属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:王牌
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:王牌
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:Down to Earth
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:截止期限
1 | 但是,我们中有多少人能够坦率地说我们对流浪汉的简朴生活与无忧无虑的境况不感到有些羡慕呢 | But how many of us can honestly say that we have not felt a little envious of their simple way of life and their freedom from care? | |
2 | 我看他慎重地思考了片刻。后来他意识到:我并不打算告诉别人他蹩脚的驾驶技术。面试进行得很顺利,我向公司谈了我的经历,而且尽可能坦白地回答了他们的问题。 | For a moment I saw him think carefully. Then he realized that I was not going to tell the others about his bad driving. The interview went well and I told the company about my experiences and answered their questions as honestly as I could. | |
3 | 也许她去吃快餐了。不,不对,因为最后轮到我时,她把告示牌向前一推,上面写着“停止营业”。她脸上没有一丝笑容,只说了一句“对不起,该吃中饭了”。瞧瞧,这就是我糟糕的经历。 | Perhaps she had a quick snack but, no, that can’t be right because when finally my turn came, she put on the counter a printer sign saying “This Lane Closed” and without a smile she says honestly “Sorry, lunch time.” Well, this is my terrible experience. | |
4 | 真的,我这会儿不用。 | Honestly , I don’ t need it at the moment. | |
5 | ||1:聪明的纸牌玩家,尤其是下注大的玩家会密切注视庄家,以确保庄家在老实发牌,没在牌中作弊。||2:作弊的庄家已经做牌了,他调换了纸牌以保证他能拿到最大的一副牌,这样他就能赢得牌局。 | ||1:Smart card players, especially those who play for large amounts of money, closely watch the person who deals the cards. They are watching to make sure he is dealing honestly . They want to be sure that he is not dealing off the bottom of the stack of cards.||2:A dealer who is doing that has stacked the deck. He has fixed the cards so that he will get higher cards. He will win and you will lose. | |
6 | ||聪明的纸牌玩家,尤其是下注大的玩家会密切注视庄家,以确保庄家在老实发牌,没在牌中作弊。作弊的庄家已经做牌了,他调换了纸牌以保证他能拿到最大的一副牌,这样他就能赢得牌局。|| | ||Smart card players, especially those who play for large amounts of money, closely watch the person who deals the cards. They are watching to make sure he is dealing honestly .|| They want to be sure that he is not dealing off the bottom of the stack of cards. A dealer who is doing that has stacked the deck. He has fixed the cards so that he will get higher cards. He will win and you will lose. | |
7 | 当我们坚定地脚踏实地,当我们实在、朴实,我们就不会自高自大。我们真诚坦率待人。我们的人生就像脚下的大地一样坚实稳固。 | When we have both our feet firmly on the ground, and when we are down to earth we do not have our noses in the air. We act honestly and openly to others. Our lives are like the ground below us – solid and strong. | |
8 | 现在,我可能已经把这个词用过了上千遍。但是老实说,我从未想过为什么dead和line连在一起,就意味着一种时限。dead加上line就等于时间限制,这可能也会让英语学习者听上去很奇怪。 | Now, I have used this word probably thousands and thousands of times. But I honestly never thought about why "dead" and "line" came together to mean a time limit. It might sound very strange to an English learner -- dead + line = time limit. |