属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 波音公布新市场预测 沃尔纳出售ASDA Ci
1 | ||1:19世纪,美国的富人们被当地的矿物温泉所吸引,纷纷涌入纽约州萨拉托加这个小镇。||2:镀金时代的一些名人如金融家J?P?摩根就是在那里避暑的。||3:1863年开业的赛马场也具有超强的吸引力。||4:就连詹姆斯?邦德在《007系列之永远的钻石》里也曾在赛马场赛道上投下赌注。||5:然而,直到最近,萨拉托加还没有什么其他方面值得一去的。||6:尽管大州府区的院校林立,五大县也正好分布于萨拉托加周围,但是过去这一带的工作机会极少,如今的情况不一样了。 | ||1: AMERICA’S wealthy, lured by the mineral springs, flocked to Saratoga during the 19th century. ||2: Gilded-Age figures such as J.P. Morgan, the financier, summered there. ||3: The race course, which opened in 1863, became a huge draw. ||4: Even James Bond placed a flutter at the Saratoga track in “Diamonds are Forever”. ||5: Yet, until recently, Saratoga did not have much else going for it. ||6: Although colleges and universities crowd the Greater Capital Region of New York, the five-county spread where Saratoga sits, there were few jobs around. Things are different now. | |
2 | ||1:Cineworld决定在明年前关闭位于美国和英国的所有电影院,因为下一部詹姆斯·邦德电影《No Time to Die》的上映日期再次被推迟到4月份。||2:由于社交距离限制措施导致影院空空如也,Cineworld已经在勉强维持,该公司本来寄希望于这部有望今年最大票房亮点的影片。||3:其他电影也被推迟上映,一些电影直接通过流媒体的途径上映。||4:许多业内人士认为,为了制造最重要的轰动效应,豪华大片需要先在电影院上映。 | ||1:Cineworld decided to close all its cinemas in America and Britain until next year, after the release date of “No Time To Die”, the next James Bond film, was again postponed, until April.||2:Already struggling as social-distancing keeps the crowds away from its venues, Cineworld was banking on what would have been this year’s biggest box-office draw.||3:Other films have been delayed, some have gone straight to streaming.||4:Many in the industry believe lavish blockbusters need to be seen in cinemas first in order to create the all-important buzz. | |
3 | ||1:上面说的没错,但从实用性角度为灯塔辩护,显然没有说到关键之处。||2: 当然,灯塔吸引了大批来此消费的游客;一项非官方调查预计修整 Bodie灯塔将为当地经济带来总计870万美元的收入,该灯塔预计于2013年4月首次向游客开放。 ||3:但在Padgett女士看来,保存好灯塔是让“我们子孙感受一两百年来这里变迁”的一种方式。||4:人们建造灯塔来让它们守候大海。||5:灯塔让人们想到,当水手们与沃尔特.惠特曼笔下“那永不宁静的奔腾,那白浪般的滚卷的浪峰----那向陆地急推又急推的浪头“搏斗时,有人在灯塔上眺望,盼望他们安全归来。 | ||1: All that is true, but defending lighthouses as a matter of utility surely misses the point. ||2: Of course, lighthouses draw tourists, who spend money; one informal study estimated that restoring the Bodie Island lighthouse, which is scheduled to open to visitors for the first time in April 2013, would add $8.7m in total income to the regional economy. ||3: But for Ms Padgett, preserving them is a way “to give our children and grandchildren a feel for what happened in this place a hundred or two hundred years ago.” ||4: Men built them by hand to stand watch over the sea. ||5: Lighthouses remind people that as mariners battled what Walt Whitman called “the wild unrest, the snowy, curling caps—that inbound urge and urge of waves, Seeking the shores forever,” someone was watching over them, and wishing them safely home. | |
4 | ||1:因为关于移民问题的争论已带上了非常严重的本土主义色彩,民主党非常怀疑共和党能争取到许多拉丁裔选民的支持。||2: 德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市的民主党州众议员杰奎因·卡斯特罗说道, "当你让美国公民觉得在自己的国家里不受欢迎,你已经触及到他们的底线,这就无法争取他们的选票了"。 ||3: 当选举进行到一半时, 最高法院将对本案宣判, 到时目光将再次聚集在喋喋不休的共和党人上, 这对他们的选情并无帮助。 | ||1: Since the immigration debate has such a nativist tone, however, Democrats are doubtful that Republicans can win over many Hispanic voters. ||2: “You can’t do it when at a very baseline level you make American citizens feel unwelcome in their own country,” says Joaquin Castro, a Democratic state representative from San Antonio, Texas. ||3: It will not help that in the middle of the campaign the Supreme Court will draw attention once again to the Republicans’ obstreperousness on the issue by ruling on the Arizona law. | |
5 | 抗议者们面对两大危险。第一个被外部人所利用,这些人不是机会主义者就是笨头笨脑。他们希望复兴托洛茨基主义(主张通过革命在全球实现社会主义)或打垮美国。这些理由或许能从热烈支持者那里得到更多的支持。但是对于那些担心鲁莽的银行及衰退的经济的主流群体而言,这些人让这些抗议活动看起来俗套无味,没有新鲜感。 | Two dangers await the campers. One is capture by outsiders, either opportunistic or batty, who wish to revive Trotskyism or bash America. Such causes may draw more support from enthusiasts, but for the mainstream that merely worries about reckless banks and a sagging economy, they make the protests look tired and familiar, not new and fresh. | |
