属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-刚果的银行业 木船运钞
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-儿童智力发展 睡前故事
属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-印度军队推特发布“雪人”足迹
1 | 在这一届电影节上,日本电影制作人北野武的《座头市》(讲述一个传说的盲剑客的影片)和丹尼斯·阿坎德的《残酷的进攻》获得最高奖项。 | Japanese filmmaker Takeshi Kitanos Zatoichi the story of a mythical blind swordsmanand Denys Arcands The Barbarian Invasionstook top awards at the Festival | |
2 | 战国时期楚国宋玉的《高唐赋》是三峡神话故事的典型。它叙述了这样一个故事 | A typical mythical story about the Three Gorges is the one by Song Yu of the Kingdom of Chu of the Warring States Period entitled Rhapsodies of Gaotang Peak which runs as follows | |
3 | 张承志小说的神话品质初探 | A Research into the Mythical Qualities of Zhang Chengzhi’s Novels | |
4 | 这位圣人(许多学者认为他是一个神秘人物)是道家著名的创始人,道家和孔子所创立的儒家一起统治中国的宗教和哲学达2500年左右。 | This sage (whom some scholars regard as a mythical character)is the reputed founder of Taoism, which alongside confucianism has been a Chinese religion and philosophy for about 2,500 years | |
5 | ||1:奸夫、变态、叛徒、杀人犯。||2:1793年,在法国没有哪个女人比玛丽亚·安东尼特更受到无情的诽谤。||3:政治小册子散布有关她堕落的毫无根据的谣言。||4:一些画显示了她与多个情人在一起,有男有女。||5:另一些人把她描绘成一个大雕,一个臭名昭著的令人讨厌的神话野兽,一半是猛禽,一半是女人。||6:这种诽谤达到了政治目的。||7:推翻君主制的革命者们想在砍下前女王的头之前败坏她的名声。 | ||1:Adulterer, pervert, traitor, murderer.||2:In France in 1793, no woman was more relentlessly slandered than Marie Antoinette.||3:Political pamphlets spread baseless rumours of her depravity.||4:Some drawings showed her with multiple lovers, male and female.||5:Others portrayed her as a harpy, a notoriously disagreeable mythical beast that was half bird-of-prey, half woman.||6:Such mudslinging served a political purpose.||7:The revolutionaries who had overthrown the monarchy wanted to tarnish the former queen’s reputation before they cut off her head. | |
6 | ||1:没有哪个国家像刚果这样腐败。||2:长期以来,全国流传着一个笑话,是关于宪法神秘的“第十五条”,规定“Débrouillez-vous”――“你得靠自己”。||3:蒙博托·塞塞·塞科曾经是位强人。他曾用国家资金,坐着协和号包机,飞到巴黎购物。||4:1997年下台时,腐败已屡见不鲜。||5:政府职员拿不到工资,而是期望利用手中的权利谋生。 | ||1:Few countries are as corrupt as Congo.||2:A persistent national joke concerns a mythical “Article 15” of the constitution, which reads “Débrouillez-vous”—“You’re on your own”.||3:Mobutu Sese Seko, a former strongman, used state funds to charter a Concorde to take him on shopping trips to Paris.||4:By the time of his overthrow in 1997, graft was endemic.||5:Government employees were not paid but rather expected to use their positions to make a living. | |
7 | ||1:人们对鳄鱼的原始恐惧太难根除。||2:当一只农田鸭子在夜间消失、或一位游泳者失踪,通常会归咎于鳄鱼或短吻鳄。||3:按大众的思维方式,它们无踪无影地栖息于任何一个阴暗水域,是巨兽。||4:约翰?瑟布贾纳森总是一再重申,它们不像人们认为的那样。||5:河边发生的大部分事故与它们无关。||6:而他所听说的唯一巨鳄只是神话中的kyunpatgyi,之后,他因此被几个缅甸朋友起了绰号,这个叫作kyunpatgyi巨鳄的他, 数杯啤酒下肚, 就能环绕当地的小岛游泳, 就像传说中的巨鳄那样, 还当真地带着微笑。 | ||1:Primal fear, too, was hard to eradicate.||2:When a farm duck was taken at night, or a swimmer disappeared, a crocodile or alligator would usually be blamed.||3:In the popular mind they became huge beasts, invisibly inhabiting any murky stretch of water.||4:Mr Thorbjarnarson would repeat that they were not like that.||5:Most riverine accidents had nothing to do with them.||6:And the only giant crocodile he knew of was the mythical kyunpatgyi, after which he was nicknamed by friends in Burma, which with the help of several beers could be seen swimming round a local island and surely with a smile. | |
