属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无处高速 Going Nowhere Fast
1 | 该你擦盘子了。 | It’s your turn to dry up | |
2 | 干涸干涸;枯萎或皱缩 | To dry up ;wither or shrivel. | |
3 | 干枯,枯萎因或似乎因失去水分而变干燥或枯萎 | To dry up or shrivel from or as if from loss of moisture. | |
4 | 让我们把这些玻璃杯擦干。 | Help your mother to dry up these glasses | |
5 | 如果你只会发表些愚蠢的意见,干脆住嘴! | If you can only make stupid comments, just dry up ! | |
6 | 使干瘪且皱缩 | To cause to shrivel and dry up . | |
7 | 使干枯、枯萎或皱缩 | To cause to wither,shrivel,or dry up . | |
8 | 使皱缩或干瘪成木乃伊状 | To shrivel or dry up like a mummy. | |
9 | 他对吉姆的生活补助费感到非常高兴!每周500美元,好像用不完似的。 | He was very glad of Jim’s allowance! This was $ 500 a week, and it seemed never to dry up | |
10 | 褪绿区坏死,组织死亡,叶片干枯。 | The chlorotic areas become necrotic. The issue dies and leaves dry up . | |
11 | 希望你住口,我讨厌听你讲话。 | I wish you would dry up . I’m tired of hearing you | |
12 | 洗过的衣服在风中很快就晾干了。 | The washed clothes will soon dry up in the wind | |
13 | 现在轮到你擦碗碟了。 | It’ s your turn to dry up | |
14 | 现在我就讲到这里,让别人再谈一谈。 | Now I’m going to dry up and let someone else have his say | |
15 | 由于干旱,湖水开始干涸。 | Because of the drought, the lake began to dry up . | |
16 | 住嘴,听我说. | Dry up and listen to me. | |
17 | ||1:3月6日,类似的事情发生在乔治亚州,那时27个城市和郡县进行了投票,有24个城市和郡县撤销限制,允许星期天出售烈性酒,当时这可是州内的头等大事。||2:自从去年乔治亚州首次允许当地政府就星期天出售烈性酒进行全民投票,在154项类似事件中,选民同意了129项,经常以压倒性的票数胜利。||3:去年在德克萨斯州,64次是否允许当地街道出售烈性酒的投票中,有57次通过了。||4:同时在弗吉尼亚州的西部,州立法机构刚刚通过一项法案,允许烈性酒商店举行品酒大会。||5:这是自2009年以来第9个州批准此类法案。||6:行业集团美国蒸馏酒理事会弗兰克?科尔曼狂喜道:“将有更多的地方允许出售烈性酒”。 | ||1: Something similar happened in Georgia on March 6th, when voters lifted the ban on sales of alcohol on Sundays in 24 of the 27 cities and counties that had put the issue on the ballot, alongside the state’s presidential primary. ||2: Since Georgia first allowed local governments to hold referendums on Sunday sales last year, voters have approved the practice in 129 out of 154 instances, often by huge margins. ||3: Last year in Texas, attempts to turn “dry” localities “wet” succeeded on 57 out of 64 occasions. ||4: In West Virginia meanwhile, the state legislature has just passed a bill allowing liquor stores to hold tasting sessions. ||5: It is the ninth state to approve such a measure since 2009. ||6: “The world is getting wetter,” exults Frank Coleman of the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS), an industry group. | |
18 | ||1:情况变得更糟了。||2:投票后,决定不在这两个人口中心动工,而是在中央山谷广阔平坦的农田动工,那里的建筑要容易得多。||3:这意味着,在大城市连接到网络之前,资金可能会耗尽。||4:然后,一列高速列车将穿过人口稀少的乡村,几乎没有人乘坐。有些人称之为“无处可去的火车”,另一些则称之为白象。||5: 斯坦福大学历史学教授理查德·怀特(Richard White)用了一个更具原创性的比喻,称之为“交通的越战:开始容易,停下来困难又昂贵。” | ||1: It gets worse. ||2: After the ballot measure, it was decided that construction should begin not in the two population centres but in the vast and flat farmlands of the Central Valley, where building is much easier. ||3: This means that funds could run dry before the big cities are even connected to the network. ||4: A high-speed train would then run through sparsely populated countryside, with hardly anybody riding it. Some call this a “train to nowhere”, others a white elephant. ||5: Using a rather more original metaphor Richard White, a professor of history at Stanford, calls it “a Vietnam of transportation: easy to begin and difficult and expensive to stop.” | |
19 | ||1:随着新药品种开发减少,药品的研发资金缩减,药品研究正处于黑暗时期。||2:但有一束光带来了一线希望。||3:“个性化药品”承诺为个人定制药品。||4:基因测试将识别出那些从特制药品中获益的人。||5:从而加强治疗效果;降低浪费水平。||6:个性化药品让制药商、医生和病人均欣喜若狂。这也引发了法律纠纷。 | ||1: DRUG research is in dark times, as pipelines dry up and development budgets are cut. ||2: But one shaft of light pierces the gloom. ||3: “Personalised medicine” promises to craft drugs for individuals. ||4: Genetic tests will identify those who will benefit from specific medicines. ||5: Treatment will be more effective; waste will drop. ||6: Personalised medicine has sparked excitement among drugmakers, doctors, hospitals and patients. It has also sparked a legal brawl. | |
