属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国的健康保险 章鱼博士
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人类进化史 似曾相识
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Tainted love 堕落的爱
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人类的进化 似曾相识的你
1 | 这一堂课不清楚,把我给搞糊涂了。 | The lesson was not clear and it has muddled me. | |
2 | ||1:这纠结的结果可让美国的各路专家们犯了难。||2:如果哈奇被击败的话,他们大可以宣布茶党运动风头不减当年,如果哈奇大胜,他们又可以说茶党已经是昨日黄花。||3:不过很明显的是,茶党已经不再像2010年那么强大而不可捉摸了。||4:然而本来已经相当保守的哈奇,为了赢得选民芳心还是下了猛料。||5:在保守派游说组织“成长俱乐部”的评分里,他整个政治生涯的是78分;不过在2010和2011年中,他的评分分别是97分和99分。 | ||1:This muddled outcome puts America’s pundits in a quandary.||2:Had Mr Hatch gone down to defeat, the tea party would have been declared alive and well; had Mr Hatch sailed to victory, it would have been declared moribund.||3:Clearly, it is not as potent and unpredictable a force as it was in 2010.||4:Yet Mr Hatch, already towards the tanniny end of the Republican spectrum, has survived thus far by significantly strengthening the brew he serves his constituents.||5:His lifetime rating from the Club for Growth, a conservative pressure group, is currently 78%; but in 2010 and 2011 he scored 97% and 99% respectively. | |
3 | 但是,大部分的改革内容则是针对那些让人不解的怪症,即高额的额外费用同时又难以得到的健康保健服务。 | Mostly, however, the reform deals with the symptoms of muddled incentives: high premiums and poor access. | |
4 | 该时期属于古生物学上极其混乱的年代,大量化石碎片都很难归类到直立人或南方古猿身上。 | The period is an especially muddled one for palaeontology, being full of fragmentary fossils that are difficult to assign either to Homo or to Australopithecus. | |
5 | 书名丑事,暗含伽林和他妈之间注定的、暴力的结局。但是肮脏始终贯穿小说:诱人犯罪的表妹虐待伽林,并跟他上床;老妈对儿子是既爱又恨,恨的是他老爸当初怎么没把他射到墙上;最后是浑浑噩噩的伽林自己,一团糟。 | The dirt of the title represents the final, violent sequence between Galen and his mother. But filth lies all over this novel: the tantalising young cousin who abuses Galen and then sleeps with him; the mother who adores and abhors the boy she brought into the world;|| and ultimately the muddied and muddled mind of Galen himself.|| | |
6 | 这段时期令古生物学家一直很迷惑不解,因为所有的化石碎片很难确定到底是属于南猿还是直立猿人。 | The period is an especially muddled one for palaeontology, being full of fragmentary fossils that are difficult to assign either to Homo or to Australopithecus. | |
7 | 2011年上半年,股票、公司债券和美国国债的价格都呈现涨势。 | Through the first half of 2011, stocks, corporate bonds and treasuries muddled upward together. | |
8 | 巴拉克•奥巴马希望重新考虑美国混乱的援助计划。 | President Barack Obama wants a rethink of America’s muddled aid programme. | |
9 | 本周,欧元区的财长们在布鲁塞尔得过且过。 | In Brussels this week euro-zone finance ministers muddled along. | |
10 | 遍地垃圾,村中的民房也是布局杂乱,寨桥村这个靠近一个海岸线附近的大型发电站的村落,很难引起人们的注意。 | A rubbish-strewn, muddled assortment of houses near a huge power station on the shoreline, Zhaiqiao tends not to attract attention. | |
11 | 但是,党派和国家的利益总是被混为一谈——质疑EPRDF的公民被拒绝给予援助。 | Yet party and state interests are too often muddled , with benefits denied to citizens who question the EPRDF. | |
12 | 但是如果仅仅因为市场在这么长时间内都应付过去不能说明他们会一直如此。 | But just because markets have muddled through so far does not mean that they will always do so. | |
13 | 但在美国,涉及种族的法理很模糊不清。 | But America’s racial jurisprudence is rather muddled . | |
14 | 当理性的价值观念和复杂多变的情绪断联,人的思维就会产生分裂,从而导致判断紊乱。 | When your sound moral values and your fickle emotion are disconnected, your mind is divided and thus your judgment is muddled . | |
15 | 当然,小贩们少找零钱、与游客人群挤在一堆,有些令人生厌,但我还是非常乐观。 | Of course it is tiresome to be short-changed and muddled together with visiting crowds, but I am optimistic. | |
16 | 而政府和监管机构对金融危机的混乱反应就说不准了。 | That is more than can be said for the muddled response of governments and regulators to the financial crisis. | |
17 | 法律也许是一团糟,但是不管怎么样还是要打赌,即使是在赌博非法的地方也是如此。 | The laws may be muddled , but people are betting anyway, even where it is illegal to do so. | |
18 | 换句话说,他的句子乱七八糟,也没有什么要强调的重点。 | In other-words, his sentences will likely be muddled rather than emphasized. | |
19 | 既要实现货币一体化,又要保证金融独立,两者都要兼顾,导致现状一片混乱、进退两难。 | The status quo has been a muddled , halfway affair, combining monetary integration with fiscal independence. | |
20 | 假装的礼貌和混乱的信息:委婉语导引 | Phoney politeness and muddled messages: a guide to euphemisms | |
21 | 尽管希腊的债务问题殃及欧元区强劲,美国仍显示出稳定的改善。 | While Greece’s debt problem has muddled the outlook for the euro zone, the United States has shown steady improvement. | |
22 | 乱七八糟不完美的措施(问问这周被袭击教皇事件冒犯了的天主教徒)。 | It is a muddled , imperfect solution (just ask Catholics offended by this week’s pope-bashing). | |
23 | 美国国会出台了蹉跎已久的多德弗兰克改革法案,现已贯彻执行,可能会往这方面发展; | The muddled Dodd-Frank reforms, passed by Congress in America and now being implemented by regulators, supposedly go some way towards this; | |
24 | 你在太过关注发展的时候,你的视觉会混淆。 | Because when you’re too focused on improvement, your vision gets muddled . | |
25 | 你知道,我是一个有几分混日子的人。 | One has just sort of, you know, muddled along. | |
26 | 欧洲勉强出台一个妥协方案,谋求改革其能源市场 | A muddled compromise in Europe’s attempt to reform its energy markets | |
27 | 迄今,旨在解决这一政治谜团的政治努力,混乱得令人难以原谅。 | So far, political attempts to resolve this conundrum have been unforgivably muddled . | |
28 | 然而,即使抗议活动规模不大且混乱无章,对西方世界更广泛的愤激视而不见也是危险之举。 | Yet even if the protests are small and muddled , it is dangerous to dismiss the broader rage that exists across the West. | |
29 | 然而,如果说中国对“美元陷阱”的愤懑之情显得迷乱,那么,被摆上台面的补救办法则更缺乏条理。 | But if China’s frustration with the "dollar trap" appears confused, its proposed remedy is yet more muddled . | |
30 | 然而,在大多数情况下,这一改革都在应付糟糕的激励机制带来的恶果:高企的保险费和短缺的医疗资源。 | Mostly, however, the reform deals with the symptoms of muddled incentives: high premiums and poor access. |