属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生命的终点 The end of the line
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-回到原点的银行 Bank to square one
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生物技术专利 自然正义
1 | 突然涌来的民工潮给当地政府带来许多意想不到的困难 | The sudden influx of rural labourers has caused a myriad of unexpected trouble to the local government | |
2 | 万人牙膏大赠送,本市牙膏推销活动的惊人之举。 | Presentation of tooth-paste to a myriad of people is an astonishing act in promoting tooth-paste in this city. | |
3 | 网际网络和与网际网络有关的产品和企业正在不断繁衍,而大量新的词汇、术语和概念将随着出现。 | With the proliferation of Internet and Internet-related products and businesses, we can expect a myriad of new phrases, terminology and concepts. | |
4 | 我感到很高兴,因为杰出人才计划将给予这些年轻人荣誉,使他们一展风采。他们冷对嘲讽,不畏巨大的困难,并证明他们可以成为最佳的(卡尔·T·劳恩)。 | I feel great because Project Excellence is going to honor,to showcase,these youngsters who have risen above ridicule,hung in against myriad handicaps,and shown that they can be the best(Carl T.Rowan. | |
5 | 我花了3个星期做大量准备工作。 | I had three weeks to make a myriad of arrangements. | |
6 | 我能参加这样的盛会,真是百感交集,思绪万千。 | That I have been able to attend such a grand meeting fills my mind with a myriad of thoughts and ideas. | |
7 | 我也相信,我也会成为一个有瘾的橱窗浏览者,因为看那陈列的无数美好的商品一定是赏心悦目之事。 | And I am convinced, too, that I should become an inveterate window shopper, for it must be a delight to the eye to view the myriad articles of beauty on display | |
8 | 无数的星星. | a myriad of stars | |
9 | 夏季,瀑布激起的水雾,在阳光下化作一道五彩缤纷的长虹,飞跨山间,美丽的彩虹与白瀑辉映,分外绮丽壮观 | In summer, the waterfall splashes itself down into myriad of sprays, which turns into a colorful rainbow in the glittering sunshine. The golden rainbow, against the white splashes, rushes down the mountain cliff in splendid radiance | |
10 | 一个英雄吸引了公众的想像力,几个世纪以后,我们看到的是大量的关于他的历史和神秘的故事,这是世界上所有人的共同遗产。 | A hero captures the imagination of the public, and centuries later, we see a myriad of historical and mythical stories that are the common heritage of everyone on earth. | |
11 | 因为在一个国家内并存着无数种不同的价值观和文化,所以要辨别这些不同的模式比较困难。 | Because a myriad of different values and cultures coexist within a country, these patterns are difficult to identify. | |
12 | 由于人类进行选择育种,育出了许多品种,可从多方面来区分︰大小(小型的奇瓦瓦狗到大型的獒犬) | Selective breeding by humans has resulted in myriad domestic breeds that vary widely in size (from the tiny Chihuahua to the huge mastiff) | |
13 | 由于实行了承包制,农村里的万元户层出不穷 | Quite a number of myriad yuan households have sprung up in the rural areas thanks to the contract responsibility system | |
14 | 在那个花花世界里,他总是一尘不染。 | He was always pure-hearted in that dazzling world with its myriad temptations. | |
15 | 这个协会各方面的活动. | the myriad activities of the society | |
16 | 这里,日出时气象万千,不同凡响 | Here indeed the rising sun brings with it a myriad of phantasmagoric changes of light and colour | |
17 | 这里高楼林立,夹道成荫,草坪花圃,点缀其间。 | Here, a myriad of tall buildings shelter the streets from the sun, while lawns and parks dot the city. | |
18 | 置之于万万人中,其聪俊灵秀之气,则在万万人之上,其乖僻邪谬不近人情之态,又在万万人之下. | The pure intelligence with which they are endowed sets them above their myriad fellow creatures, but their perversity and unnatural behaviour sink them lower than other men too. | |
19 | 纵有千难万险,也挡不住英勇的探险队员。 | Even though there are myriad hardships and hazards, they can’t stop the dauntless explorers | |
20 | 坐地日行八万里,巡天遥看一千河 | Motionless, by earth I travel eighty thousand li a day; surveying the sky I see a myriad Milky Ways from afar. | |
21 | ||1:本杰明·富兰克林曾沉思,“在这个世界上,除了死亡和税收,没有什么是确定无疑的”。||2:面对死亡,人类至少已经想过无数种方式来应对这一无法回避的现实,从安置尸体的实际操作到失去所爱的悲痛之心。||3:金融时报撰稿人Sarah Murray曾游历世界各地,在她的新书《退出》中探索了不同文化背景的人们是如何举行葬礼以纪念逝者。 | ||1:“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” mused Benjamin Franklin.||2:With death, at least, humans have devised myriad ways to deal with the inevitable, from the practicalities of disposing the body to the grief of losing a loved one.||3:In her new book “Making an Exit”, Sarah Murray, a contributor to the Financial Times, travels the globe to discover how different cultures conduct funeral rites and honour the dead. | |