8 | 在那个孩子们被看见却不被倾听,没有任何异议顺从地去做被告知的事的神话般的年代,人人都知道有规律的就寝时间很重要。 | IN THAT mythical era when children were seen and not heard, and did as they were told without argument, everyone knew that regular bedtimes were important. | |
9 | 这条推文并未解释一种神话中的野兽如何留下这些脚印。 | The tweet did not explain how a mythical beast could leave footprints. | |
10 | “临床大脑死亡后仍继续存活的想法是无法实现的,”Watt说。 | "The idea of surviving clinical brain death is mythical , " Watt said. | |
11 | “首次购买智能机的用户”是一个有点神秘的东西,就像物理学中的理想气体、或是一头独角兽或鹿角兔。 | The "first-time smartphone buyer" is a bit of a mythical creature, like a perfect gas in physics, or a unicorn or jackalope. | |
12 | DynamicTravelAgencyCorp.是我们虚构的公司,它是为客户预订机票、汽车和酒店的旅行社。 | A mythical company, which we call Dynamic Travel Agency Corp. is a travel agency that books flights, cars, and hotels for customers. | |
13 | 本文介绍了我们的虚构主人公如何实现供应商和自己的安全消息。 | This article explains how our mythical hero implemented secure messaging for his vendors and himself. | |
14 | 波兰水管工的威胁在法国尤其突出。 | The threat of the mythical Polish plumber played strongly in France. | |
15 | 除了虚构的、“弹药”不足的说法以外,还有些原因可以解释,为何要对解决经济衰退的一篮子激励措施保持谨慎。 | There are reasons other than a mythical lack of "ammunition" for caution about an anti-recession package. | |
16 | 传说中,在日本群岛下,潜伏着一只鲶鱼,粗野且反复无常。 | BENEATH the Japanese archipelago lies a mythical catfish, brutish and capricious. | |
17 | 从神象演进的范式看希腊神话的特性及其文化延伸 | The Characteristic of Greek Mythology in the View of Mythical Image’s Three Evolution Modes | |
18 | 但是,如果说“G点高潮”看起来似乎有几分神秘,那也是因为一直缺乏证明它确实存在的证据。 | If the "G spot orgasm" seems semi-mythical , however, that’s because there has been scant evidence of its existence. | |
19 | 但是因为它不是市场上新出现的神奇疗法,也不是什么神话般的超级食物,它一点都不新奇,根本不是什么新闻。 | Yet because it’s not a new miracle cure on the market, and it’s not a mythical superfood, it’s not news at all. | |
20 | 但是在法国大革命期间所有意义重大的日子中,七月十四日又是怎样获得如同神话一般的崇尚地位? | But, of all the pivotal dates during the French Revolution, how did July 14th come to acquire such mythical status? | |
21 | 该城还以神话中的伐木工人25英尺(约7.62米)雕像来表达对班扬的敬意。 | The town also pays tribute to Bunyan with a 25-foot statue of the mythical lumberjack. | |
22 | 很多中国人相信最早发现茶的是神话中的三皇之一神农氏,他也是为中国人发明了医药和农耕的人。 | Many Chinese believe that tea was discovered by the mythical emperor Shennong, inventor of Chinese medicine and of farming. | |
23 | 结果使探险白费力气,并认为“非洲独角兽”是像它名字一样的传说。 | Determined expeditions uncovered nothing, and it would seem the "African unicorn" was just as mythical as its namesake. | |
24 | 金币和武器都可以在交换与拍卖网站上,出售给愿意用现金换取虚拟力量的玩家。 | Both gold and weapons are sold on exchange and auction sites to players willing pay cash for mythical power. | |
25 | 就像科学方法神话,其中没有洞察力的位置。 | Like in the mythical Scientific Method, insight does not reside there. | |
26 | 拒斥与继承:论神话的言说为哲学提供的张力 | Refutation and Inheritance: On Philosophical Tension Supplied by Mythical Discourse | |
27 | 连线:什么原因促使你写出了《人月神话》呢? | Wired: What provoked you to write The Mythical Man-Month? | |
28 | 甪兽作为中国传统装饰艺术图案,与貔貅、麒麟相比,并不为人熟知。 | Compared with pixiu and kylin, the two mythical wild animals, fudan is not so popular as a traditional Chinese decorative art design. | |
29 | 论鲍威尔对施特劳斯神话立场的批判 | On Bauer’s Critique of Stranss’s Mythical Position | |
30 | 千里马球队获胜的希望就像他的名字一样遥不可及。 | Chollima’s chances of winning might be as mythical as the horse of their name. |