1 | 玉米离体根尖的多层滤纸床液体静止培养方法 | Establishment of Liquid Culture Method for in vitro Maize Root Tip with filter-papers-bed and Motionless | |
2 | 在新闻发布会上,研究者们对它和它的思维能力的意义表示热切关注,但里科毫无兴趣,几乎一动不动地躺在桌子下直到一只玩具鳄鱼出现。 | As they enthused at a news conference about him and the significance of his mental skills, he lay uninterested and nearly motionless under a table--until a toy crocodile appeared | |
3 | 这只猫蹲着不动。 | The cat sat motionless . | |
4 | 只听见空气里有一声微微的叹息――其实,他们并没有真正听到这个声音,这不过是一种感觉,好象在静止的空间里即将出现什么行动的预兆。 | A sign pulsed through the airDthey did not seem to actually hear it, but rather felt it, like the premonition of movement in a motionless void | |
5 | 坐地日行八万里,巡天遥看一千河 | Motionless , by earth I travel eighty thousand li a day; surveying the sky I see a myriad Milky Ways from afar. | |
6 | ||1: 每一张画布都是一个“细节”,都有一样的标题“欧帕尔卡 1965/1-∞”。 ||2:通常,他一天写大约400个数字,一动不动地站在画架前。||3:他尽量少去旅行,也没有节假日,如果不得不出门旅行,他就写下“旅行卡片”,在普通的白纸上用黑墨水写下数字。||4:他完全地沉浸在这份工作中,有时在深夜绘画,在他所住的位于法国南部的山边,只有能听到远处传来的狗叫或鸡鸣, | ||1: Each canvas was called a “detail”, and all had the same title, “Opalka 1965/ 1-∞”. ||2: Typically he would paint around 400 figures a day, standing almost motionless at the easel. ||3: He tried not to travel much, did not take holidays, and if the journey was unavoidable made what he called cartes de voyage, continuing his numbers in black ink on ordinary white paper. ||4: The work became so absorbing, so meditative, that he would try to paint at the deepest hours of night, when only the bark of a dog or distant cock-crow would disturb the southern French hillside where he lived. | |
7 | ||1:她的幽默带着恶作剧的性质:在她克拉科夫的公寓里,她抽水马桶的座板是由透明塑料包住的棘铁丝做成的。||2:她发表的所有诗只有差不多400篇,当被问及为何如此之少时,她温和地回答道,这是因为她有一个废纸篓。||3:成功并未对她隐士般的谦逊造成任何影响,而她也永远不会将她的物质生活称为有趣。||4:当设想如果要拍摄一部影片,讲述一位诗人“极端无美感”的生活时,她说,“就是一个人坐在桌子边上,或者躺在沙发上,一动不动地盯着墙或是天花板。||5:偶尔这个人写了七行诗,15分钟后就又划掉了其中的一行,一个小时后又划掉一行,在那之间其他什么事都没发生。谁会愿意去看这样的片子?” | ||1: Her humour was mischievous: the lavatory seat in her Cracow flat was made of barbed wire encased in clear plastic. ||2: Asked why she had published so little—her entire canon was only some 400 poems—she replied gently that she had a waste-paper basket. ||3: Success left no dent in her reclusive modesty, and she would never claim that her external life was interesting. ||4: Imagine trying to make a film of a poet’s “hopelessly unphotogenic” life, she said: “Someone sits at a table or lies on a sofa while staring motionless at a wall or ceiling. ||5: Once in a while this person writes down seven lines, only to cross out one of them 15 minutes later, and then another hour passes, during which nothing happens Who…could stand to watch this kind of thing?” | |
8 | 奥皮海洋杀手是无声的狩猎者,惯于一动不动地趴伏在岩石峭壁上守候。 | The opec is a silent hunter, typically lying in wait, clinging motionless to rocky crags. | |
9 | 被闷在水下40小时以后,研究人员想称一下这些已经不再动弹的蜘蛛的重量,就把它们拿出来晾干。 | After up to 40 hours underwater, the researchers, in hopes of weighing the motionless spiders later, laid them out to dry. | |