6 | 城市扩张大部分无计划,因此无法为基础设施建设吸收公众资源。 | Urban expansion has been largely unplanned and thus unable to draw on public resources for infrastructure. | |
7 | 此外,新加坡人有储蓄可以动用,有家庭可以依靠,还有得到补贴的房屋可以居住。 | Besides, Singaporeans had savings they could draw on , family they could rely on and subsidised housing they could live in. | |
8 | 答:我凭借自己的历练,从所见所闻中,或从阅读和与人交谈中收集笑料。 | A: I draw on my own experiences, from what I see or read, and my conversations with people. | |
9 | 但若包括自由民主党在内的其它政党认为有必要提升消费税,就有可能在投票中获得他们的支持。 | But if other parties including the LDP believe a higher consumption tax is necessary, it may be able to draw on their support in a vote. | |
10 | 但是,大多数肥胖人士都不同于我:作为一个中上阶层专业人士,我可以集中很多资源抗击肥胖。 | But most fat people aren’t like me: as an upper-middle-class professional, I could draw on plenty of resources in my battle against weight. | |
11 | 但是目前这家公司在通过常规渠道筹资行不通后,也被迫向银行需求信用额度。 | But it was still forced to draw on bank credit lines after struggling to fund itself through the usual channels. | |
12 | 当然,学校有大量可以利用的教材。 | Certainly, schools will have plenty of material to draw on . | |
13 | 当然,这两个例子都利用了单词placebo的含义,即一种冒充药物的药物。 | Of course both of these uses of placebo draw on the fact that a placebo is a fake drug. | |
14 | 对长期延续并包括各方利益的宪法起草过程,这个国家没有可供利用的传统,比如一个由选举产生的宪法起草代表大会之类。 | The country has no tradition to draw on for more protracted and inclusive practices, such as an elected constituent assembly. | |
15 | 多数的志愿者投身的计算业项目都能吸引成千上万的人们,而达到此目的实际上无需做广告,而无需夸夸其谈。 | Most volunteer-computing projects can draw on tens of thousands of people with practically no advertising, relying on word of mouth. | |
16 | 发达国家对国有经济管理的经验借鉴 | Draw on the Experience Developed Countries Have in the Management of the State Sector of the Economy | |
17 | 各组支付款可选择设置源账户的数目,这对企业非常有用的。 | Groups of payments selectable for draw on a configurable number of source accounts become available to the business. | |
18 | 根据你以往的经验,用直接和详实的答案解决潜在客户们提出来的问题。 | Draw on your past experience, and address each of their questions with straightforward and informative answers. | |
19 | 公路建设投资对国民经济直接拉动的定量测算 | Quantitative Calculation of Highway Construction Investment to Directly Draw on National Economy | |
20 | 谷歌的翻译技术,收益于该公司的其他服务项目。 | For translation, the company was able to draw on its other services. | |
21 | 国家资本家可以找到许多可以借鉴的优秀范例。 | There are plenty of examples of good practice for state capitalists to draw on . | |
22 | 互联网吸引了我们全部的注意力,毫无保留、难以抗拒。 | The internet’s draw on our attention is relentless and increasingly difficult to resist. | |
23 | 坚持ISO的原则,清楚界定国际公约中对劳动者权利的最低要求。 | Draw on ISO principles , but clearly set minimums for labor rights as defined by international norms. | |
24 | 捷信集团能吸收在越南的经验,在那儿两年的试点计划获得了全部的公司许可。 | Home Credit can draw on experience gained in Vietnam, where a two-year pilot scheme earned the company a full licence. | |
25 | 借鉴发达国家开发落后地区的经验加速西部大开发 | Draw on the Experience of Developed Countries Developing the Backward Areas to Accelerate the Development of the West | |
26 | 借鉴国际经验重构我国财产税制 | Draw on the International Experience to Reconstruct National Property Tax | |
27 | 借鉴经验发展我国大型火电直接空冷技术 | Draw on Experience to Develop Direct Air-cooling Technology of Large Fossil-fuel Power Unit in Our Country | |
28 | 借鉴历史经验加强党的作风建设 | Draw on Historical Experience to Strengthen the Building of the Party’s Style of work | |
29 | 就实际而言,这意味着所能支取的钱数可能会少于分类帐上所显示的。 | In practical terms, this means that you might have less money to draw on than the ledger reports. | |
30 | 利用一切可以利用的政策手段,包括财政政策、产业结构和金融市场改革,以及外部影响; | Draw on all available policy levers, fiscal policies, structural and financial market reforms and external action; |