属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-前阿富汗基地坎大哈省女权进步
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-有关官员称阿富汗儿童被带到巴基斯坦宗教学校
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-塔利班证实该组织领导人奥马尔死亡
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 美国总统奥巴马访问越南宣布全面解除武器禁运
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-巴格达集市遭遇汽车炸弹袭击67人死亡
1 | “啊,好毛拉啊!” | alas, good Mullah ! | |
2 | 毛拉深鞠一躬,跪在她面前,讲述了自己的故事。 | To her the mullah made obeisance, and, kneeling before her, told his tale | |
3 | 毛拉注视着她扔在河中的东西,很快就明白了这正是他惯常天天收到的叶子包儿。 | The mullah kept his eyes fixed on what she had cast into the stream, and in a little perceived that it was the very packet of leaves which he was wont to receive daily | |
4 | 塔利班领袖奥马尔 | Mullah Mohammed Omar, leader of the Taliban regime of Afghanistan | |
5 | 在国王建的神学校里坐着虔诚的易卜拉欣毛拉,他双手叠在膝上,正在那儿沉思默想。 | In the school founded by the caliph for the study of divine things sat the devout Mullah Ibrahim. his hands folded in his lap, in an attitude of meditation | |
6 | 这位毛拉想:“无疑,安拉的许诺是不骗人的,相信他的人一定不会上当。 | "Surely," said the Mullah , "the promises of allah are true, and the man who trusts in Him will not be deceived | |
7 | 坎大哈曾经是塔利班及其领导人毛拉·穆罕默德·奥马尔(Mullah Mohammad Omar)的权力基地。奥马尔在2001年美国领导部队推翻塔利班政权后消失。 | Kandahar is the former power base of the Taliban and its leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, he disappeared in 2001 after United States led forces ousted the Taliban from power. | |
8 | 穆罕默德·纳赛尔(Mohammed Naseer)希望他的儿子、侄子以及该地区其他几个孩子到奎达市学习穆斯林圣书古兰经。他的儿子穆罕默德·亚森(Mohammed Yaseen)今年只有九岁,但是亚森表示他很高兴自己要去奎达市。他的梦想是:“我想要成为一名毛拉(穆斯林宗教和教法的教师)。” | Mohammed Naseer wanted his son, a nephew and several other children from his area to study the Quran, the Muslim holy book, in Quetta. His son Mohammed Yaseen is just 9 years old, but he said he was excited to be going to Quetta. His dream: "I want to be a mullah [or a cleric]." | |
9 | 塔利班证实该组织领导人奥马尔死亡 | Taliban Confirms Death of Leader Mullah Omar | |
10 | 原塔利班头目阿赫塔尔· 穆罕默德· 曼苏尔(Mullah Akhtar Mansour)在阿富汗被美军无人机击毙。海巴图拉·阿洪扎达(Hibatullah Akhundzada)将成为塔利班的新头目。哈卡尼是一位强硬的宗教学者,曾是前塔利班头目曼苏尔的副手。 | In Afghanistan the Taliban named a new leader to replace Mullah Akhtar Mansour who was killed by an American drone. He is Hibatullah Akhundzada, a hardline religious scholar who served as Mullah Mansour’s deputy. | |
11 | 扎瓦希里似乎已经在一条网上录音中做出这一声明。该录音对曼苏尔取代最高领导人奥马尔表示支持。塔利班称奥马尔已于7月下旬死亡。 | The al Qaida leader appears to have made the statement in an online voice recording. The recording expresses support for the choice of Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour to replace supreme leader Mullah Mohammed Omar who, the Taleban said, died in late July. | |
12 | “我们不是为了让毛拉奥马尔重新掌权而战,我们不为哪个人而战,”一位来自坎大哈省Dand的中层指挥官说道。 | "We are not fighting to bring Mullah Omar back or for any individual, " said a mid-ranking commander from Dand, in Kandahar province. | |
