1 | 一些塔利班首领甚至怀疑他们圣战的领导人和象征,穆拉•穆罕默德•奥马尔,也可能遭到了ISI的囚禁。 | Some leading Taliban even suspect that Mullah Mohammed Omar, the leader and symbol of their jihad, may also be in ISI custody. | |
2 | 因此毛拉想出一个计谋,他既要守信,又要守住自己的驴子。 | So the Mullah thought out a plan. He wanted to keep his word and also to keep his donkey. | |
3 | 在俾路支省(Baluchistan),政府军逮捕了塔利班在阿富汗的前任军事行动长官穆拉•曼苏尔•达杜拉(MullahMansoorDadullah)。 | In Baluchistan province, it arrested the Taliban’s former operations chief in Afghanistan, Mullah Mansoor Dadullah. | |
4 | 在后来的一次轰炸中,北约称其握有塔利班的人MullahAbdul-Ghafour,但塔利班依然掌握了该城。 | NATO says it got its man, Mullah Abdul-Ghafour, in a later bombing attack, but the Taliban still hold the town. | |
5 | 在某一天,下载毛拉·奥马尔和他的地方武装卫队在塔拉波拉的大山里的喋喋不休的录像。 | Once a week, download Mullah Omar and his posse of theocrats spittin’ mad chatter from their hideout in the mountains near Tora Bora. | |
6 | 在我们要离去的时候,那个毛拉走过来向我们表示欢迎,感谢我们访问伊朗,并说他为我们的到来感到高兴。 | As we prepare to leave, the mullah approaches us, welcoming us, thanking us for visiting Iran and saying he is glad we came. | |
7 | 在我面前的男人是穆贾希德,阿富汗塔利班领袖毛拉-穆罕默德-奥马尔的两个发言人之一。 | The man in front of me is Zabiullah Mujahid -- one of two spokesmen for the Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar. | |
8 | 在这种场面,说这样的话对卡尔扎伊先生来说已不新鲜,他早先邀请塔利班领导人穆拉·奥玛尔在喀布尔会谈。 | Such comments are, on the face of it, nothing new for Mr Karzai, who previously invited the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, to talks in Kabul. | |
9 | 在咨询了村里的阿訇后,贾马汗的一半的土地分配给了他的弟弟,另外一半由他的两个姐妹平分; | After consulting the village mullah , it allotted half the land to Jama Khan’s brother, with half to be divided between his two sisters; | |
10 | 这个意愿是有的。我知道卡尔扎伊的兄弟在沙特阿拉伯与毛拉·奥马尔或他的亲信见过面。 | There has been a willingness; I gather that Karzai’s brother met with either Mullah [Mohammed] Omar or his close aides in Saudi Arabia. |