属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-夏令营 顽皮鬼的天地
1 | 这儿太气派了,以至于鲁布再次求我能不能让她只戴一分钟我的首饰时,我把有垂饰的项链给了她。 | It looked so grand that when Rube asked me again if she could try my jewels on just for a minute , I offered her the pendant. | |
2 | 这个半文明半野蛮的人好半天心里纷乱如麻,不知道应当怎样看待自己的行为。 | For a minute the mind of this creature, equally of civilization and barbarism, was a sort of chaos as to feeling, not knowing what to think of its own act | |
3 | 只是他们连片时不可进去观看圣所,免得他们死亡。 | But they themselves are not to go in to see the holy place, even for a minute , for fear of death. | |
4 | ||1:还有些父母对含有少量汞的防腐物质硫柳汞心存忧虑。||2:其实它在疫苗中的含量极少,对人体是安全的,现在,疫苗都不再含这种物质——多次使用的流感疫苗除外。||3:父母们对孩子的这些关切常常成为所有人可以免费获得的新异类,疫苗不知怎么就像常见的成熟鳄梨或未经过滤的自来水一样成了威胁性命的玩艺。 | ||1:Other parents fret about thimerosal, a preservative that contains trace amounts of mercury.||2:Not only were these amounts minute and safe, but thimerasol has now been eliminated from all vaccines, with the exception of multi-dose flu shots.||3:Often these parental conversations then turn into new-agey free-for-alls, where vaccines somehow join the list of conventionally grown avocados and unfiltered tap water as lethal menaces. | |
5 | ||1:据估计,每年有25万的英国孩子参加了夏令营。||2: Camp Energy的创始人巴里Grinham说, 他们的目的是"为了缓解的父母苦恼"。 ||3:而超级阵营的杰斯丁朗福德说:夏令营的主要竞争对手,是大家族中其他亲属对孩子的免费照顾。||4:Grinham指出,许多父母会在他们的亲戚没有时间照顾他们的小孩的时候才下的订单。 | ||1: By one estimate, 250,000 British children attend summer camps each year. ||2: Their purpose, says Camp Energy’s founder, Barry Grinham, is "to ease the pain of parenting". ||3: Their main competitor, says Justine Longford of Super Camps, is free child care from the extended family. ||4: Mr Grinham notes that many parents book at the last minute, after relatives cancel on them. | |
6 | ||1:然而,事态的转变痛苦的不只是“蚂蚁”,这反映的是中国监管机构的糟糕表现。||2:IPOS很少会在如此晚的阶段停止。||3:该交易在上海获得了800多倍的超额认购,而在香港,该公司上周提前一天收市。||4:公司计划在上海的星空市场上市,目的是吸引已在海外上市的中国科技企业回国。||5:相反,蚂蚁金服在最后一刻暂缓上市,突显出中国政治体系的不透明以及即便是最成功的企业也可能遭遇的风险。 | ||1: Yet the turn of events is not just painful for Ant. It reflects poorly on China’s regulators. ||2: IPOS are rarely stopped at such a late stage. ||3: The deal was more than 800 times oversubscribed in Shanghai, and in Hong Kong last week the firm closed its book a day early. ||4: It was set to float in Shanghai on the star Market, China’s answer to Nasdaq, designed to lure home Chinese tech groups that have listed abroad. ||5: Instead, the last-minute halt of Ant’s listing highlights the opacity of the Chinese political system and the risks that can trip up even its most successful companies. | |
7 | ||1:相反,他的诗节奏紧凑,往往似讽非讽。||2:读者如果足够敏锐,便会发现他的细节描写极为杰出,且敢于用押韵的词句:“天安门广场,洁净而宽敞,难以分辨,亡者曾几何处葬。”||3:芬顿善用叙事诗或者情诗的形式,拟声的手法,将旧的诗歌形式适用于新的时代,来表达自己的思想。 | ||1: Instead, there is a constant satirical edge, and a certain bite to his tightly rhythmic verse. ||2: A keen observer, his poetry excels in the minute description, and the audacity of a rhyming phrase: “Tiananmen/ Is broad and clean/And you can’t tell/Where the dead have been.” ||3: Often impersonating the voices of others, Mr Fenton revels in using the forms of narrative poems or ballads, taking these older poetic structures and bringing them up to date. | |
