属类:文学表达-外国名著-ROBINSON CRUSOE
属类:文学表达-外国名著-THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伦敦巫术 激情犯罪
1 | 车祸的受害者个个都肢体残缺。 | The victims of the crash were all mutilated | |
2 | 从电视影片可见,Ahmedabad的救援人员正奋力清理颓垣败瓦,现场亦有小童支离破碎的尸体。 | Television footage showed relief workers struggling to clear rubble from demolished buildings in Ahmedabad, as well as mutilated corpses of children. | |
3 | 大部分注销的资料应加以毁损,以防止未经批准的转售他处。 | Most discarded material is mutilated or destroyed to prevent unauthorized resale elsewhere | |
4 | 当鲁滨逊在岛上度过大约22年的时候,他又有了一个令人震惊的发现。在原先发现脚印的海滩上,他看见了人骨头和支离破碎的人肉。 | When he has been on the island about twenty-two years, Crusoe makes another shocking discovery. On the beach where he first saw the footprint are human bones and mutilated flesh. | |
5 | 对英国人来说,值得庆幸的是英格兰银行有一个残钞鉴别组,负责处理那些把钱塞进机器或喂给狗的人提出的换钞要求。 | Fortunately for them,the Bank of England has a team called Mutilated Ladies which deals with claims from people who fed their money to a machine or to their dog. | |
6 | 对于车祸导致第二级第一类急性异常咬合合并双颚骨折及残缺齿列之颞颚关节疾患处置与齿列矫正治疗-病例报告 | The Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Orthodontic Treatment for a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)Inducing Class Ⅱ, Division 1 Acute Malocclusion with Bimaxillary Fracture and Mutilated Dentition-A Case Report | |
7 | 飞行员在飞机失事事故中残废了,现在只剩下了一条腿。 | The pilot was mutilated in the plane crash and now has only one leg | |
8 | 尖吻鲭鲨打着滚沉下去了,带走了鱼叉,而且已经把马林鱼咬得残缺不全,鲜血直流。 | The Mako rolled and sank, carrying the harpoon with it and leaving the marlin mutilated and bloody | |
9 | 她的胳膊在车祸中受了重伤。 | Her arm was mutilated in the accident | |
10 | 她在那次事故中致残,现在只有一条腿了。 | She was mutilated in the accident and now has only one leg. | |
11 | 老人用尽余力把鱼叉往鲨鱼身上扎去。尖吻鲭鲨打着滚沉下去了,带走了鱼叉,而且已经把马林鱼咬得残缺不全,鲜血直流。 | With failing might the old man struck the shark with his harpoon. The Mako rolled and sank, carrying the harpoon with it and leaving the marlin mutilated and bloody. | |
12 | 明知是伪造、变造、作废的票据而使用的行为 | act of knowingly using forged; mutilated or disused instruments | |
13 | 你作了这么大的改变,把故事弄得支离破碎了。 | You’ve mutilated the story by making such big changes | |
14 | 侵略者把俘虏的四肢砍掉,然後把残缺不全的躯体扔进沟里 | The invaders cut off their prisoners’ arms and legs and threw their mutilated bodies into the ditch | |
15 | 用刀片割坏的绘画 | Mutilated the painting with a razor blade. | |
16 | 有个疯子破坏了那幅画,在上面划了许多窟窿。 | A madman mutilated the painting by cutting holes in it | |
17 | 有人撕掉插图,把那本书弄得残缺不全。 | Someone mutilated the book by tearing out the illustrations. | |
18 | 有一个新近成了残废的人,用他仅剩下的一只手在坎肩兜里摸索,发现他的事故保险单仍旧好好地藏在那里,我一生经历中从来没有见过有比他脸上那副神情更为美妙的了。 | In all my experience of life, I have seen nothing so seraphic as the look that comes into a freshly mutilated man’s face when he feels in his vest pocket with his remaining hand and finds his accident ticket all right | |
19 | 约翰去找银行经理,经理把约翰的钱包和纸币的残留物送到英格兰银行在纽卡斯尔的一个专门部门--残钞鉴别组。 | John went to see his bank manager who sent the remains of wallet and the money to the special department of the Bank of England in Newcastle:the Mutilated Ladies! | |
20 | 这本药典的最后十二页被火烧得残缺不全了。 | The last twelve pages of this codex were mutilated by fire | |
