | 我们提倡弊绝风清,建设一个和谐社会。 | We advocate a harmonious society where corruption is swept away,and social mores are cleared. | |
13 | 五代至宋初四朝之士行与学风试论 | Treatise on the Elite Class and Academia and Mores of the Wudai (Five Dynasties)Till the Sung Dynasty | |
14 | 现代通信系统的起点是从萨缪尔·摩尔斯发明电报、亚历山大·格雷汉姆·贝尔发明电话、以及古格里莫·马可尼发明无线电报开始的。 | The basis for our modern system of communication began when Samuel Mores invented the telegraph, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, and Guglielmo Marconi invented the telegraph without wires. | |
15 | 一个好战的少数党因此利用传统的习俗和人民的不幸,制造政治动乱,因而直到现在,希腊的经济仍无法复苏, | As a result of these tragic conditions, a militant minority exploiting human mores and misery was able to create po1itica1 chaos which until now has made economic recovery impossible | |
16 | 与此同时,变化的社会习俗和人们对婚姻的期望值也在使人们开始重视长期的婚姻关系。 | At the same time, changing social mores and expectations have placed stresses on long-term relationships | |
17 | ||1:从很多方面来看,《高人一等》古怪透顶。||2:各章节常常跳过几年,丝毫不解释情节进展,除了暗示莫雷夫妇一帆风顺的成功,比如说,事实表明,这家人如今有了私人飞机,一班雇员来为辛西娅支持的慈善事业帮忙填写支票。||3:到末了,不免让人怀疑这对夫妇的巨额财富对两个长大成人的孩子有何影响。||4:不过,这要留给诸位读者想象,猜想眼前发生的金融危机对他们有什么冲击。||5:本书写得清晰明了,当代风俗与对话一览无余,《高人一等》足够有趣,道德上却模棱两可。 | ||1:In many ways, “The Privileges” is an oddity.||2:Chapters often leap ahead by several years without any explanation of what has happened other than hints of the Moreys untroubled progress, for example when it emerges that the family now has a private jet and that staff are employed to help write cheques for the philanthropic causes Cynthia supports.||3:At the end, doubts are raised about the effects of tremendous wealth on the couple’s two grown-up children.||4:But otherwise, it is left to the reader’s imagination to wonder what impact (if any) the impending financial crash will have on the couple.||5:Lucidly written and with a pitch-perfect ear both for contemporary mores and dialogue, “The Privileges” is entertaining—and morally ambiguous. | |
18 | 啊,时代呀!啊,风尚呀! | O tempora, o mores | |
19 | 更多的堡垒需要消失:如同人类学家一样,经济学家应当更多地去思考个人的决定如何与社会习俗相关连; | More need to disappear: like anthropologists, economists should think more about how individuals’ decision-making relates to social mores ; | |
20 | Quatremer先生告诫说IMF充满了“盎格鲁-萨克逊式清规戒律”,而法国则无力承担一场丑闻。 | Mr Quatremer warned that the IMF was infused with "Anglo-Saxon mores " and that France could not afford a scandal. | |
21 | 芭比诞生于纯真的20世纪50年代,她或许发现这个善变的时代已经越来越难以适应了。 | Barbiewas born in the innocent 1950s, and may find the mores of these changeabletimes hard to cope with. | |
22 | 不同的风俗、时尚、生活方式、异国风情都第一次被看到。 | Different mores , fashions, lifestyles and foreign lands were all seen for the very first time. | |
23 | 部长的回复是;“政府干涉并修改法律以适应不断变化的风俗,有时不如对该法律置之不理来的更有效。” | The minister’s response was: "Disuse is sometimes more efficient than (state) intervention in adapting the law to changing mores . " | |
24 | 此一变化所蕴含的传统礼教的「脱臼现象」,正暗藏着现代性的接榫可能。 | In the "disjointedness" of traditional mores latent in this transformation was located the potential for the joint to modernity. | |
25 | 但推动捷克这一举措的并非只是大部分人(的支持)。 | But the Czech move is motivated not only by mores . | |
26 | 对社会风俗的触犯。 | folkway an offence against social mores . | |
27 | 对于这个交通灯标示的想法被采纳,更加好地反映了当地以及那里的礼节。 | As for the idea of road crossings being adapted to reflect local mores and etiquette, Anorak approves. | |
28 | 房价水平,不仅取决于收入水平,还取决于社会风俗和财富分配。 | The level of house prices depends not just on levels of income but on social mores and the distribution of wealth. | |
29 | 官方公布的数据所反映的与其说是真实情况,不如说是印度的社会习俗,在一定程度上正是社会习俗使得官方对自杀秘而不宣。 | Official data tell us as much about social mores (the extent to which self-killing is concealed) as about what really happens. | |
30 | 即使以网络速度的标准来看,这种快节奏和中国微博的风尚也是令人吃惊的。 | Even by the standards of the Web, it was a startling demonstration of the rhythm and mores of micro-blogging in China. |