8 | ||1:一只眼皮高贵的下垂;眼睛扫射全场5分钟;女主角的脸庞挂着泪滴;八字胡的男主角站在人群中分外耀眼夺目;伴着没完没了的曲子,幕布内外的演员们围成圈子慢慢地跳着舞......||2: 在Shammi Kapoor到来之前,这些都是宝莱坞的老一套。 ||3:他也能循规蹈矩,保持清高,发表悼词,语出惊人等诸如此类因为贵族的血液在他身体里流淌。||4:到1957年,已拍过19部电影的他依然是个跑龙套的,再也忍不住内心煎熬的他爆发了,不过形式标新立异:剃掉八字须,学猫王把长发修剪成鸭尾式;甩甩头发,急转身体,扭动屁股,他横空出现在印地电影屏幕上。 | ||1: THE stately descent of an eyelid; the five-minute burning glance; tears frozen on a heroine’s cheek; the moustachioed hero standing to pained attention; the slowly circling dance of attendants in and out of curtains to some interminable tune. ||2: That was old Bollywood, before Shammi Kapoor came along. ||3: He could do old-style too, keeping chastely still and delivering his laments and what not, because it ran in the family’s famous blood. ||4: But in 1957, frustration boiling up inside him after 19 films which had made him precisely a nobody, he took a different tack; shaved off the pencil moustache; cropped his long hair into a Presley duck-tail, tossed his head sideways, spun round, shook his hips, and exploded on to the Hindi film scene. | |
9 | “我就离开了一会儿,再叫的时候,他就已经不见了。”彭高峰说。 | "I turned away for a minute , and when I called out for him he was gone, " Mr. Peng said. | |
10 | David我可以跟你说几句吗单独的就一会儿?。 | Say, David, you think I could speak to you, privately, just for a minute ? | |
11 | Neal在门口站了一会儿,还是没有动。 | eal stood in the doorway for a minute , then two. | |
12 | 把烤盘放到炉子里一两分钟,让黄油融化,不过可别烧焦了哦。 | Put the pan in an oven for a minute or two until butter is melted but not burned. | |
13 | 把它视作一种提醒你去静的铃音。 | Think of it as a bell that rings, reminding you to be still for a minute . | |
14 | 摆脱压力,让全身活动起来,即使只有一两分钟的时间。 | Go beyond the stress ball and move your whole body, even if it’s for a minute or two. | |
15 | 不过她一刻也没有停止过对正事的关注。 | Not for a minute , though, is she taking her eye off the main prize. | |
16 | 车夫听了这老女人的话,却毫不踌躇,仍然搀着伊的臂膊,便一步一步的向前走。 | But the rickshaw man did not hesitate for a minute after hearing the old woman’s answer. Still holding her arm, he helped her slowly forward | |
17 | 待着别动,呼吸并闭上你的眼睛,你将会在你的内在中发现这种宁静。 | Stay still for a minute , and breathe. You close your eyes, and find a stillness within yourself. | |
18 | 但不久他们又遇到了第二条河。这条河太宽了,狮子跳不过去。稻草人想了一会。 | But soon they came to a second river. This one was very big, and the Lion could not jump across it. The Scarecrow thought for a minute . | |
19 | 但是如果我们假设物理学仍然有出现革命性思想的潜力,我们究竟能不能等到它出现的那一天呢? | But if we assume for a minute that physics holds the potential for a revolution in thinking, would we be able to see one coming? | |
20 | 但细想一下吧:所有这些可都是生鱼。 | But reflect, for a minute , on all that raw fish. | |
21 | 当我们不期而遇时,请留住一秒钟,看一看我们是否似曾相识。 | When we meet, please wait for a minute , have a look, and think whether we are familiar. | |
22 | 等一下,丹尼尔。你又有什么鬼点子啊? | Daniel, hold on for a minute . What are you trying to pull there? | |
23 | 给我一点时间想一想 | Let me think for a minute . | |
24 | 工人一会就处理了一打微波炉。 | For a minute a worker processes a dozen of waves. | |
25 | 嗨,我就是想离开晚会清静一会儿。 | Hey, all I wanted was to take a break from the party for a minute . | |
26 | 花点时间想一想:没法交流的话组织会变成什么样? | Think about it for a minute : What would your organization be like without communication? | |
27 | 花一分钟的时间好好想一下。 | Think about that for a minute . | |
28 | 缓冲层资源可能是昂贵的抗震建筑材料,其抗震挠性每个世纪只用得上一两分钟。 | The buffer may encompass expensive building materials whose earthquake flexibility is needed only for a minute or two every century. | |
29 | 霍维茨和韦克菲尔德丝毫不是在暗示,这类病理性抑郁症并不存在。 | Horwitz and Wakefield are not for a minute suggesting that such pathological depression does not exist. | |
30 | 将你的眼睛闭上一会儿,想象一下人体所有浪漫的部分。 | Close your eyes for a minute and envision all the romantic parts of the human body. |