1 | 山区土地利用统筹的途径研究-以北京山区为例 | Unified Land Use Planning in the Mountainous Area of Beijing | |
2 | 山区庄园式开发模式研究-以河北省元氏县为例 | Study on the Development Mode of Mountainous Manor--A Case in Yuanshi City, Hebei Province | |
3 | 陕南秦巴山区人口承载力研究 | Study on Population Carrying Capacity in Qinba Mountainous Areas of Southern Shaanxi Province | |
4 | 是流传于高原、山区、丘陵地区,人们在各种个体劳动如行路、砍柴、放牧、割草或民间歌会上为了自慰自娱而唱的 | Sung by people who worked in mountainous and hilly regions cutting firewood or grass, tending flocks or simply traveling to console or entertain themselves. | |
5 | 他们曾在人们称为特兰西瓦尼亚的山谷里逗留。 | They had sojourned in a mountainous country called Transylvania | |
6 | 他直接体验过落后山区的生活。 | He had a firsthand taste of life in backward mountainous areas. | |
7 | 他直接体验过落后山区的生活。 | He have a firsthand taste of life in backward mountainous area. | |
8 | 台州境内多山,天台山、括苍山、雁荡山,自北向南,三座大山像一把圈椅把台州团团围住,只把它的东面留给了波涛汹涌的大海。 | The mountainous Taizhou was surrounded by Tiantain Mountains, Kuocang Mountains and Yandang Mountains from north to south and open to the roaring sea in the east, resulting in its isolated situation in the ancient times. | |
9 | 太行山片麻岩山区前南峪旅游资源评价研究 | Evaluation on the Tourism Resources of Qiannanyu of Taihang Mountainous Area | |
10 | 铁岭市东部山区野生经济植物榛子营养元素地球化学特征 | Phytogeochemistry of the Wild Economic Plant Corylus from the Eastern Mountainous Area of Tieling, Liaoning Province | |
11 | 土家族舞蹈与山地耕猎文化关系初探―土家族民族民间舞蹈文化系列研究之七 | On the Relationship between Tujia Dance and the Ploughing and Hunting Culture in Mountainous Regions | |
12 | 威利瓦飑尤指见于麦哲伦海峡的一种从山区海岸吹向海域的强、冷风气流 | A violent gust of cold wind blowing seaward from a mountainous coast,especially in the Straits of Magellan. | |
13 | 温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)在复杂山区干旱监测的应用研究 | Monitoring Drought in Mountainous Area Based on Temperature/Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) | |
14 | 我很高兴,现在连山沟里的农民都知道科学技术是生产力。 | I am very pleased that nowadays even the peasants in mountainous areas know that science and technology are part of the productive forces. | |
15 | 我们乘公共汽车沿着山路前进。 | We proceeded by bus on the mountainous roads. | |
16 | 西部山区道路建设毁损土地的退化及其环境效应Ⅱ.川藏公路典型路段地区的土壤退化与土壤系统分类 | Degradation and Environmental Effects of Damaged Land by Road Construction in Mountainous Region, Western China: Ⅱ. Soil Degradation and Taxonomic Classification in Typical Section of Sichuan-Tibet Highway | |
17 | 西南山区水电站库区地质灾害模糊综合评价 | Geological Hazard Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation-estimation of Power Station in Southwest Mountainous Area | |
18 | 雪豹(产于亚洲中部山区,毛呈浅褐色或灰色,有黑色斑纹). | Snow-leopard (type of large wild cat of the mountainous areas of central Asia,with pale brown or grey fur and black markings) | |
19 | 岩溶山区供水钻井工程浅析―以黔北安场地区为例 | The Shallow Analysis for the Engineering of Siuplying Water and Digging Well in Karst Mountainous Area-Case Study of Anchang Area North Guizhou | |
20 | 野蛮的习俗仍流行于这一山区。 | Barbaric customs still prevail in the mountainous area. | |
21 | 一过淮河,种水稻,走山路 | South of the Huaihe the terrain was mountainous , and the people grew rice. | |
22 | 一些当地人迁到了岛上的腹地、山区,还去了爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士,在那里他们继续使用自己的语言。 | Some of the native population moved to the inland, mountainous parts of the islands, to Ireland ,Scotland and Wales ,where they continued speaking their own languages. | |
23 | 应用模糊多元决策于山区影像分类之研究 | A Study on Using the Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Process for Classifying Landsat TM Data in Areas of Mountainous Terrain | |
24 | 粤北食用百合的N,P,K配比施肥研究 | The Study of N, P, K of Edible Lily in Mountainous Areas in the North of Guangdong | |
25 | 云南高原山区土地利用及优化设计 | Land Utilization and Optimized Design of Plateau and Mountainous Areas in Yunnan | |
26 | 在此两山脉之间的是瑞士中部高原,它大约宽50公里,从西南到东北走向。 | In between these two mountainous areas lies the central Swiss plateau, which is about 50km wide and runs from southwest to northeast | |
27 | 在山区、丘陵区、风沙区依照矿产资源法的规定开办乡镇集体矿山企业和个体申请采矿,必须持有县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门同意的水土保持方案,方可申请办理采矿批准手续。 | Where a township col1ective mining enterprise is to be set up or an individua1 is to apply for mining, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Mineral Resources, in a mountainous , hilly or sandstorm area, a water and soil conservation programme approved by the department of water administration under the people’s government at or above the county level must be submitted before the app1ication for going through the approving procedures for mining operation is made. | |
28 | 在山区修筑公路确是艰钜的事。 | To build a road in the mountainous area was a real challenge. | |
29 | 在一些山村演出时,由于演出的场地狭小,观众又多在四周的坡地上,因此,演员要把面具戴在额头前,以便观赏。 | While performing in some mountainous villages, dancers have to put masks on their foreheads, letting the audiences who are standing on the surrounding slopes to see them clearly. | |
30 | 在这些偏远的山区,许多农民通过旅游业开发农产品市场。 | In these remote mountainous areas a great many farmers have developed markets for their crops through the tourist industry. |