1 | 价值观,社会风俗,习惯,甚至视觉环境和沟通方式,看似都处于社会光谱相反的两端。 | Values, social mores , customs, even the visual environment and methods of communication seem to be on the opposite ends of the spectrum. | |
2 | 科学的最大好处是抵抗而不是强化伪装作自然真相的既有习俗,偏见。 | And this is also what allows it, at its best, to resist, not reinforce, mores and prejudices that pose as truths of nature. | |
3 | 穆斯林国家担心网络会侵蚀他们关于裸体和混交的保守社会习俗,也为之焦虑。 | Muslim countries, worried about the way in which the internet undermines conservative social mores on nudity and mingling, are twitchy too. | |
4 | 其他人说他们从中学习到了许多有用的知识,从时尚潮流的变化到医药科学。 | And others say they pick up useful knowledge about everything from changing fashion and mores to medical science. | |
5 | 全球文化的盛行毫无疑问是对任何当地文化和风俗有害的。 | The prevalence of a global culture is no doubt harmful to any local culture and mores . | |
6 | 然后,把同性恋纳入一个更宏大的话题中:过去严格的性道德约束不能完全适用于今天了。 | Then, make it part of a broader discussion about the perils of rigidly applying yesterday’s sexual morality to today’s sexual mores . | |
7 | 沙特是一个严格遵循伊斯兰教义的国家,宗教领袖对社会道德和政策制定都有强大的影响力。 | Saudi Arabia follows a strict interpretation of Islam and religious leaders have strong influence over policy making and social mores . | |
8 | 随着越来越多的女人愿意被包养,社会在变化。 | And With more and more women willing to play the game, social mores are shifting. | |
9 | 他们思想更加开放、更关注子女的未来,也更多地接受着抽象价值观而非传统道德的影响。 | They are more open-minded, more concerned about their children’s future, more influenced by abstract values than traditional mores . | |
10 | 他们指出,土耳其政府限制言论自由,并强迫接受穆斯林的社会习俗。 | They point to curbs on free speech and the imposition of Muslim social mores . | |
11 | 泰米尔的习俗禁止未婚和跨世袭人群之间的性行为(尽管夫妻间的强暴行为较少被关注)。 | Tamil mores prohibit sex between people who are not married and sex across castes (though they are less bothered about marital rape). | |
12 | 同样地,对大多数人而言宗教信仰、政治立场及性观念等话题也都属于个人隐私。 | Likewise, for most people, religious or political convictions or sexual mores are considered private matters. | |
13 | 外国公司的本地雇员懂得当地的生意经,也在语言和人脉上有优势,公司往往对他们倚靠颇多。 | Foreign companies rely on their local staff for an understanding of local business mores as well as language, contacts and know-how. | |
14 | 我们经历了一场经济危机、对银行家的纾困、恶劣的石油战争、对气候变化的漠视、和社会道德的沦丧。 | We’ve had an economic crisis, bailouts for bankers, a botched war for oil, neglect of climate change and the relaxation of social mores . | |
15 | 一份来自《经济学家》的报告显示,传统的习俗仍然发挥着很大的影响,尤其是重男轻女的思想。 | One report from The Economist says, traditional mores hold sway around, most important in the preference for sons over daughters. | |
16 | 影片也捕捉到了现今的社会风俗。 | It also captures the social mores of the present day. | |
17 | 远洋轮船Oronsay,就是一个漂浮着的20世纪50年代的社会风俗与阶级的缩影。 | The ocean liner, the Oronsay, is a floating microcosm of 1950s social mores and hierarchies. | |
18 | 在如今这个安全至上的新时代,乘飞机旅行限制了爱酒人士的旧习惯。 | In our new security-conscious era, flying is an operation that is inimical to the old mores of a wine-lover. | |
19 | 在西方国家,妇女在行业中是非常活跃的,但海湾地区根深蒂固的宗教和文化习俗使得性别成为一个非常棘手的问题。 | Women are very active in the industry in the West, but the Gulf’s entrenched religious and cultural mores make gender a tricky subject. | |
20 | 在香港的街道上,我觉得我身处的这个城市,依然遵循着道德和礼仪,这些让它成为全球社会的一部分。 | In its streets I feel I am in a city still governed by mores and even manners that are part of global society. | |
21 | 这些国家也摒弃了某些传统看法,但还没有采纳对于广义社会道德的个人主义的西方观念。 | so countries rid themselves of some traditional attitudes without adopting individualistic Western notions about broader social mores . | |
22 | 中国与任何别的国家一样,都有权采取行动,抵制它觉得冒犯了自身社会与文化习俗的内容。 | China, or any other state, has the right to take action against content it feels offends against its social and cultural mores . | |
23 | 自1960年开始,人们很容易获得可靠的避孕手段,这对性道德革命的爆发起了推波助澜的作用。 | Since the 1960s, the easy availability of reliable contraception has helped to spur a revolution in sexual mores . |