10 | 当我回想那个年代,我们四个在林阴漫步的场景浮现出来,欣赏从玻璃般平静的湖水中反射出来的影像。 | When I think of that time, I picture the four of us wading in the shallows, admiring our reflections in the glassy, motionless lake. | |
11 | 规模巨大的伏尔加汽车制造厂的产品包括随处可见的拉达轿车。该厂装配线的传送带今年大多数时候都在趴窝。 | The conveyor belt at the giant Avtovaz car factory, which produces the ubiquitous Lada, has spent much of this year motionless . | |
12 | 过去曾经有一种荒谬的观点认为地球呈扁平状而且静止不动。 | eg, There was an absurd idea that the earth was flat and motionless . | |
13 | 毫无反应式。这种听者不给任何反馈,端坐不动,面无表情。你会感到困惑,我说话有声音吗? | The static listener gives no feedback, remains relatively motionless , reveals no expression. You wonder, am I not producing sound? | |
14 | 即使我们尽力挤出一小时去健身,这足以消化坐着不动的副作用么? | Even if we try to squeeze in an hour at the gym, is it enough to counteract all that motionless sitting? | |
15 | 她的腿蜷缩在红裙子下面,身子不能动弹,头偏向一边。 | She was motionless , legs bent below her red dress and head to one side. | |
16 | 她望望我,往她的椅背一靠,不动,也不出声。 | She looked at me, leaning back in her chair, and remained motionless and mute. | |
17 | 她这样待了一刻钟,眼睛盯在门上,不动,好象也不呼吸。 | She remained thus for a quarter of an hour, her eyes riveted on the door, motionless and apparently holding her breath. | |
18 | 静态混合器对气含率及滞液率的影响 | Influence of motionless mixer on gas holdup and dispersed phase holdup | |
19 | 据美国媒体报道,24日迈阿密街头出现了一批“美人鱼”躺在人行道上,一动不动。 | Some "mermaids" and "mermen" appeared in Miami Thursday lying motionless in the middle of the sidewalk, US media reported. | |
20 | 克拉克夫人躺在床上一动不动,一时间我都郁闷她是否还活着。 | motionless , Mrs. Clark lies in bed motionless, and I wondered briefly if she is still alive. | |
21 | 利用坚固的三角架和快门绳来保持你相机的稳定。 | Keep your camera motionless by using a sturdy tripod and a shutter release cord. | |
22 | 男孩一动不动站着,好像一只老鼠或花栗鼠知道有人在盯着它一样。 | The boy stood motionless , like a mouse or a chipmunk when it knows you’re watching. | |
23 | 陪审团宣读判决时,他坐在自己的两名律师中间,一动不动,满脸惊愕。 | He sat motionless between his two lawyers as the verdict was read, wearing a stunned expression. | |
24 | 冉阿让仍待在老地方,一动不动地坐在他的界石上。 | Jean Valjean was still in the same place, motionless on his stone post. | |
25 | 如果一个物体受到几个力的作用而仍然保持静止,那么该。 | and still remains motionless , the body is said to be in equilibrium. | |
26 | 身体的健康因静止不动而破坏,因运动练习而长期保持。——苏格拉底 | The health of the body for motionless and destruction, for sports practice and keep for a long time. --Socrates | |
27 | 虽然房子相对于地球表面是静止的,但地球本身却是运动着的。 | If houses are at rest relative to the earth surface, the earth itself is not motionless . | |
28 | 他躲在一根石柱后面,心惊胆战,唯恐那位姑奶奶回转头来,所以不动也不敢呼吸,眼睛盯着那孩子。 | There, trembling lest the aunt should turn round, concealed behind a pillar, motionless , not daring to breathe, he gazed at his child. | |
29 | 他久久地伫立着,凝视着面前的土地,一动也不动。他的手里提着一把小提琴。 | There was he, motionless as was pinned, his eyes setting on the land in front of him , a fiddle drooped from his fingers. | |
30 | 他看见了珊珊,珊珊一动不动,眼睛紧顶着海水中一条饥饿的梭子鱼。 | He spotted Coral, who was motionless , staring into the water at a hungry barracuda . |