13 | “我是塔利班军事指挥员”,他说,“我叫穆拉.阿提卡拉汉”。 | "I’m a Taliban commander, " he announced. "My name is Mullah Atiqullah. " | |
14 | 阿拉伯、波斯和土耳其的文学中讲述了一位名叫Juha或者MullahNasreddin苏菲教智者的滑稽举动,风趣而睿智。 | Arabic, Persian and Turkish literature feature a Sufi sage, known as Juha or Mullah Nasreddin, notable for buffoonery, wit and wisdom. | |
15 | 本拉登和毛拉奥马尔处于他们所占领的伊斯兰角落里的极端保守主义的对立两端。 | Bin Laden and Mullah Omar are at opposite ends of the ultra-conservative corner of Islam they occupy. | |
16 | 但为了驱逐外国军队,恢复伊斯兰教统治,莫拉·奥马尔的塔利班组织却使用国家解放运动的华丽说辞。 | But Mullah Omar’s Taliban has adopted the rhetoric of a national liberation struggle, to oust foreign forces and restore Islamic rule. | |
17 | 当奥马尔已不知去向是,他的坚定追随者还在顽固的留守着。 | While Mullah Omar may be long gone, his hardened followers are hell-bent on staying. | |
18 | 毫无疑问,美国媒体机器会把塔利班及其领导人奥马尔,描绘成本拉登的继承人。 | No doubt Taliban and its leader Mullah Omar will be morphed by the US media machine into a bin Laden stand-ins. | |
19 | 很多人认为毛拉奥马尔正躲在坎大哈或者赫尔曼德,其他人猜测他藏身于巴基斯坦的部落地区。 | Mullah Omar is thought by some to be hiding in Kandahar or Helmand. Others suspect he is in Pakistan’s tribal areas. | |
20 | 还有人送给他一个塑料袋,里面装着阿富汗的金块。一位毛拉开始祷告。 | Another hands him a Ziploc bag containing a chunk of Afghan gold. A mullah utters prayers. | |
21 | 即使塔利班的精神领袖奥马尔曾下令避免杀伤不相干人员,但是平民的伤亡人数还是在不断上升。 | Civilian casualties rose even after Mullah Omar, the Taliban’s spiritual leader, ordered insurgents to avoid killing bystanders. | |
22 | 即使在奥萨马本拉登死前,毛拉阿卜杜尔加木儿贾吉尔就忙得像个疯子。 | Even before Osama bin Laden’s death, Mullah Abdul Qayyum Zakir was working like a man possessed. | |
23 | 仅次于他的二号通缉犯是塔利班的头目毛拉·奥马尔——抓住他,美国悬赏1000万美金。 | The next most wanted figure is the Taliban leader Mullah Omar, with a $10m reward in the US for his capture. | |
24 | 警方说,他们在瑙谢拉逮捕了卡比尔。瑙谢拉位于首都伊斯兰堡西北大约90公里的地方。 | Police say they arrested Mullah Abdul Kabir in Nowshera, a town about 90 kilometers northwest of the capital Islamabad. | |
25 | 挪威当局(到目前为止)没能驱逐极端伊斯兰教士毛拉•克雷卡尔(MullahKrekar)已经引起骚乱。 | The failure (so far) of the Norwegian authorities to expel Mullah Krekar, a fractious Islamic cleric, has caused agitation. | |
26 | 他仿效阿富汗塔利班领导人毛拉·穆罕默德·奥马尔,并向他宣誓效忠。 | He modelled himself on the Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar, to whom he pledged loyalty. | |
27 | 我的消息来源告诉我,奥马尔已公开表示塔利班已认识到他们不可能仅靠军事手段而赢得战争。 | My sources had told me Mullah Omar had let it be known the Taliban recognized they will not win the war by military means alone. | |
28 | 我们向同桌的伊朗人问起房间角落的那个男人,一个毛拉,但是得到了令人吃惊的回答:“这个婊子养的,我不喜欢他。” | We ask about the man in the corner, a mullah , and are stunned by the reply: "He is a son of a bitch, and I do not like him. " | |
29 | 无论奥马尔现在身在何处,他肯定是难掩笑容。 | Wherever he is, Mullah Omar must be smiling. | |
30 | 现在巴基斯坦要否认塔利班领导人奥马尔住在其境内的说法恐怕就更加令人难以相信了。 | It is even harder now to believe Pakistan’s denials that the group’s leader, Mullah Omar, lives in its territory. |