1 | 第二天,仍有许多穆斯林在清真寺的屋顶上避难。 | Sic. Next day, there were still many Muslims left who had taken refuge on the roof of the mosque . | |
2 | 杜伊斯堡,德国,2008年10月22日——刚落成的Merkez清真寺,也是德国最大的清真寺将于10月26日正式开放。 | Duisburg, Germany, October 22, 2008--The newly built Merkez mosque --the largest in Germany--is set to officially open on October 26. | |
3 | 父亲在家的时候,他命令他的儿子们跟他一起去清真寺。 | When Father was home, he commanded his sons to accompany him to the mosque . | |
4 | 该计划的营建商还未申请营建许可,不过即使他们申请也恐难获批。 | The mosque -builders have not yet applied for planning permission, and may not get it if they do. | |
5 | 该警官说,爆炸发生在拉塞尔清真寺附近的繁忙区域,现在还有许多人被困在碎石堆下。至少25所房屋和商店被毁。 | The explosion occurred in a busy area near the Rasoul mosque , police said, and a number of people were trapped under rubble. | |
6 | 根据CNN在总统演讲前发起的民意调查,70%的美国人反对在纽约世贸中心姊妹楼原址建造清真寺。 | According to a CNN opinion poll taken before the president’s speech, 70% of Americans oppose the building of a mosque near Ground Zero. | |
7 | 根据律政司,这些凌辱包括被蓄意杀害、清真寺被焚、以及从就业到就学等各方面的法律滥用。 | These range from homicides and mosque burnings to job, school and zoning law abuses, according to the Justice Department. | |
8 | 更糟糕的是,近日,在以色列东北部贝都因人聚居城镇Tuba中,虔诚的犹太人烧毁了一座清真寺。 | To cap it all, religious Jews recently torched a mosque in Tuba, a Bedouin town in the north-east of Israel. | |
9 | 哈桑少校一早还去了名为“大基林地区伊斯兰社区”的清真寺,他在那里做礼拜已经有三个月了。 | Major Hasan also made an early morning stop at a mosque , the Islamic Community of Greater Killeen, where he has worshipped for three months. | |
10 | 基本上没有人会怀疑建清真寺的法律权利,如果这就是奥巴马想要表达的,那么他根本就没必要说出来。 | Almost no one questions the legal right to build the mosque , so if that’s all he wanted to say, there was no need for Obama to speak out. | |
11 | 几个小时之前,部落地区的一个拥挤的清真寺遭到自杀炸弹袭击,这个清真寺位于通往阿富汗的一条主干道上。 | Hours earlier, a suicide bombing in the tribal region struck a crowded mosque along one of the main roads to Afghanistan. | |
12 | 教堂、寺院、清真寺或者其他礼拜的地方都可能需要你的帮助。 | Your church, temple, mosque , or other place of worship also may be able to use your help. | |
13 | 她在清真寺的部分工作是和教会一起共同来减少穆斯林和基督徒间的分歧。 | Part of her mosque work is with churches, lowering barriers between Muslims and Christians. | |
14 | 据基督教居民说,在上周,附近清真寺的一位阿訇进行了一场(狂热)的布道,煽动众人对基督教徒使用暴力。 | Last Friday, Christian residents say, the preacher at a nearby mosque issued a fiery sermon inciting violence against them. | |
15 | 坎大哈的副市长在清真寺做礼拜的时候让人给谋杀了。 | The deputy mayor of Kandahar was murdered while he prayed in a mosque . | |
16 | 可能你相信,如果去某个基督教堂、犹太教堂,或者穆斯林清真寺,你的灵魂将继续存在于另一个世界中。 | Perhaps you believe that if you attend church or a synagogue or a mosque , your soul will endure in another realm. | |
17 | 空中交通管制塔还让人联想起清真寺上的尖顶。 | the air traffic control tower suggests a minaret that can be found on a mosque . | |
18 | 黎巴嫩,贝鲁特:穆罕默德·阿敏清真寺一座宣理塔尖顶上射出一束激光,指向麦加方向。 | Beirut, Lebanon: A laser beam points in the direction of Mecca from a minaret of Mohammed al-Amin mosque | |
19 | 例如,穆斯林应该在清真寺还是市政厅结婚(或两者皆可)? | Should a Muslim get married in a mosque or a town hall (or both)? | |
20 | 罗马柱的一座清真寺,突尼斯,北非。 | A mosque made by roman columns, Tunisia, North Africa. | |
21 | 麦加,8月斋月,带医用口罩的沙特男子走过大清真寺附近的店铺。 | Saudi men wearing medical masks walked past a shop near the Grand Mosque in Mecca in August during Ramadan. | |
22 | 摩洛哥卡萨布兰卡的哈桑二世清真寺,尖塔高达689英尺,它是世界上的第五个最大的清真寺。 | The Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco, has the world tallest minaret at 689 ft and is the fifth largest mosque in the world. | |
23 | 内政部还说,附近的一座清真寺也受到破坏,伤者中有八位穆斯林。 | A nearby mosque was damaged and eight Muslims were among the wounded, the interior ministry said. | |
24 | 纳希和本地清真寺的阿訇在玩西洋双陆棋。 | Naci was playing backgammon with the imam from the local mosque . | |
25 | 尼罗河畔瓦迪哈勒法小镇的穆罕默德·艾尔哈桑当时正在从清真寺回家的路上,他拿出手机抓拍到了一些照片。 | Mohammed Elhassan, walking home from his local mosque in the Nile city of Wadi Halfa, took out his mobile phone and snapped a few photos. | |
26 | 你可以看到在这个清真寺罗马柱,突尼斯,北非。 | You can see roman columns in this mosque , Tunisia, North Africa. | |
27 | 欧洲的反对建寺者通常宣称,清真寺的数量比穆斯林人口数量增长更快。 | Opponents of mosque building in Europe often claim that the number of mosques is rising much faster than the number of Muslims. | |
28 | 清真寺不仅是穆斯林的宗教活动场所,而且也是他们进行各种社会活动的场所。 | The mosque is not only the institution of Muslim’s religious activities, but also of all kinds of social activities. | |
29 | 清真寺作为渊源于异域的伊斯兰文化载体,自其踏上中国领地就不断进行着本土性的建构。 | The mosque , as a Islam’s culture earner from foreign country, has been undergoing the localization since it entered China. | |
30 | 去年十一月,关于清真寺被毁的报告得出结论:该党的高级领导参与这次谋划了这次破坏行动。 | Last November, an inquiry into the mosque ’s demolition concluded that senior leaders of the party were complicit in the vandalism. |