22 | ||1:但是这些对于莫里斯远远不够,这样一个大银行里他还是觉得不舒服。||2:在2007年初,尽管经济前景不乐观,他依然选择离开并创建自己的银行。||3:在开业后的第一天,莫里斯赢得了希尔顿酒店从黑石集团260亿美元的收购要约——买断热潮中最大的一笔交易。||4:随着经济衰退的确立,对“精品”银行的中立意见的需求增加,但是那些有着众多顾客和巨额自营交易(译者注:公司为赚取直接收益,而不是佣金的交易。具体来说,指公司决定通过直接市场交易,而不是通过赚取处理买卖的佣金而获利)的投行巨头们却很难提供。 | ||1: That was not enough for Mr Moelis, who says he still felt uncomfortable at such a big bank. ||2: In early 2007, despite the worsening economic outlook, he left to set up a bank of his own. ||3: A day after opening Moelis & Company he won the job of advising Hilton Hotels on a $26 billion takeover bid from Blackstone Group—one of the biggest deals of the buy-out boom. ||4: As the recession took hold, demand grew for the impartial advice that “boutique” banks offered but that the giants, with their myriad customers and huge proprietary-trading operations, struggle to provide. | |
23 | ||1:各种色彩的伊斯兰武装分子已经成长为主导叙利亚的反叛联盟。||2:外界对圣战者的支持大多来自私人捐助以及海湾地区的网络,而西方政府则直接向他们认可的对手,温和的派别断断续续的支持,前者被证明更可靠。||3:甚至一些审查的武装分子都希望建立一个伊斯兰国家,但是都是悄悄地说,以免引起非伊斯兰教兄弟联盟,更不要说叙利亚无数的非逊尼派穆斯林少数民族。||4:一个反对派成员表示,作出公开决定的部分原因是埃及。||5:埃及的争辩推翻了穆兄会的穆罕默德穆尔西,表明嘴皮子民主没什么用。 | ||1:Islamist fighters of varying hues have grown to dominate Syria’s mosaic of rebel groups.||2:Outside support for jihadists, which comes mostly from private donors and networks in the Gulf, has proven more reliable than the stop-start flow that foreign governments direct to milder-mannered, Western-approved rivals.||3:Even some vetted fighters have long espoused the creation of an Islamic state, but quietly so as not to worry non-Islamist brothers-in-arms—let alone Syria’s myriad non-Sunni Muslim minorities.||4:The decision to go public is in part down to Egypt, says one rebel man.||5:The coup that ousted Muhammad Morsi, a Muslim Brother, showed that there is nothing to gain from paying lip service to democracy. | |
24 | ||1:为了理解一夫一妻制的偏向,邓巴博士带领读者体味了爱的各种感觉,从初坠爱河时忘乎所以,呼吸困难的兴奋,到义无反顾地维持家庭关系,再到遭到背叛时的心如刀割。||2:纵观全书,邓巴的高超之处在于利用人们常见且熟悉的信息——男人偏好曲线玲珑的女人;女人喜欢舞技出众的男人;年龄稍大的女人很少在征友专栏揭露自己的年龄——同时解释了这些现象背后复杂且常出人意料的进化科学。 | ||1:To understand this predisposition for monogamy, he takes readers through the myriad feelings of love, from the heady, breathless exhilaration of falling, to the stubborn persistence of familial affection, to the bitterness of betrayal.||2:Throughout the book Dr Dunbar excels at taking obvious and familiar information—men prefer curvy women; women prefer men who dance well; older women rarely reveal their ages in lonely-hearts columns—and explaining the complex and often unexpected evolutionary science that lies behind it all. | |
25 | 案件起源于美国分子病理学学会与其他利益相关方—由来自美国民权同盟的律师代表—联名起诉麦利亚德基因公司,该生物技术公司持有名为BRCA1 和 BRCA2的两个人类乳腺癌基因专利。 | It pits America’s Association for Molecular Pathology and various other interested parties—represented by lawyers from the American Civil Liberties Union—against Myriad Genetics, a biotechnology firm that holds patents on two human genes, called BRCA1 and BRCA2. | |
26 | 10多万名从前的战士解除武装,无数团体进行了一些项目力图使这些人的生活回归正轨。 | More than 100, 000 former combatants have been disarmed and myriad organisations run projects to reintegrate them into civilian life. | |
27 | API开放它们的数据和服务的企业为应用程序开发人员提供创建无数新的应用程序的砖块。 | Businesses that expose their data or services via an API provide the building blocks for developers to use in creating myriad new apps. | |
28 | 澳大利亚以种类繁多的致命生物而闻名,但花生般大小的伊鲁坎吉水母仍旧是一种很神秘的物种。 | Australia is well-known for its myriad deadly creatures, but the peanut-sized Irukandji remains rather mysterious. | |
29 | 澳洲的干旱内陆显示红色斑斓(最下图)。 | Australia’s arid interior is colored myriad shades of red (bottom photograph). | |
30 | 比如中国有大量方言,同一个汉字可能会被以无数种方式来发音。 | In China, for example, where a number of different dialects are spoken, the same character can be pronounced in myriad ways. |