1 | 投资者避过风险,意味着债务市场的流动性将因利率上升而干涸。 | Invest flatInvestor flight from risk means that debt market liquidity could draw dry up as interest rates raise rise. | |
2 | 土地出让一直是资金的一个重要来源,不过由于房地产市场下滑,现在这个资金来源也开始枯竭了。 | Land sales have been a big source of money but have started to dry up as the property market declines. | |
3 | 外部的信贷源头将会枯竭,因为海外的投资者、银行和企业担心自己的资金进入陷阱。 | External sources of credit would dry up because foreign investors, banks and companies would fear that their money would be trapped. | |
4 | 我要使大山小冈变为荒场,使其上的花草都枯干,我要使江河变为洲岛,使水池都干涸。 | I will make waste mountains and hills, and dry up all their herbs; and I will make the rivers islands, and I will dry up the pools. | |
5 | 削减资本支出导致新项目渠道更快枯竭。 | Cutting capital expenditure causes the pipeline of new projects to dry up faster. | |
6 | 新的金融危机会击垮人们的信心,使得购房者逃离楼市,同时受到危机影响的银行的信贷流会干枯。 | A new financial shock could rattle confidence and send buyers fleeing, while the flow of mortgage credit from exposed banks would dry up . | |
7 | 信心在香港可能瞬息万变,随着熊市反弹的转瞬即逝,这种交易的热潮或许也会迅速消退。 | Confidence can turn on a dime in Hong Kong, and this transaction flurry could dry up in the flash of a bear-market rally. | |
8 | 言下之意是,如果没有这些活动,生产会停顿,工作岗位会消失,而我们将受困于近乎永久的衰退之中。 | Without it, the implication is, production would dry up and jobs disappear, and we would wallow in semi-permanent depression. | |
9 | 一旦投资者认识到这一点,随着押人民币单边上涨的赌局走向终结,流入中国的热钱可能再次干涸。 | Once investors cotton on, hot money flows into China may again dry up as the one-way bet on a rising renminbi comes to an end. | |
10 | 依赖于煤炭等资源型的经济伴随着资源枯竭必然走向衰落。 | It is inevitable for the economy based on coal and other resources to head for recession as the resources dry up . | |
11 | 用于开发方法的对冲基金可采用大量借贷资金,因此信贷紧缩将导致流动性干涸。 | Hedge funds that exploit the approach can use a lot of borrowed money, so a squeeze on credit will cause the liquidity to dry up . | |
12 | 这些保底薪酬属于固定成本,在低迷时期,当收入突然枯竭时,这种成本可能对银行造成困扰。 | These guaranteed payments are fixed costs that could come back to haunt the banks during a downturn, when revenues suddenly dry up . | |
13 | 这些受挫的失业者就像人才市场里一大库的积水,只有当经济发展足够强劲时才可能抽干。 | These discouraged workers represent a reservoir of labour-market slack that will dry up only with strong economic growth. | |
14 | 这样的贷款可能枯竭,就象去年金融危机中发生的一样。 | That money can dry up , as last year’s financial crisis showed. | |
15 | 这样下去,当他们的劳动力资源开始衰退并由此影响经济社会发展时,他们将会向日本借鉴解决问题的经验。 | Such places will look to Japan for how to cope with the economic and social consequences when their manpower starts to dry up . | |
16 | 中国的剩余劳动力终将耗尽,但看起来会在几年之后。 | China’s surplus labour will eventually dry up , but it still seems some years away. | |
17 | 资源是会枯竭的,文化是生生不息的 | Resources are going to dry up , culture is a perennial | |
18 | 自雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)于去年9月份倒闭以来,金融危机已导致风险投资基金的资金来源枯竭。 | The financial crisis has caused investment in venture capital funds to dry up since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September. |