21 | ||1:在2002年,他的第一个案例:在泰晤士河中发现的一名为亚当(Adam)的男孩的残缺躯体。||2:警方认为这是起巫术杀人案(见注释),这是一种南非部落习俗,取出人体器官以作药用。||3:霍斯金斯先生辨认出亚当实际上是一个尼日利亚部族的活人祭品(一个警方最初所不愿提及的术语)。||4:他给出的证据是受害人脖子上精确的切口和鲜血流尽的躯体—一种被谴责为juju(某些西非部族所用的物神)的“神圣”礼物,或者可称为西非的巫术。||5:杀死男孩的凶手仍未被定罪,但通过此次调查,警方却发现了一个偷运非洲儿童,卖到英国作为仪式献祭的走私集团。 | ||1:His first case, in 2002, involved the mutilated torso of a boy they named Adam, found in the River Thames.||2:The police thought it was a muti killing, a South African practice that involves removing organs for use in tribal medicines.||3:Mr Hoskins recognised that Adam was in fact a human sacrifice (a term the police initially recoiled at) by a Nigerian tribe.||4:His evidence was the precise slit in the victim’s neck and a body drained of blood—a divine tribute that is condemned as juju, or black magic, in West Africa.||5:The boy’s killer has not yet been convicted, but the investigation did uncover a trafficking ring that smuggled African children to Britain for such ritualistic abuses. | |
22 | 第1节. 股份证书。代表公司股份的证书应采用董事会决定的格式。此类证书应由总裁、秘书或法律和董事会授权的其他高级职员签字,并加盖公司印章。所有股份证书应连续编号或以其他方式标识。股票发行对象的姓名和地址、股票数量和发行日期应记录在公司的股票过户转让登记簿上。交还给公司的用于转让的所有股份证书均应销毁,且在相同数量股份的原有证书被交回和销毁之前,不得颁发新证书,但证书丢失、毁坏或残缺的情况除外,在此情况下,可根据董事会规定的条款和对公司赔偿方式,发出新的证书。 | SECTION 1. Certificates for Shares. Certificates representing shares of the Corporation shall be in such form as shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Such certificates shall be signed by the President and by the Secretary or by such other officers authorized by law and by the Board of Directors so to do, and sealed with the corporate seal. All certificates for shares shall be consecutively numbered or otherwise identified. The name and address of the person to whom the shares represented thereby are issued, with the number of shares and date of issue, shall be entered on the stock transfer books of the Corporation.|| All certificates surrendered to the Corporation for transfer shall be cancelled and no new certificate shall be issued until the former certificate for a like number of shares shall have been surrendered and cancelled, except that in case of a lost, destroyed or mutilated certificate, a new one may be issued therefore upon such terms and indemnity to the Corporation as the Board of Directors may prescribe.|| | |
23 | “这根本算不上生活,”托拉接着说,他穿着宽松短裤,露出了血肉模糊的左脚,这是经受了无数枪击的结果。 | "This is no kind of life, " Tola went on, his baggy shorts revealing a badly mutilated left leg, the result of countless shoot-outs. | |
24 | 3岁以下幼儿手指离断的手术治疗 | Microsurgical Operation on Mutilated Fingers in Children Younger Than 3 Years | |
25 | 当拉斯普京在1916年被一群贵族所杀后,一些史料记载他遭到了阉割,他的阳具被切了下来。 | When Rasputin was murdered by a group of noblemen in 1916, some accounts say he was also sexually mutilated and his penis was severed. | |
26 | 花岗岩残积土颗粒吸着含水率对液性指数影响 | The influence of the moisture content of granite mutilated territorial particle on fluid nature index | |
27 | 还被绑架,受酷刑;他们满是子弹,残缺不全的尸体被装进袋子消失在巷子里和贫民区。 | They are being abducted and tortured; then their bullet-ridden, mutilated bodies are dumped in sacks and left in alleyways and gutters. | |
28 | 她还表示,儿童们被故意弄残,从而能乞讨到更多的钱,这不是事实。 | She also said it was untrue that children were deliberately mutilated so they could earn more as beggars. | |
29 | 每往下挖一下,一个人头就会滚动出来,或者出现残缺不全的肢体。 | Every time a shovel dug in, a head would roll out or a mutilated torso would appear. | |
30 | 那里他们发现造物被分解而不完全,但是他们也遇到了他们唯一喜欢仰慕的价值,即人与他的沉默。 | There they find the creature mutilated , but they also encounter there the only values they like and admire, man and his silence. |