属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-整改还是整容 Doctor or decorator
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-体貌魅力和事业 美丽不是错
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美貌与职场 漂亮有罪吗?
1 | 把小舢板从岸边推开。 | Fend off a sampan | |
2 | 把小舢板从岸或大船边推开 | Fend off a sampan | |
3 | 不让盗贼得手 | Fend off a thief from obtaining his gains | |
4 | 部长需避开记者提出的某些尴尬的问题. | The minister had to fend off some awkward questions from reporters. | |
5 | 打击去年的港元狙击者 | fend off last year’s speculative attack on the Hong Kong dollar | |
6 | 抵御百年一遇的洪水 | withstand the worst floods within 100 years; fend off the worst floods in a century | |
7 | 抵御国际金融风波的冲击 | fend off the impact of international financial crisis | |
8 | 国际货币基金会一项五百八十亿美元的纾困方案,已显著改善南韩的金融情势,而使其得以对抗国内外的冲击。 | IMF provided a US$58 billion bailout solution to South Korea, which has improved its financial positions significantly and helped it to fend off external and internal shocks | |
9 | 几个部落联合起来抵抗侵略者 | Several tribes allied to fend off the invaders. | |
10 | 兰扎回忆说:"我们料到肯定会有非议。 | We knew that we would have to fend off attacks," recalls Lanza." | |
11 | 前门拒虎,后门进狼 | drive the tiger away from the front door and let a wolf in at the back; fend off one danger only to fall prey to another | |
12 | 去年打击港元狙击者 | fend off last year’s speculative attack on the dollar | |
13 | 他们试图回避新闻记者的问题。 | They tried to fend off the questions raised by the newsman. | |
14 | 他试图回避那个新闻记者提出的问题。 | He tried to fend off the questions raised by the newsman. | |
15 | 为了抵抗匈奴,秦皇建筑了防御工事-各诸侯国城墙连起来的万里长城。 | To fend off barbarian intrusion, the fortification walls built by the various warring states were connected to make a 5,000-kilometer-long great wall. | |
16 | 稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险 | to maintain steady growth; accelerate reform; adjust economic structure; improve people’s living standards and fend off risks | |
17 | 有几个阿拉伯国家派人到总统办公室声称,它们需要美国的援助,来抵挡贪得无厌的邻国的威胁。 | Several of the Arab countries represented in the President’s office needed the United States to fend off threats from rapacious neighbors | |
18 | 这汤能暂时帮你解除饥饿。 | The soup will help you to fend off hunger for a time | |
19 | 这药能驱寒退热。 | The medicine is enough to fend off a chill and fever | |
20 | 总统未能拉到足够票数去避过弹劾。 | The President couldn’t muster the votes to fend off impeachment. | |
21 | ||1:凭着优质的产品和有竞争力的价格,法国电信在国内的收入占到运作资金的2/3。然而,外来者正在蚕食国内市场份额和利润,比如伊里亚特就将在2012年推出新的3G服务。||2:法巴银行证券部门的股票交易人Antoine Pradayrol 说,2009年法国电信的股票表现十分甚差,远逊于欧洲同行。||3:投资者迫切想知道Richard如何击败竞争对手,重振公司士气。 | ||1:With its premium products and pricing in France, which provides two-thirds of its cashflow, France Telecom’s market share and profits are being eroded by newcomers such as Iliad, which will launch its new mobile service in 2012.||2:The firm’s shares performed far worse than those of its European peers in 2009, says Antoine Pradayrol of Exane BNP Paribas, a brokerage.||3:Investors want to know how Mr Richard will fend off France Telecom’s rivals as well as how he will cheer up its staff. | |
22 | ||1:如今看来,税收出入似乎在今年越演越烈的总统竞选中的经济辩论里扮演了重要角色。||2:米特罗姆尼承诺将削减个人和公司税率并通过消除税收支出来支付税收削减。||3:有人谴责他的计划财政上并不可行,作为应对,罗姆尼承诺这一计划既不会增加赤字,也不会偏向富人,而不顾穷人和中产阶级。 | ||1:Tax expenditures now look likely to play a central role in the economic debates that are raging in this year’s election.||2:Mitt Romney has promised to slash personal and corporate rates and pay for the cuts by eliminating tax expenditures.||3:To fend off accusations that his plan is fiscally irresponsible and a giveaway to the rich, he has promised that it would not add to the deficit or favour the rich over the poor and the middle class. | |
23 | ||1:维基媒体基金会执行董事苏珊?加德纳(Sue Gardner)表示她想打破横亘在阅读和编辑之间的“心理障碍”,读者参与编辑完善一篇文章就像是阅读后自然而然的拓展活动了。||2:吸引住人们,让他们足够热诚(足够厚脸皮),避免有人心怀不轨,也要小心网络流氓,这绝非易事。||3:因此维基百科正在努力让编辑活动更简单更有趣。||4:措施之一是减少针对风格不符和瑕疵的警告信息,这类自动生成的信息容易打击编辑的士气。 | ||1:Sue Gardner, executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation, says she wants to break down the “psychological barrier” between reading and editing, so that improving an article feels like a natural extension of reading it.||2:Attracting people dedicated (and thick-skinned) enough to fend off special interests and trolls (internet hooligans) is tough.||3:So Wikipedia is trying to make its editors’ lives simpler and more attractive.||4:One move is to try to cut the number of discouraging automated messages warning editors of style breaches and other peccadillos. | |
24 | 热辣魅力十足的唯一不足就是她们不得不试图避开病态的的男同事;至少很多人这样认为。 | The only downside to hotness is having to fend off ghastly male colleagues; or so many people think. | |
25 | 唯一不利的是,她们得避开那些心术不正的异性骚扰;很多人大概都会有这种想法。 | The only downside to hotness is having to fend off ghastly male colleagues; or so many people think. | |
26 | 9月12日,政府和金融界的高级官员聚集在一起讨论如何避免雷曼兄弟破产。 | On Sept. 12, top government and finance officials gathered for talks to fend off bankruptcy for Lehman Brothers. | |
27 | Accruent帮助它们更理性地建造,寻找更便宜的房租,防止房东过多收取费用。 | Accruent helps them build more rationally, find cheaper leases and fend off landlords who try to overcharge for extras. | |
28 | 大脑也许是无法全部抵抗得住要睡觉的渴望,因此产生了睡眠剥夺时出现的大脑停顿。 | Brains may not be fully able to fend off involuntary drive to sleep, resulting in lapses when sleep deprived. | |
29 | 但是问题是在两大证交所合并后,英国是否真的有能力摆脱美国的规制。 | Yet some question whether Britain truly has the ability to fend off American regulation if there is an exchange merger. | |
30 | 但是猪,像很多肉食动物一样,它们是比较大的动物,具有大犬齿,所以它们在水里能更好地抵抗袭击。 | But pigs, like many carnivores, are relatively large animals with enlarged canine teeth, so they would be better able to fend off an attack. |