1 | 30乘以5得数为150。 | Multiply 30 by 5 is 150. | |
2 | 9岁时,你已经有了为钱而工作的体验。只须把上个月重复50年,你就知道大多数人是如何度过一生的了。 | At 9 years old, you’ve gotten a taste of what it feels like to work for money. Just multiply your last month by fifty years and you will have an idea of what most people spend their life doing. | |
3 | B细胞一旦与某一个抗原结合时,就受到刺激并增生成一个由相同细胞组成的复制体,其中一些B细胞在辅助性T细胞的作用下会分化成分泌抗体的浆细胞。其它的细胞(记忆细胞)增生,提供长期的免疫力给抗原。 | When a B cell binds to an antigen, it multiplies to form a clone of identical cells. Some of these, acted on by helper T cells, differentiate into plasma cells that produce antibodies against the antigen. Others (memory cells)multiply , providing long-term immunity to the antigen. | |
4 | 变速齿轮放大发动机的转矩,然后通过传动轴将转矩传刭后车轴。汽车的后轮驱动汽车前进,而前轮则只用于掌握方向。 | The gears in the transmission multiply the torque from the engine, and send it back to the rear axle by way of the driveshaft. The rear wheels of the car push it ahead. The front wheels only steer. | |
5 | 变压器一种把电能从一个电位转移到另一个电位的装置。尤指一对多组缠绕在一起且互相感应的配对电线圈,通过电压、电流、相位或其它的电特性改变产生这样一种电能的转换 | A device used to transfer electric energy from one circuit to another,especially a pair of multiply wound,inductively coupled wire coils that effect such a transfer with a change in voltage,current,phase,or other electric characteristic. | |
6 | 病毒:微小、简单的传染因子,仅在动物、植物、细菌的活细胞中能够繁殖。 | Virus: Microscopic, simple infectious agent that can multiply only in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria. | |
7 | 不产生子代病毒;侵染的病毒在宿主的染色体内处于休眠状态,直到宿主受到某种刺激,例如紫外辐射照射,这时,病毒的基因组就离开宿主的染色体而开始复制,形成新的病毒。 | No offspring viruses are produced; instead, the infecting virus lies dormant within the host’s chromosome until the host is exposed to certain stimuli, such as ultraviolet light. At that point, the virus genome is removed from the host chromosome and begins to multiply , forming new viruses. | |
8 | 苍蝇大量繁殖。 | Flies multiply enormously. | |
9 | 从价按照房产原值扣除70%再乘以1.2%缴纳。 | Take the original value of the real estate and multiply it by 70%, then multiply that by 1.2% or: The tax payable is equal to the original value of the real estate*70%*1.2% | |
10 | 当要消去的因子是一个基矢量时,用另一个基矢量来点乘,以得到克罗内克尔记号。 | When the factor to be cancelled is a base vector, we dot-multiply by another base vector to produce a kronecker delta | |
11 | 定时截尾缺失数据下指数分布的参数AMLE | Amle for the Parameter of Exponential Distribution under Multiply Type-I Censoring | |
12 | 定数截尾数据缺失场合下双参数指数分布参数的贝叶斯估计 | Bayesian Estimation for Two-Parameter of Exponential Distribution under Multiply Type-Ⅱ Censoring | |
13 | 动物如得到较多食物,通常会繁殖较快。 | When animals have more food, they generally multiply [breed] faster. | |
14 | 动物如果吃得多,通常繁殖也快。 | When animals have more food, they generally multiply faster. | |
15 | 动物在食物增多的情况下一般会繁殖得很快。 | When animals have more food, they generally multiply faster. | |
16 | 对电力多经企业发展战略的思考 | On the Development Strategy of the Electric Multiply Management Enterprise | |
17 | 对于 SQL Server 6.5 数据库,则会将 Access 数据库大小加倍,并且在磁盘中保留这个空间。 | For a SQL Server 6.5 database, multiply the size of your Access database by two and reserve that amount of space on your disk. | |
18 | 对于干燥气体状态下的扭矩,请用1.6乘于这些数据。如果需要了解其他介质状态下的扭矩,请与我们联系。 | For torques using dry gases, multiply these numbers by 1.6. For torques involving other media, please consult the factory. | |
19 | 对于聚四氟乙烯阀座,请用2.0乘于表中的数据。 | For PTFE seats multiply the numbers shown on this chart by 2.0. | |
20 | 多买彩票,增加你中奖的机会 | Buy lots of raffle tickets and multiply your chances of success | |
21 | 多重不饱和化合物一般最好用IUPAC命名法来命名。 | Multiply unsaturated compounds are usually best named by the IUPAC nomenclature | |
22 | 发明对数是为了简化繁琐的计算,因为用幂指数的相加或相减可以等同于它们的基数的相乘或相除。将对数函数加进数字计算器和计算机后,这些过程就被进一步简化了。 | Logarithms were invented to simplify cumbersome calculations, since exponents can be added or subtracted to multiply or divide their bases. These processes have been further simplified by the incorporation of logarithmic functions into digital calculators and computers. See also John Napier. | |
23 | 繁殖子女数目增多 | To have offspring;multiply . | |
24 | 刚从前线拼杀归来的战士现在又开始为世界增加人口了。 | Front soldiers who have just returned from killing and destruction now begin to multiply the earth. | |
25 | 跟他学习的这么多年,他总在提醒我知识就是力量,而且钱越多,需要的知识也就越多。 | For all the years I studied and learned from him, he always reminded me that knowledge was power. And with money comes great power that requires the right knowledge to keep it and make it multiply . | |
26 | 共生的固氮菌侵袭宿主植物的根毛,并在此繁殖和促进根瘤的形成、植物细胞和亲密共生细菌的扩大。根瘤内的固氮菌将游离氮转化为硝酸盐,被宿主植物在发育中利用。根瘤中细菌的固氮作用在农业中有头等重要的意义。 | Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria invade the root hairs of host plants, where they multiply and stimulate the formation of root nodules, enlargements of plant cells and bacteria in close association. Within the nodules the bacteria convert free nitrogen to nitrates, which the host plant uses for its development. Nitrogen fixation by bacteria associated with legumes is of prime importance in agriculture. | |
27 | 合作伙伴关系帮助扩大了“交通安全,从我做起”的宣传效果。 | Partnerships have helped multiply the effect of the Safety Starts With Me campaign | |
28 | 厚度号数:美国量度一寸内有多少张纸的方法。是在标准压力下一寸厚的纸张页数。把这个数字乘2,就是每寸页数。 | Bulking number: American paper measurement of the number of sheets that bulk to 1 inch in thickness under standard pressure. Multiply bulking number by 2 to give pages per inch (PPI). | |
29 | 怀孕使得叶周围的细胞增加,分娩时释出激素,因而开始泌乳。在泌乳结束时,乳腺回复上几乎和怀孕之前一样的状态。 | Pregnancy causes the cells lining the lobes to multiply , and lactation begins in response to hormones released starting at the time of birth. At the end of lactation, the glands return almost to their state before pregnancy. | |
30 | 祸患已成,不和谐的事情越来越多。 | The harm is done, the dissonances multiply |