属类:经济金融-This is America 今日美国-美国参议院宣布川普弹劾罪名不成立
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-自由贸易协定在参议院受阻
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 使用种族侮辱性词汇 Netflix高管被扫地出
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-墨西哥崛起 或成中国未来主要竞争对手(2)
1 | 筹集的资金没达到所需的数额. | The money collected fell short of the amount required. | |
2 | 何我堂堂须眉,诚不若彼裙钗哉?实愧则有余 | that I, shameful to say, for all my masculine dignity, fell short of the gentler sex. | |
3 | 奖励不符我们的希望。 | The reward fell short of our expectations. | |
4 | 那结果出乎我的预料。 | The result fell short of my expectation. | |
5 | 票房收入未达到经理的期望。 | The box-office receipts fell short of the manager’s expectations | |
6 | 他觉得自己的克制能力和庄严比起父母亲来都差得很远哩。 | He felt how far he fell short of the reserve power and dignity in both his father and his mother | |
7 | 提起弹劾指控的民主党人在周三未能达到这项要求。除一名共和党参议员以外的所有共和党参议员都支持川普在他面临的两项指控上无罪,川普是共和党人。所有民主党参议员都投票支持川普有罪。 | Democrats who brought the impeachment charges fell short of that Wednesday. All but one Republican senator said that Trump, a member of the Republican Party, was "not guilty" of the two charges he faced. All Democrats in the Senate voted "guilty." | |
8 | ||1:参议院投票结果是52票对45票,少于就快速审批权开始辩论所需的3/5的支持率。||2:大部分民主党参议员投票反对就该法案进行辩论。||3:他们表示,该法案未涉及贸易执法以及被报道的中国操作货币问题,也未能满足美国失业工人的要求。 | ||1:The Senate vote was 52 to 45. It fell short of the three-fifths support needed to begin debate on "fast-track" authority.||2:Most Democratic Party members voted to block debate of the bill.||3:They say the bill does not deal with trade enforcement and reported Chinese efforts to influence the value of China’s money. They also say it fails to meet the needs of displaced American workers. | |
9 | 弗里德兰表示,“在树立榜样方面,领导者必须做到无可挑剔,很遗憾的是当我不顾他人感受向我的团队说了在喜剧中都属于冒犯的话语时我并没有达到这个标准。 | Friedland said that "Leaders have to be beyond reproach in the example we set and unfortunately I fell short of that standard when I was insensitive in speaking to my team about words that offend in comedy." | |
10 | 革命制度党希望在拿下今年夏季的国会选举,但在500人组成的众议院(Chamber of Deputies)中离多数票差11票,而在128人的参议院(Senate)中差了4票。无论如何,最为重要的改革促使需涉及宪法改革,而后者需要国会三分之二的多数票通过。 | The PRI had hoped to win a majority in the summer’s elections, but it fell short by 11 in the 500-member Chamber of Deputies and by four in the 128-member Senate. In any case, some of the most important reforms will need changes to the constitution, which require a two-thirds majority in Congress. | |
11 | 麦克马斯特在6月12日的初选中获得第一名,但未获得多数票数。 | McMaster finished first in the June 12th primary but fell short of a majority. | |
12 | Kraus博士指出,研究的简单结论就是身体接触能导致更好的表现。 | The study fell short of showing that touch caused the better performance, Dr. Kraus acknowledged. | |
13 | NAR还表示,严格的信贷条件,以及房屋评估价格低于谈好的售价,令2月成屋销售承压。 | The Realtors’ group also said tight credit conditions and home appraisals that fell short of agreed-upon selling prices weighed on sales. | |
14 | 波兰人可能会感到失望,因为去年普京在革但斯克未如一些波兰人希望的表示歉意,今年在卡廷活动中可能也是这样。 | Poles may sense a sell-out: Mr Putin’s language at Gdansk last year fell short of the kowtow that some desire; it may be the same at Katyn. | |
15 | 不过,与其它多数富国的类似目标和环保组织的期望相比,美国的目标不那么雄心勃勃。 | It was less ambitious, however, than similar targets from most other wealthy nations and fell short of environmental groups’ hopes. | |
16 | 迪尔玛•罗塞夫获得46.9%的选票,未能在10月3日获得能够使其当选总统的绝对多数选票。 | WITH 46. 9% of the vote, Dilma Rousseff fell short of the absolute majority she needed to be elected president on October 3rd. | |
17 | 钙质的总摄入量与晚期或致命性疾病有某种联系,但这种联系缺乏统计意义。 | Total calcium intake was tied to advanced and fatal disease, but both associations fell short of statistical significance. | |
18 | 高露洁棕榄集团财报盈利超过预期,但是收入低于预测。 | Colgate-Palmolive’s earnings beat forecasts, but revenue fell short of expectations. | |
19 | 尽管我没有达到要求,我的老师给予了我爱和理解。 | Even though I fell short of what was required of me, my teacher graced me with love and understanding. | |
20 | 尽管总生产力数字低于预期,它的数字构成中却有令人鼓舞的工作机会增长的苗头。 | Although the gross productivity number fell short of expectations, the make-up of the number was encouraging for a turn to job growth. | |
21 | 可惜谷歌支出增长超过分析师预期,而利润却未能达到人们的期望。 | Unfortunately for Google, expenses rose more than analysts expected, and profits fell short of expectations. | |
22 | 来自诸多零售商的报告显示,5月销售逊于预期,消费者专注于基本生活用品。 | Reports from many retailers showed sales fell short of forecasts in May as consumers focused on basics. | |
23 | 然而,工资并没有涨到工人们所要求的75美元。 | However, the increase fell short of the $75 per month workers had demanded. | |
24 | 然而,即便在研究者所合成的数字照片中,拥有最高身高,最宽肩膀和最英俊脸庞的健壮男性也算不上完美。 | Nonetheless, even the tallest, broadest-shouldered and best-endowed digital hunks that the researchers generated fell short of perfection. | |
25 | 石油服务企业哈里伯顿公司(Halliburton)利润有所增加,但是公司收入低于此前预期,导致股价下跌。 | Halliburton Co. ’s profit rose, but its revenue fell short of expectations, sending its shares lower. | |
26 | 通用在一份声明中承认,这些会计差错“未达到”它的标准。 | In a statement the conglomerate conceded that the accounting errors "fell short" of its standards. | |
27 | 同期美国GDP增速为2.9%,其他欧元区国家则不到1%。 | America managed 2. 9%. Growth in the rest of the euro zone probably fell short of 1%. | |
28 | 王说雀巢公司从未解释过为什么她的牛奶低于标准。 | Wang said the company never explained why her milk fell short of standards. | |
29 | 议会没能像部分议员设想的那样,提议让禁令覆盖所有公共场合。 | The committee fell short of recommending a ban in all public spaces, a measure some of its members had sought. | |
30 | 在本年度的最后一个季度中,新浪将预期调低一个百分点。 | In the fourth quarter of the last fiscal year, the company fell short of forecasts by one cent. |