20 | ||1:许多州,尤其是在南方,依然政策未明,有允许售酒的郡县,禁止售酒的郡县和介于两者之间的郡县,后者就是那些郡县只允许某些形式的酒精饮料在某些会所进行销售。||2:美国蒸馏酒理事会的科尔曼先生说,关于酒精饮料就有4000多条的州和联邦法规,仅在2008年就提议了1900条。||3:关于赌博的法规同样纷繁复杂,不合要求。||4:只有12个州没有任何形式的赌场。||5:但是还有几个州只允许赌场开在船上或者赛车跑道上。||6:另有12个州禁止在印第安人保留地赌博。||7:还有4个州仍然禁止任何形式的烟花燃放。 | ||1:Many states, especially in the South, remain a confusing patchwork of wet, dry and “moist” counties, the latter being those that allow sales of only certain forms of alcohol at certain types of establishment.||2:There are over 4,000 state and federal laws concerning alcohol, says Mr Coleman of DISCUS, and another 1,900 were proposed in 2008 alone.||3:Rules about gambling are an equally perverse mix.||4:Only 12 states have no casinos of any sort.||5:But several more allow them only on boats or at racetracks.||6:Another 12 limit gambling to Indian reservations.||7:And four states still ban fireworks of all kinds. | |
21 | ||1:在他书写的历史中,创造经济奇迹的英雄多为移民或中学辍学者,而且经常是移民中的中学辍学者。||2: 其中有两位英雄的成就远超侪辈:一位是通用汽车(General Motors)高管威廉姆?“大比尔”?纳森(William “Big Bill” Knudsen),他十几岁时曾是哥本哈根一家自行车公司的职员;另一位是亨利?凯泽(Henry Kaiser),他16岁开始工作时是纽约州尤蒂卡市(Utica, New York)一家服装店的游动推销员。 ||3:纳德森四出猎头,找寻企业创新者,说服他们放弃工薪与额外收入去华盛顿,跟他一样做“年薪1美元的员工”。||4: 凯瑟尔则从洛克希德、贝克特尔、克莱斯勒、波音和通用电气(Lockheed, Bechtel-McCone, Chrysler, Boeing and General Electric)这样一些声名显赫的大公司中招募人员,成立了一支万能团队。该团队生产人们需要的一切,从大坝到坦克到舰船到钢铁。 ||5:两位高管的年薪都是1美元。 | ||1: The business heroes in his history are mostly immigrants or high-school dropouts and often both. ||2: Two tower above the rest: William “Big Bill” Knudsen, a General Motors executive who was once a teenage clerk in a bicycle business in Copenhagen, and Henry Kaiser, who began work at 16 as a travelling salesman for a dry-goods store in Utica, New York. ||3: Knudsen headhunted corporate innovators and persuaded them to give up their pay and perks to join him as “dollar-a-year men” in Washington. ||4: Kaiser recruited a can-do team from such blue-chip American companies as Lockheed, Bechtel-McCone, Chrysler, Boeing and General Electric to produce everything from dams to tanks to ships to steel. ||5: Each executive received an annual fee of $1. | |
22 | “如果人们停止这样愚弄自己,我的网站就会枯竭了。”唐如此说。 | "If people would stop making fools of themselves, my site would dry up , " Tang says. | |
23 | GoldmanSachs持有逾500亿美元的高流通性债券以防市场枯竭。 | Goldman Sachs keeps a stockpile of over $50 billion in highly liquid securities in case markets dry up . | |
24 | 北京污水处理厂污泥干化处理工艺选择的探讨 | Choice of the Treatment Technique for Dry Up the Sludge of Sewage Treatment Plants in Beijing | |
25 | 不管在哪种情景下,全球债权国最终将会看到它们的主要市场逐渐枯竭。 | Under either scenario, the world’s creditor countries would ultimately see their chief market dry up . | |
26 | 不过,其中许多投资工具已与银行签署紧急信贷安排协议,以防止其常规融资渠道干涸。 | However, many of these vehicles have arranged emergency credit lines with banks in case their normal funding sources dry up . | |
27 | 残障保险信托基金将会在2018年耗尽,较之离退休劳工社会保障信托基金早了22年。 | The DI trust fund is expected to dry up in 2018, 22 years before the trust fund for Social Security retirees does. | |
28 | 此外,在美国的一些新工厂争取到的补贴会很快花完。 | Moreover, some of the new factories in America have been wooed by subsidies that may soon dry up . | |
29 | 但是,不论他们多么努力,最终,油井会打到底,油会干枯。 | But, no matter how hard they hammered, the well would eventually bottom out and the oil would dry up . | |
30 | 但是,由于人们很清楚他不久就会成为局外人,所以他发现他的政治权力好像一夜之间就消失了。 | But he saw his political power dry up over night as people know very well that he’ll be out of the picture soon. |