属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-魔幻神秘之旅 A magical mystery to
1 | "我想你们可能觉得这是一个现代童话,"本周她在接受丹麦政治报采访时说。 | "I guess you could say it’s a modern fairy tale ," she told denmark’s Politiken newspaper in an interview this week | |
2 | 但愿你不再用你的无稽之谈来使我烦恼。 | I do wish you’d quit annoying me with your fairy tale . | |
3 | 第一个固定的星期六日场演出是在1931年的圣诞节,上演的是胡佩尔丁克的19世纪的歌剧,出自一个同名神话故事的《汉泽尔与格蕾泰尔》。 | The first regular Saturday matinee was a Christmas Day, 1931, performance of Humperdinck’s 19th-century opera Hansel and Gretel, based on the fairy tale of the same name | |
4 | 胡姆普丁克,恩格尔伯特1854-1921德国作曲家,作品有童话歌剧汉塞尔和格丽塔尔 | German composer who wrote the fairy tale opera Hansel and Gretel(1893. | |
5 | 她与王子结婚,这事像是神话中的爱情故事. | Her marriage to the prince seemed like a fairy-tale romance. | |
6 | 卡尔维诺与王小波小说世界中的童话追求 | The Pursuit of Fairy Tale Spirit in the Fiction of Calvino and Wang Xiaobo | |
7 | 论我国神话传说旅游资源的特征 | Discussing about the Characteristic of Fairy tale and Legend’s Tour Resources of China | |
8 | 美丽的“误解” 无意的“策略”-“童话”概念的诞生、演化与发展 | The Birth and Development of the Concept of "Fairy Tale " | |
9 | 那个故事将成为我所写的最好的童话流传下去。 | That story will go down as the best fairy tale I ever wrote | |
10 | 那个神仙故事使孩子感到高兴。 | The fairy tale tickled the child. | |
11 | 那个神仙故事于孩子感到高兴。 | The fairy tale tickled the child. | |
12 | 难道我是一个愚蠢的人吗-解读安徒生的《皇帝的新装》 | How to Read the Emperor’s New Clothes by Andersen-On Andersen’s Fairy tale The Emperor’s New Clothes | |
13 | 你俩正如童话故事中的王子和公主,祝你们百年好合! | You two are the prince and princess in a fairy tale and may you live happily everafter! | |
14 | 普罗科菲耶夫,谢尔盖·谢尔盖耶维奇1891-1953俄罗斯作曲家,他的作品包括芭蕾、歌剧和童话交响乐彼得与狼 | Russian composer whose works include ballets,operas,and the symphonic fairy tale Peter and the Wolf(1936. | |
15 | 视觉的语法:童话插图中情态的社会符号学研究 | Visual Grammar: Social Semiotic Perspectives on the Modality of Fairy Tale Illustrations | |
16 | 熟悉奥蒂兹的记者阿娜·卡皮诺说:“这简直就像是童话故事。我不是说她嫁了王子,而是说,她嫁给了心中所爱的男子。” | “It’s like a fairy tale ,” says Ana Campillo, a journalist who knows Ortiz. “Not because she is marrying a prince but because she is marrying a man she loves.” | |
17 | 他们的爱情故事听起来像童话 | Their love story sounds like a fairy tale | |
18 | 它取材于中国传统神话故事《劈山救母》 | The dance drama was adapted from a traditional Chinese fairy tale called "Pishan Jiumu" (saving mother by cleaving through the mountain). | |
19 | 唐传奇<枕中记>的民间童话特质 | The Characteristics of the Folk Fairy Tale in Pillow Note, a Legend in the Tang Dynasty | |
20 | 童话. | fairy tale s | |
21 | 童话阅读与儿童思维品质培养 | Fairy Tale Reading and Children’s Thought Quality Cultivating | |
22 | 也许爱情是一部忧伤的童话。 | Perhaps love is a dolorous fairy tale . | |
23 | 一个对童话着迷的孩子 | a child who was entranced by a fairy tale . | |
24 | 这个神话用通俗的话来说,就是迷信合理的论证会说服足够的好心人进行有计划的行动。 | The democratic equivalent of this fairy-tale is the superstition that enough people of good will may be persuaded by rational argument to take planned action | |
25 | 这些宫殿雄伟壮丽,看起来往往像是从神话中出来的一样. | The palaces were large and beautiful, and they often looked like something out of a fairy tale . | |
26 | 制作人杰佛瑞卡森柏格表示:“《史瑞克》可以说是审视了所有伴随我们成长的童话故事传统,然后彻底颠覆那些样板的叙事手法,得到无穷的乐趣。” | "Shrek kind of looks at all the fairy tale traditions we grew up on," says producer Jeffrey Katzenberg, "and takes great fun turning all those storytelling conventions upside-down and inside-out." | |
