属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 左派步兵如痴如梦
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-集体行为 跟领导走
1 | 这是血肉之躯无法忍受的. | It was more than flesh and blood could bear. | |
2 | 这些忧伤不是血肉之躯所能忍受的。 | These sorrows are more than flesh and blood can bear. | |
3 | ||1:唉,只观察鱼群不能说明鱼群中谁是领导,谁是追随者。||2:相反,Couzin博士已经设计了一条机器三刺鱼。||3:通过把机器三刺鱼跟10条真正的三刺鱼混在一起对进行研究——正与先前的预测一样,他们的确听其号令。||4:现在,博士正在做一个机器捕食者,看看鱼群对这些凶恶入侵者将会会做出如何反映。 | ||1:Alas, merely observing a shoal does not make it clear which individuals lead and which follow.||2:Instead, Dr Couzin has built a biddable robot three-spined stickleback.||3:A preliminary study of a shoal of ten flesh-and-blood sticklebacks shows that they do indeed mingle with the robot and that they follow its leadership cues as predicted.||4:He is now making a robot predator to see how the shoal reacts to less benign intruders. | |
4 | ||1:民主党派没有在2014年做白日梦的资本,最近调查显示,即使在电子科技引领大选变革的今天,这些有血有肉的志愿者仍出资在广告上浓墨重彩,竞选者需要支持者说服他们的邻居朋友。||2:这场“地面战”对于双方尤其重要,因为6个摇摆州的竞选走势难以预测。||3:问题是,这些州趋于保守,而民主党人通常在枪支,煤,水力压裂法等进步问题上持有一家之言,很难打开这些州选民的心扉。 | ||1:The Democrats’ footsoldiers can ill afford to daydream in 2014. Even as digital technology transforms elections, recent research shows that flesh-and-blood volunteers tend to trump paid advertising. Candidates need supporters to sway their friends and neighbours.||2:This “ground war” is most crucial, for both sides, in the half-dozen swing states where Senate races could go either way.||3:The trouble is, these states are quite conservative. So the Democrats running for office there often have views on guns, coal or fracking that appal progressives, who are therefore reluctant to knock on doors for them. | |
5 | ||1:世界杯半决赛中,德国干掉了巴西。受这种一板一眼的踢法的刺激,一些评论人员戏称世界杯决赛为“梅西对战机器”。||2:但是尽管我们这样讽刺条顿式精密,德国队员也仍是人类。||3:而机器人世界杯则是机器足球运动员的赛事,无关有血有肉的人类。因此,今年7月19日,当机器人世界杯在巴西最东端的城市圣保罗开赛的时候,许多人开始考虑:真的机器,什么时候会统治足球运动? | ||1:MESSI v the Machine was how some commentators touted the World Cup final, inspired by the disciplined way the German team dismantled Brazil in the semi-finals.||2:But despite such caricatures of Teutonic precision, German players are only human.||3:So as the latest edition of RoboCup, a competition for robot soccer players rather than flesh-and-blood ones, kicks off on July 19th in Jo?o Pessoa, Brazil’s easternmost city, a question that will be on many minds is: when will real machines conquer the sport? | |
6 | 当Turbotax能够花费很低做同样的工作为什么要去雇佣会计去处理税务事宜? | They can also empower amateurs to do what professionals once did: why hire a flesh-and-blood accountant to complete your tax return when Turbotax will do the job at a fraction of the cost? | |
7 | 对一个有十条真实刺鱼鱼群的初步研究显示,他们确实接纳了那条机器鱼,并且接受它的领导指示。 | A preliminary study of a shoal often flesh-and-blood sticklebacks shows that they do indeed mingle with therobot and that they follow its leadership cues as predicted. | |
8 | “我说你肯定能再来一次,”一个士兵说,“只不过是血肉罢了。” | "You’ll do that once too often, " a soldier tells him. "It’s only flesh and blood . " | |
9 | 把我们的血肉,筑成我们新的长城! | Let us amount our flesh and blood towards our new Great Wall! | |
