1 | 他仍专心致力于化学研究。 | He was still devoted to the study of chemistry. | |
2 | 他十分投入我们的目标。 | He is very devoted to our cause. | |
3 | 他致力革命凡四十年。他的目的是从清朝手里解放中国。他曾遭遇屡次的失败,但他却一点也不灰心。那是不需说的。结果,他终于达到目的。 | He was devoted to the revolution about forty years. His aim was to liberate China from the hands of the Manchu Dynasty. He had not met with result, but he was not discouraged at all. As a result, he accomplished his end in the long run. | |
4 | 他忠于妻子。 | He is devoted to his wife | |
5 | 天国虔诚地奉献给上帝的地方或宗教地区 | A place or religious community regarded as sacredly devoted to God. | |
6 | 天衣派信徒古时印度苦行教派的一支,穿很少的衣服或者不穿衣服,专心于神秘主义的思想 | One of an ancient sect of Hindu ascetics who wore little or no clothing and were devoted to mystical contemplation. | |
7 | 听说19世纪德国一位热衷于戏剧的镇长组织了一个剧团,这个剧团的表演准则现在被视为表演的准绳。您能给讲讲吗? | A:I hear that in the 19th century in Germany a theater-minded ruler of a town organized a company devoted to theatrical principles now accepted as standard. May I know more? | |
8 | 统一企业自1992年开始进入中国大陆的市场,一直藉由全球搜寻,积极展开并增强核心优势,全力拓展公司核心且具全球竞争优势之产品于海外市场,将产业范畴延伸至国际舞台。 | Since we began operations in China in 1992, we have been aggressively adopting global outsourcing strategies to expand our businesses and fortify our core competence. We are devoted to marketing our competitive products abroad and building up an international reputation for our business. | |
9 | 头两个星期差不多用在语音的学习上。 | The first two weeks are more or less devoted to the study of phonetics | |
10 | 土地留做采矿用 | land devoted to mining. | |
11 | 退下来以后,我将继续忠于党和国家的事业。 | After my retirement I shall continue to be devoted to their cause. | |
12 | 韦布什先生建议在银行内部成立一个专门打击洗钱的独立机构。 | Mr Wiebusch recommends creating a separate function inside banks devoted to fighting money laundering | |
13 | 未向海关办理手续并缴纳关税,不得转让或者移作他用。 | Shall not be transferred or devoted to other uses prior to the completion of Customs formalities and payment of Customs duties | |
14 | 我把我的整个生命都奉献给了你,还有我的灵魂,甚至我的心的每一次最轻微的跳动都是为了你。 | You see me devoted to you, body and soul, my life and each warm drop that circles round my heart are consecrated to your service | |
15 | 我的两个同事专门研究自然科学。 | Two of my colleagues were devoted to (the study of)natural science | |
16 | 我活着难道是为了自己的幸福吗?不!不论她爱不爱我,我的此生都是献给她的。我有什么权利敢要求她爱?难道我能胜过天使或神灵 | Do I exist for my own personal happiness? No, my whole existence is devoted to her, even in spite of her. And by what right should I have dared to aspire to her love? Am I then, more than an angel or a deity? | |
17 | 我说,这些同志是忠心耿耿,为党为国,就是没有看见大局面,就是没有估计到大多数人,即百分之九十几的人是好人。 | I say that, staunch and devoted to the Party and the country as these comrades are, they don’t see the over-all situation, don’t see that the vast majority of the people, that is, more than 90 percent, are good | |
18 | 我在王室兢兢业业工作多年--最开始是效忠女王,接着是威尔士王子,最后是戴安娜王妃,我现在依然效忠王室。 | I was devoted to the Royal Family for many years-first to the Queen, then to the Prince of Wales and finally to the Princess and I remain a loyal subject | |
19 | 我专攻化学。 | I am devoted to chemistry. | |
20 | 信奉人文主义的文艺复兴学者 | A Renaissance scholar devoted to Humanism. | |
21 | 学生应该专心学习。 | Students should e devoted to their studies | |
22 | 一百亿美元能够办很多事情,如果用于科学教育,就可以开办好多大学,普及教育也就可以用更多的力量来办了。 | With $10 billion we could accomplish a great deal. If that sum were devoted to science and education, we could run many universities, and we could also spend more on universal primary and secondary education. | |
23 | 一个专心致志的人不会改变决心,也不会改变自己的追求(温斯顿S·丘吉尔)。Zealot指对事业或目标有献身精神的人,为促进事业而积极活动的人 | A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject(Winston S.Churchill.A zealot is immoderately devoted to a cause or goal and seeks to advance it with passionate fervor | |
24 | 一座奉献给阿波罗的庙宇 | a temple devoted to Apollo. | |
25 | 由于不相信当今世界上大规模生产的必要性,他们热衷于财政和生产方法上的过分保密。 | Disbelieving in the necessity of large-scale production in the modern world, he is passionately devoted to excessive secrecy, both in finance and ( in)method of production | |
26 | 有众多的室内购物中心,经营最新型计算机,精品首饰,定制服装,以及欧洲最新潮高级女式时装。 | Indoor shopping centers abound, devoted to state-of-the-art computers, exquisite jewelry, custom tailors and the latest in European haute couture | |
27 | 在痛苦和贫病的人之后留下的时间,他用在劳动上。 | the time which was left to him from the afflicted, the sick, and the necessitous, he devoted to work | |
28 | 召开第三届专门讨论裁军问题的大会特别会议 | convening of the third special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament | |
29 | 这对年轻夫妇感情很好。 | The young couple are devoted to each other | |
30 | 这些观点中的第一个观点要求环境案例中的诉讼更加谨慎,这可能意味着投入更多的时间和精力争论起诉权问题。 | The first of these holdings requires more careful pleading in environmental cases, and probably will increase the amount of time and energy devoted to disputing standing issues |