属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 20
1 | 6月在昨天开始了。这是我最喜爱的月份。为什么这么说呢?6月的天气不太热也不太冷。树又变绿了,蓓蕾正到处绽放,空气中弥漫着花香。 | June has fallen yesterday. It is my favorite month. Why does it say so? The weather in June is neither too hot nor too cold. The trees are green again and buds are in full bloom everywhere. Their fragrance fills the air. | |
2 | 采访你的三个朋友有关他们最喜欢的运动,然后填表。 | Interview three of your friends about their favorite sports and fill in the form. | |
3 | 陈英:我最喜欢的文章是-努力将被盗文物回归祖国的那一篇。 | My favorite article is the one I wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China . | |
4 | 当影迷看到他们最喜爱的电影明星时,他们大为兴奋。 | When the fan saw their favorite movie star, they were in a fever of excitement. | |
5 | 钓鱼是我的爱好,我常常垂钓很长时间而一无所得,但这并不使我烦恼。 | Fishing is my favorite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. | |
6 | 后来,我听说学校里的所有朋友都去看演唱会了。哦,“四合一”真受大家欢迎。他们是我最喜欢的歌星兼偶像。 | Afterwards, I knew that all my friends at school went to the concert. Oh, “All Four One” is very popular with the crowds and also my favorite singer and idol. | |
7 | 华兹华斯的自然诗、乔治、戈登·拜伦《哀希腊》以及约翰·济慈的十四行诗和长诗一直都有是人们所喜爱的诗歌。 | The nature poems by William Wordsworth , George Gordon Byron’s Isles of Greece and the sonnets and ling poems by JOHNLEATS have long been favorite . | |
8 | 她设法使谈话转向自己最喜欢的话题。 | She tried to steer the conversation towards her favorite subject | |
9 | 今天是一个特别的日子,因为我第一次去吃麦当劳。我真不明白它有什么稀奇。汉堡和薯条没什么特别的地方。可是我最喜欢喝可口可乐,而且也很喜欢他们放的音乐。 | Today was a special day because it was the first time for me to try McDonalds. I don’t see what the big deal is. The hamburger and fries were nothing special. However. Coca cola was my favorite drink and I also liked the music they played there. | |
10 | 今天阳光普照,天气晴朗,我读书时,喜欢打开我最喜爱的卡式录音带,放一些音乐来听。我非常喜欢音乐。不管去哪里,我总是随身携带随身听,以便能够听我喜爱的歌曲。 | It was sunny and fine today. While I was studying I like putting on my favorite cassette tape to listen to some music. I like music very much. Wherever I go, I always have a walkman with me so that I can listen to my favorite song. | |
11 | 例如,我们很多人养宠物,我们还有一些喜欢的东西,诸如一支幸运的钢笔或一个日记本等。 | For example, many of us have pets, and we all have favorite objects such as a lucky pen or a diary. | |
12 | 玫瑰是我最喜欢的花。 | The rose is my favorite flower. | |
13 | 奶油桃片是我最爱吃的食物。 | Sliced peaches and cream is my favorite dish. | |
14 | 你的邻居将在你度假期间照看你的宠物。 | Your neighbor will take care of your favorite pet while you go on a holiday. | |
15 | 其他时候,我还会去唱片行买喜欢的歌手或摇滚乐团的录音带,有时候一些朋友会和我一起去,有时候我自己一个人去。 | On other days, I also go to a record store to buy cassette tapes of my favorite singer or rock group. On some days some of my friends go with me but there are days when I just go alone. | |
16 | 秋天是我最喜欢的季节。秋天里,万物经过漫长、炎热慵懒的夏天,开始变得有生气。气候凉爽,让您感觉现在是工作的最好时机。 | Autumn is my favorite season. In autumn everything starts to come alive after the long, hot lazy summer. The climate cools and there’s a feel that now it’s time to work. | |
17 | 让人感到惊奇的是,当我用英文唱我最喜欢的歌时,一种特别的感觉油然而生。 | The extraordinary thing is, my feelings are more special when I sing my favorite songs in English . | |
18 | 人们可以通过自己喜欢的作者去思考、感觉。他们一起生活在作者的世界里,作者也生活在他们的世界中。 | Men can think and feel through their favorite author. They live in him together, and he in him. | |
19 | 如果她活到今天,她将不能就她热衷的话题“佣人”发表意见了。 | If she were alive today she would not be able to air her views on her favorite topic of conversation: domestic servants. | |
20 | 上个星期,我去听我最喜爱的歌星张罗杰的演唱会。因为我钱不够,所以只能买到离舞台最远的位置。 | Last week, I went to see the concert of my favorite singer, Roger Zhang. Because I didn’t have enough money I could only buy a seat which was the farthest from the stage. | |
21 | 首先,备馅。你可以选择你喜欢吃的肉,比如:猪肉,牛肉,还有羊肉。把肉剁碎,将肉馅和已经剁碎的韭菜或大白菜拌在一起。 | First, make the filling. You can choose your favorite meat, such as pork, beef, and mutton. Mince it and mix it with chopped chives or cabbage. | |
22 | 谁是你最喜欢的体育明星?为什么 | Who is your favorite sports star? Why? | |
23 | 同时,要加调料,比如:盐,酱油,胡椒粉,香油,剁碎的大葱和生姜,调成你喜欢的味道。用力搅拌均匀。 | At the same time put in seasonings such as salt, soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil, chopped green onions and ginger to get your favorite flavor. Stir them heavily for even mixture. | |
24 | 晚上,我的朋友张浩打电话给我说,“四合一”就要来广州了!我真不敢相信这是真的!我的梦想实现了!他们是世界上我最喜欢的歌星。 | At night, my friend Zhang Hao called me saying “All Four One” is coming to Guangzhou tonight! I can’t believe it’s true! This is my dream come true! They are my favorite singer in the whole world. | |
25 | 我唱歌我最喜爱的歌曲时。心情会更好。 | When I sing my favorite song , I feel even better. | |
26 | 我的其他嗜好是读书和唱歌。 | Other favorite hobbies are reading and singing. | |
27 | 我今天做了一件最喜爱的消遣:购物。有爸爸跟我和妈妈同行真好。我不太喜欢和妈妈去购物, | I did my favorite pastime today: Shopping. It was good that dad came along with mom and me. I don’t like going shopping with my mom too much. | |
28 | 我就是在这个地方丢失了我最喜爱的钢笔。 | It was precisely at this spot that I lost my favorite pen. | |
29 | 我们大多数或许都流行音乐,都有自己最喜爱的演员、歌星或乐队,但很多人还是想探索新的声音和旋律。 | Most of us probably like pop music and have our favorite performers, stars or bands, but many of us also want to discover new sounds and rhythms. | |
30 | 我们聊了许多事情。谈论心目中最喜爱的电影偶像以及我们所迷恋的男孩子们。 | We talked about our favorite movie idols and the boys we had a crush on. |