1 | 明代寺庙壁画 | temple mural paintings of Ming Dynasty | |
2 | 那个寺院里有一幅很大的壁画。 | There is a large mural in the temple | |
3 | 其舞姿和敦煌莫高窟壁画《张议潮出巡图》的仪仗中 | The dance movements are similar with a mural in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, which depict the patrolling scene of an official named Zhang Yichao. | |
4 | 峭壁. | a mural precipice | |
5 | 秦始皇陵据说有绘有日月星辰的穹窿。后来的君主们便模仿这种日月星辰的穹窿陵墓顶壁画。 | The tomb of Qin Shihuang is said to have a dome painted like the sky. Later emperors copied the idea of a sky mural for the roofs of their tombs, | |
6 | 犬壁冠状动脉及心肌桥的形态观测 | Morphological Observation of the Dog’s Mural Coronary Artery and Myocardial Bridge | |
7 | 十二指肠后壁穿透溃疡大出血的急症手术体会 | Experience of Emergent Operation on Duodenal Back Mural Ulcer with Hemorrhage | |
8 | 说得更恰当一点,粘液是壁状支气管粘液腺渗出的分泌物,呈胶粘体存在。 | Rather, mucus tends to occur as ropy strands of secretion exuded from the mural bronchial mucus glands | |
9 | 它不仅展示了十个朝代壁画艺术发展的脉胳,而且蕴含着十分丰富的形象资料。 | In the Dunhuang Murals, we can see directly the development of mural art over ten dynasties and get rich information about many aspects of Chinese culture and history. | |
10 | 唐代前期敦煌壁画的服饰色彩艺术 | The Color and Art of Dress in the Dunhuang Mural of the Pre-Tang Dynasty | |
11 | 涂鸦壁画涂鸦画家绘制的精制壁画。通常在墙上或废弃的建筑物上 | An elaborate mural painted by a graffiti artist,usually on the wall of an abandoned building. | |
12 | 我对壁画和岩画非常有兴趣。 | I am very much interested in the mural and rock paintings. | |
13 | 吴道子很受启发,即兴在天宫寺墙壁上画了一幅壁画 | Inspired by him, Wu drew an extempore mural on the wall of the Tiangong Temple. | |
14 | 现代壁画艺术中的材质之美 | Material Features of Modern Mural Art | |
15 | 心肌桥-壁冠状动脉的影像学研究进展 | Progress of Medical Imaging Study on Myocardial bridge-mural of the Coronary Artery | |
16 | 寻新起古今波澜―关山月临摹敦煌壁画工作的意义初探 | The Great Significance of GUAN Shan yue’s Reproductions on the Mural -Paintings of Dunhuang Art | |
17 | 虞弘墓所谓“夫妇宴饮图”辨析 | An Analysis of the Mural Painting of the "Husband and Wife Banqueting" in the Tomb of Yu Hong | |
18 | 在隋朝(公元581年至618年)和唐朝(公元618年至907年),中国社会在经济和文化方面有很大发展,壁画艺术更为精湛,风格和题材更加多样化。 | Chinese society flourished economically and culturally during the Sui(581-618)and Tang (618-907)dynasties. Mural art became more sophisticated, there were more difference in style and contents. | |
19 | 早期壁画用于陵墓,庙宇,圣所和地下墓地,常采用水平分隔和垂直轴线。 | Early mural decorations for tombs, temples, sanctuaries, and catacombs were generally designed in horizontal divisions and vertical axes. | |
20 | 这幅60英尺长10英尺宽的壁画是用丙烯颜料画在12块单独的木板上,然后集合组装在商业中心的建筑墙面上的。 | The mural (60ft X 10ft)is painted in acrylics on 12 separate boards and assembled in the market place | |
21 | 这幅壁画是根据巴里·奥姆斯比的原始设计,并由他主持有50名达勒姆郡人参加花了一年时间完成的。 | Fifty County durham people took a year to complete the mural which is based on an original design by Barrie Ormsby who directed the project | |
22 | 这是一幅唐朝的壁画。 | This is a mural of the Tang dynasty. | |
23 | 这些绘画通常包括壁画,画室画和油板油画,微型画,手稿图饰,画卷画,屏风和扇画,全景画以及现代画形式。 | Well, they usually include mural painting, easel and panel painting, miniature painting, manuscript illumination and related forms, scroll painting, screen and fan painting, panoramas and the modern forms. | |
24 | 中国现代壁画 | modern Chinese mural painting | |
25 | 重阳殿壁画描绘的是全真教创始人王重阳的故事 | The mural in the Chongyang Hall tells the story of Wang Chongyang, initiator of the Quanzhen sect of Taoism. | |
26 | ||1:世界电影史上最具传奇色彩(也是戏仿)的一张影像的灵感,来源于一座中世纪小教堂的穹顶壁画,这座小教堂在斯德哥尔摩以北半小时车程。||2:在这幅壁画中,有一具可怕的骷髅和一个身穿绿色长袍、头戴棕色帽子的年轻人,他们正在一个大棋盘上下棋周旋。||3:塔比教堂的这幅壁画创作于15世纪80年代。||4:在接近5个世纪之后,这幅壁画才变得活跃起来,当时瑞典导演英格玛·伯格曼执导了一部影片,马克斯·冯·西在其中担任主演,饰演一位麻烦重重的骑士安东尼乌斯·布洛克,电影讲述了他与死神摆下一盘生死棋局的故事。 | ||1:The inspirationfor one of the most legendary (and parodied) images in world cinema lies a half-hour’s drive north of Stockholm, up near the ceiling of a small medieval church.||2:A fresco shows a ghoulish skeleton and a young man, dressed in a green robe and a brown hat, hovering over a large chessboard.||3:The mural at the Taby church was painted in the 1480s.||4:It came to life nearly five centuries later, when it led Ingmar Bergman, the Swedish director, to cast Max von Sydow as Antonius Block, a troubled knight, and to pit him against Death in a chess match. | |
27 | ||1:雄士进入一座教堂,就像是伯格曼进入的塔比教堂,他发现在教堂中又一位画家正在为一幅可怕的壁画“死亡之舞”做最后的润色。||2:他想知道,画这些吓唬人的东西有什么用?||3:为了让他们思考,画家回答。||4:雄士说,如果他们进行了思考,他们就会更加惊惧,并信仰宗教以寻求慰藉。||5:雄士和画家喝了一桶白兰地,酩酊大醉。 | ||1:Jons goes into a church, much like the one Bergman entered in Taby, where he finds a painter putting the last touches to a grisly mural , the “Dance of Death”.||2:What, he wonders, is the point of scaring people like that?||3:To make them think, answers the painter.||4:And if they think, Jons says, they get more scared, and run to religion for solace.||5:Jons and the painter run to a barrel of brandy instead, and get roaringly drunk. | |
28 | 毕加索的壁画《格尔尼卡》堪称巨作。 | Picasso’s mural , Guernica, is enormous. | |
29 | 壁画的建筑理念 | The update concept on mural paintings with architectural design | |
30 | 壁画夸张了周围红塔的高度,那些塔实际仅有15层楼高。 | The mural exaggerates the height of the pagodas next to it which are actually only 15 storeys high compared to the skyscraper’s 72 storeys |