1 | 不论是雅虎还是微软,或者其它初创公司,都没有在搜索广告领域对Google造成威胁,AdWords依然一家独大。 | Neither Yahoo nor Microsoft, nor any of the myriad of search startups, has made a dent in search advertising. AdWords reigns supreme. | |
2 | 不同文化有不同表达爱的词汇.粗略估计有些多达10个以上。诗人(poets)和歌词作者总能找到无数赞美爱(lovetocelebrate)的语言。 | Some cultures have ten or more words for different forms of love, and poets and songwriters always find myriad aspects of love to celebrate. | |
3 | 创造生命以及大量没那么引人注目的科学进步所开创的这种技术,人们称为合成生物学,具有非常广阔的发展前景。 | Synthetic biology, as the technology that this and myriad less eye-catching advances are ushering in has been dubbed, promises much. | |
4 | 从OSX到iOS,人们对于滚动、缩放以及无数其他动作都已谙熟于心。 | From OS X to iOS, people know the motions for scrolling, for zooming and a myriad of other actions. | |
5 | 从那以后,他们又立了无数条方案来保护环境并同时提供开发的空间。 | Since then there have been myriad schemes to protect the environment and accommodate growth; | |
6 | 但是米亚德公司拒绝她采用保险付费的计划,而由她自己负担检查费用的话,就大大超出她能力所及。 | But Myriad has refused to work with her insurance plan, and paying for the test herself is beyond her means. | |
7 | 但微波段的超材料可能具有各种实际用途。 | But metamaterials for microwaves could have myriad practical uses. | |
8 | 当然,有这种极端控制欲的人是占少数。可是,我们经常采取操纵和胁迫的形式不胜枚举。 | Though few of us are this radically controlling, we often use myriad forms of manipulation and coercion. | |
9 | 当万物突然恢复沉默的时候,有无数微小的声音从大地升起。 | In the universe suddenly restored to its silence, the myriad wondering little voices of the earth rise up. | |
10 | 第二,加强对相互依赖成年人的不同关系的种种价值的关注。 | Second, strengthen our focus on the myriad values of diverse relationships between interdependent adults. | |
11 | 第一,科技进步让大量的网络商务创意实现起来更加简单和廉价。 | First, technological progress has made it much simpler and cheaper to try out myriad bright ideas for online businesses. | |
12 | 对于云来说,它的挑战是如何连接其中浩如烟海的数据,并靠它们赚钱。 | The big challenge of the cloud will be to connect the myriad data in it and make them profitable. | |
13 | 多年来,无数关于Trump的简介都声称Trump是68年商学院的“班级第一”。 | Over the years, myriad profiles of Trump have claimed that he was "first in his class" at Wharton in 1968. | |
14 | 俄罗斯正尽力解决无数的导致人口预期寿命低于60岁的健康和社会问题。 | And Russia is grappling with myriad health and social problems that have reduced the average life expectancy for men to 60. | |
15 | 而原有的搅拌装置粘稠度高于5万毫帕斯卡就有搅拌不均匀的现象。 | The original stirring devices have the phenomenon of non-uniform stirring when the viscosity is higher than 5 myriad milli-Pa. | |
16 | 浮游植物种类繁多,对海洋生命极其重要 | Phytoplankton in its myriad varieties is essential for life in the oceans | |
17 | 该诉讼由巨数遗传公司发起,这家公司想给两组能够预测乳腺及卵巢癌风险的基因申请专利。 | The case was brought by Myriad Genetics, which wants to patent two genes that help forecast the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. | |
18 | 高师院校文科综合班班级文化构建是多种因素整合的过程。 | The building of culture of comprehensive classes of liberal arts for middle school teachers is an integration of myriad factors. | |
19 | 国家和由适当比例的代表选出的议会经常被无数的政治组织所厌恶。 | Countries with parliaments elected by proportional representation are often cursed with myriad political groups. | |
20 | 很多年前,男女间的化学反应曾经在美国风靡一时,但最终在美国消失,没落在女权运动中。 | It’s chemistry that once prevailed many years ago in the United States and has been lost in the myriad of women rights in American society. | |
21 | 很多也门人一直敬畏萨利赫通过监禁和贿赂无数的部落。能够保持也门这么长时间。 | Many Yemenis still respect Mr Saleh for holding the country together for so long, by juggling and paying off its myriad tribes. | |
22 | 宏观(视野?)的基本概念是将无数的自然数据链结成更大的可读格式。 | The basic idea of a macroscope is to link myriad bits of natural data into a larger, readable pattern. | |
23 | 回想在西班牙的徒步旅行,我没完没了地看到这样的情景。 | Back on the hiking trail in Spain, I saw this play out in myriad ways. | |
24 | 即使在中国,政府出台的措施也是铺天盖地,其中燃料——节约条例中规定的指标比美国的相关法规要严格20%。 | Even China has brought in a myriad of measures, including fuel-economy rules 20% tighter than America’s. | |
25 | 今天,istockphoto提供的照片有各种价目并且已有更加稳健摄影师委员会架构。 | Today, iStockphoto offers photos at a myriad of price points and has a more robust photographer commission structure. | |
26 | 金樽清酒斗十千,玉盘珍馐值万钱。 | Limpid wine in golden goblets worth ten thousand coppers a bushel; Dainty food on jade plates cost a myriad coins. | |
27 | 尽管变化出来的种类无数,有一点却是共通的:所有摩闪酒的销售几乎都不缴税,因而是非法的。 | But despite the myriad variations, one common trait is that it is almost always sold tax-free and therefore illegally. | |
28 | 尽管在厨房世界里它的用途非常广泛,你也可以猜测它最合适的用途是制作竹子酒。 | Despite its myriad of uses within the culinary world, it’s safe to assume that bamboo’s most appropriate use is in making bamboo beer. | |
29 | 军队再也不能从各种商业活动中肆意扩充它的正式预算了。 | Nor can the army any longer supplement its official budget so lucratively with the income from myriad businesses. | |
30 | 科学的原因是它们能分化为人体无数细胞类型的任何一种,这就是它们将能被使用到的方式。 | The scientific reason is that they are able to turn into any of the body’s myriad cell types, which is why they might be used in this way. |