1 | 〔2〕这里所说的“山”,即峨眉山,实际上是泛指中国西南、西北部的山区。 | "Mountain" here refers to Mount Omei in Szechuan Province and more generally to the mountainous areas in southwestern and northwestern China | |
2 | 1 .改良土壤、草地,开发荒山,以及充分利用自然资源的技术; | (a)technology provided to improve soil and grasslands, develop barren mountainous regions and make full use of natural conditions; | |
3 | ATM甚至还可以考虑到当前的驾驶情况,从而避免不必要的换档操作,例如:在停停走走的交通状况中,转弯时或行驶在山路时。 | ATM even takes into consideration the current driving situation and thus avoids any unnecessary gearshifts, for example in stop-and-go traffic, when taking bends or on mountainous roads. | |
4 | GPS定位对贵州喀斯特山区县级尺度土壤养分变异与空间格局研究―以务川县为例 | Study on Variability and Spatial Distribution of Chemical Characters for Soils in County Scale in Guizhou Karast Mountainous Areas-Wuchuan County as an Example | |
5 | T优207在辰溪县山区作中稻高产栽培技术 | High-yielding Cultural Techniques for T You 207 Planted as Medium Rice in the Mountainous Area of Chenxi, Hunan | |
6 | 阿富汗位于亚洲中部偏西南的内陆国家。绝大多数地区干旱且多山,农业为其主要产业;大多数矿产资源未被开发。自古以来阿富汗多次为外敌入侵,喀布尔为其首都及最大的城市。人口13,051, | A landlocked country of southwest-central Asia.Mostly arid and mountainous ,the country depends on agriculture;its mineral wealth is largely undeveloped.Since ancient times Afghanistan has been crisscrossed by invasion routes.Kabul is the capital and the largest city.Population,13,051,358. | |
7 | 安徽齐云山区蕨类植物区系研究 | Studies on the Pteridophyte Flora of Qiyun Mountainous Region in Anhui Province | |
8 | 半干旱退化山区灌草立体配置与水分调控研究 | Research on Shrub and Grass Disposition and the Soil Moisture Content Regulation in Semi-Arid Degenerated Mountainous Area | |
9 | 半干旱退化山区生态经济型防护林体系建设技术研究 | Research of Construction Engineering of Ecology-economy Protective Forest System in Semi-arid Degenerated Mountainous Area | |
10 | 北京山区生态林补偿项目管理机制研究 | The Research on Manage Mechanism of Beijing Ecological Forest Eco-compensation Project in Mountainous Areas | |
11 | 不同种源西南桦在云南景东的生长差异 | The Growth Difference of Different Betula alnoides Provenances in South Subtropical Mountainous Areas | |
12 | 柴达木盆地复杂山地采集技术及效果 | Acquisition Technique and Its Effect of Complex Mountainous Region in Qaidam Basin | |
13 | 长江上游山丘区土地承载力研究与评价-以四川省宜宾市为例 | Evaluation of the Land Loading Capacity in Hilly and Mountainous Regions in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze Basin-The Case of Yibin City in Sichuan Province | |
14 | 长距离山地管线土建施工及管理 | Construction and Management of Civil Work for Long Distance Pipeline in Mountainous Region | |
15 | 长三角地区高山台地双孢蘑菇错时高效栽培技术 | Cultural Flexible Techniques for high-yield and good-benefit of bi-spore Mushroom in Mountainous Tablelands of Yangtze River Delta Area | |
16 | 船穿过巨澜快速地前进。 | The ship tore ahead through mountainous waves. | |
17 | 但这多山的国土还有一部饶有兴趣的历史,这在很大程度上取决于位处欧洲心脏的崎岖的高山地形。地处欧洲的心脏。 | But this mountainous land has an interesting history, much of it determined by the rugged alpine terrain at the heart of Europe | |
18 | 地球的某部分比其它部分更容易发生地震。山地国家往往这样。山地区域构成地壳的岩层特别不均匀。 | Some Parts of the earth are more likely to have quakes then others. This is usually true of mountainous country, because there the layers of rocks which make up the earth’s crust are not at all even. | |
19 | 地统计方法在土石山区土壤侵蚀空间变异性研究的应用 | Advance in Spatial Variability of Soil Erosion in Mountainous Area by Using Geostatistics | |
20 | 第十九条在山区、丘陵区、风沙区修建铁路、公路、水工程,开办矿山企业、电力企业和其他大中型工业企业,在建设项目环境影响报告书中,必须有水行政主管部门同意的水土保持方案。 | Article 19 When the construction of a railway, highway or a water project is carried out, a mining or electrical power enterprise or any other large or medium-sized industria1; enterprise is established in a mountainous , hilly or sandstorm area, the environmental impact statement for the project must include a water and soil conservation programme approved by the department of water administration. | |
21 | 第十条 工人退休、退职后,家庭生活确实困难的,或多子女上山下乡、子女就业少的,原则上可以招收其一名符合招工条件的子女参加工作。 | Article 10 After retirement or resignation, when workers truly have financial difficulties in their livelihood, or many of their children have been sent working in the rural or mountainous areas, or few of their children are employed , in principle one of their children may be employed as worker. | |
22 | 东北山地灌丛鸟类多样性 | Avian Species Diversity in Shrubs of Mountainous Areas in Northeast China | |
23 | 东帝汶是一个山区国家,人口相对稀少,面积约为一万九千平方公里,人口约八十万人,每个家庭平均4.7口人。 | Timor-Leste is a relatively small sparely populated and mountainous country covering an area of about 19,000 km2. It has a population of about 800,000 people, with 4.7 persons/Household. | |
24 | 对浙江省“下山脱贫”工程的省思 | Migrating Out of Mountainous Area: A Political Economy Approach to Study Zhejiang Experience of Anti-poverty Campaigns | |
25 | 而在山区猎民中,则多祭山神和拟兽舞蹈 | In the mountainous regions, the people have more dances on paying tribute to the God of Mountain, and there are also many dances imitating various animals. | |
26 | 凡是到过山区的人都知道,越到高处,空气就变得越稀薄、越寒冷。 | Those of us who have been in mountainous terrain know that the higher up we go, the thinner and colder the air becomes | |
27 | 风景在海上掀起万丈波涛。 | The storm heaved the sea into mountainous waves | |
28 | 甘肃河西冷凉山区甜菜种子生产技术 | Reproductive Techniques of Sugarbeet Seed in Hexi Cold Mountainous Area of Gansu Province | |
29 | 高陡山区开采自然坡失稳分析的神经网络方法 | Neural Network Method of Analysis of Natural Slope Failure Due to Underground Mining in Mountainous Areas | |
30 | 高精度三维地震资料采集技术-以官渡地区山地地震勘探为例 | High-precision 3D Seismic Data Acquisition-Case Study of Seismic Exploration in Mountainous Area at Guandu Region |