10 | 把我们的血肉筑成我们新的长城--论抗战歌曲与民族精神 | Building the New Great Wall with Our Flesh and Blood --On the Songs Of Resistance of the Enemies and Ethos | |
11 | 保持同人民群众的血肉联系巩固党的执政基础 | Maintain Flesh-and-Blood Ties with the Masses of the People and Strengthen the Ruling Basis of Our Party | |
12 | 第三种可能性是,吸烟者既不是傀儡,也非终极理性的机器人,而仅仅是血肉之躯。 | A third possibility is that smokers are neither puppets nor ultra-rational robots, but simply creatures of flesh and blood . | |
13 | 对他来说,和其他活生生的人在一起工作是活在这个世界上最令人满足的方式。 | For him, working and bonding with other flesh-and-blood men and women was the most satisfying way of being in the world. | |
14 | 关于保持和发展党同人民群众的血肉联系的思考 | My Views on Maintaining and Developing the Flesh-and-blood Ties between the CPC and the People | |
15 | 恒星之间的距离难以想象的广阔,根本不容血肉之躯穿过,更何况是整支军队。 | The distances between stars is so unimaginably vast it cannot be crossed by beings of flesh and blood -- and certainly not entire armies. | |
16 | 鉴于人类在那些环境中易于失误的倾向,机械化了士兵更愿意呼叫它们,而不是那些有血有肉的长官。 | Given the propensity for human error in such circumstances, mechanised grunts might make such calls better than flesh-and-blood officers. | |
17 | 那些知晓他们自己的,他们会知道他们不是肉体和血液,而是灵魂——由光的力量源泉制成,我的光。 | For those who know themselves they will know that they are not flesh and blood but soul made of the sinews of light, My light. | |
18 | 如今,我们同样如此,只是我们的英雄是血肉之躯的史诗人物。 | In modern times, we do much the same, but our heroes are epic men of flesh and blood . | |
19 | 他认为,在那样的层次,只有使用有血有肉的病人才能实现。 | at that level, he feels, only flesh-and-blood patients will do. | |
20 | 通过社交网,我不是指电脑上虚拟的那种,你会和我“交朋友”吗?假冒的,没有老式的、活生生的那种交情。 | By social networks, I don’t mean virtual, will-you- "friend" -me? simulations, but old-fashioned, flesh-and-blood relationships. | |
21 | 我们正在面对人类的血肉之躯无法承受的悬念。 | Let’s face it, flesh-and-blood human beings are not built to undergo this level of suspense. | |
22 | 我听闻很多人都在批评电脑使得人与人之间的距离越来越远,因为电脑和屏幕语言已代替了活生生的人。 | I’ve seen arguments that relationships are becoming more distant in a digital age, as computers and screennames replace flesh and blood . | |
23 | 我向我丈夫提出去领养一个孩子,但是他说如果要孩子,就必须是亲生的。 | I mentioned adoption to my husband but he said if we had a child it should be our own flesh and blood . | |
24 | 也许她直到前一刻还在怀疑我是否是她的亲骨肉,提到饼干奏效了。 | Maybe she had been wondering up to that point if I was indeed her flesh and blood , but mentioning the biscuit did the trick. | |
25 | 以“三个代表”重要思想为指导加强党同农民的血肉联系 | Strengthening the Party’s Flesh- and- Blood Ties with Farmers in the Light of the Idea of "Three Represents" | |
26 | 用血肉筑成我们新的长城: | let our flesh and blood become our new Great Wall | |
27 | 有效地驾驶AT-AT战车是一项艰难的挑战,它依靠的不是自动化操作,而是有着血肉之躯的驾驶员。 | Piloting an AT-AT effectively is a difficult challenge entrusted to flesh-and-blood operators and not automation. | |
28 | 有血有肉的父亲对于现代家庭已经不是必备的条件——这样的故事并不仅是好莱坞在独家兜售。 | Hollywood is not the only industry peddling the story line that flesh-and-blood fathers are an optional accessory in today’s families. | |
29 | 这对于有血有肉的人是太难堪啦——连我都受不了啦! | It’s unutterably too much for flesh and blood to bear--even mine. | |
30 | 这是血肉之躯不能抗拒的; | flesh and blood could not resist it; |