27 | ||1:第二只小猪很不走运。||2:他用树枝盖房子。||3:房子很快被一只狼呼哧呼哧地吹走了,然后小猪被吞了。||4:而他的兄弟用砖块建造了一所防狼的房子。||5:这个童话故事可能是建筑业的推销员写的,而建筑业大力支持砖、混凝土和钢铁。||6:然而,在现实世界中,如果更多建筑商模仿热爱木材的第二只猪,将有助于减少污染、减缓全球变暖。 | ||1:The second little pig was unlucky.||2:He built his house from sticks.||3:It was blown away by a hu?ng, pu?ng wolf, which promptly gobbled him up.||4:His brother, by contrast, built a wolf-proof house from bricks.||5:The fairy tale could have been written by a ?ack for the construction industry, which strongly favours brick, concrete and steel.||6:However, in the real world it would help reduce pollution and slow global warming if more builders copied the wood-loving second pig. | |
28 | ||1:公主和会说话的动物并不是唯一被召回银幕的角色:成群结队的巫师、斗篷侠、恐龙和绝地武士已使观众应接不暇。||2:但在这个童话国度里,迪士尼拥有绝对优势。||3:一代又一代的孩子都是看迪士尼动画长大的,而且对于用新技术重现经典,时间已经过去得够久(以前的粉丝们都能带着孩子去看了)。||4:在好莱坞,翻拍老电影已不那么常见,从2005年的17%下降到2017年的4%(尽管前传和续集比比皆是)。||5:但迪士尼的主打之一就是翻拍。||6:2019年,迪士尼将《小飞象》《阿拉丁》和《狮子王》列为“真人版翻拍名单”,将用电影镜头和电脑生成的图像代替原始卡通。||7:《匹诺曹》《白雪公主》《詹姆斯与大仙桃》《彼得·潘》和《小美人鱼》后续也会翻拍。 | ||1:Princesses and talking animals are not the only characters to have been summoned back to the screen: audiences have been swamped by hordes of wizards, cape-wearers, dinosaurs and Jedi.||2:But in this fairy-tale realm, Disney has an edge.||3:Generations of children grew up on its animated backlist, and enough time has passed to retell the classics using new technology (and for fans to take children of their own).||4:Reboots of old flicks have actually become less common in Hollywood overall, falling from 17% of top films in 2005 to 4% in 2017 (though prequels and sequels abound).||5:But they are one of Disney’s staples.||6:In 2019 it will add “Dumbo”, “Aladdin” and “The Lion King” to its roster of “live-action remakes”, which replace the original cartoons with filmed footage and computer-generated imagery.||7:“Pinocchio”, “Snow White”, “James and the Giant Peach”, “Peter Pan” and “The Little Mermaid” will follow. | |
29 | ||1:近十年来,随着JK罗琳的和菲利普普尔曼的成功,小说中的魔法元素大有复兴繁荣的趋势。||2:在此方面,艾琳摩根斯坦的第一部小说《午夜马戏团》正好赶上了潮流。||3:这本书有着传统童话故事里都有的情节:严酷残忍的父母,被阻挠的感情,生死攸关的斗争。||4:但这些普通的情节被作者运用其天赋将它们串起来时,这本小说焕然一新,值得一读。情节扣人心弦,读者读起来欲罢不能,它肯定会很很畅销。 | ||1: Magic in fiction has had a renaissance in the past decade, with the success of J.K. Rowling and Philip Pullman. ||2: In this respect Morgenstern’s debut, “The Night Circus”, is right on trend. ||3: The book has many of the ingredients of a conventional fairy tale : cruel parenting, blighted love and a life-and-death contest. ||4: But ordinary elements combined with flair deserve to be recognised, and “The Night Circus” is a beguiling, gripping read, which is sure to be a commercial hit. | |
30 | ||1:如今,德国瓷器制造商面临着不同的威胁。||2:中国的瓷器进口正在削弱它们。||3:品味已经发生了演变:聚苯乙烯杯子在许多情况下早已取代了优雅的咖啡具。||4:仅在2006年至2014年间,就有190家德国瓷器公司倒闭。||5:马尔汉德女士写道,瓷器的生产也可能很快就会完全回归东亚,那里是瓷器最早的发明地。||6:这个从博特格开始的故事可能会变成另一个童话。 | ||1:Today German porcelain-makers face different threats.||2:Chinese imports are undercutting them.||3:Tastes have evolved: polystyrene cups have long replaced elegant coffee sets in many situations.||4:Between 2006 and 2014 alone 190 German porcelain firms closed.||5:Soon, writes Ms Marchand, production may return entirely to East Asia, where porcelain was first invented.||6:The story that began with Bottger could become just another fairy-tale. |