属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星采矿 淘铂去
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-食品荒漠 Good food and bad:Ju
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 波音公布新市场预测 沃尔纳出售ASDA Ci
1 | ||1:当然,若为这个项目投入足够的资金和人才,以上种种都能实现。||2:但对于这种工程浩大的项目,人们真正质疑的并非是否有人能提供这种服务,而是有没有这种需求。||3:正因为稀有,铂、铱等矿物才价格不菲。||4:若这些矿物能在一个由碎片构成的行星的地核中被开采到,它们就成了普通金属,价格也会变得便宜。||5:所以,这个团队里最重要的成员可能不是推动这项事业并参与投资的企业家和风险投资人,也不是设计实现这一目的的硬件工程师;而是当大量的铂从天外而来时,那些试图算出其对铂价冲击的经济学家。 | ||1:All of which can, no doubt, be done if enough money and ingenuity are applied to the project.||2:But the real doubt over this sort of enterprise is not the supply, but the demand.||3:Platinum, iridium and the rest are expensive precisely because they are rare.||4:Make them common, by digging them out of the heart of a shattered planet, and they will become cheap.||5:The most important members of the team, then, may not be the entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who put up the drive and the money, nor the engineers who build the hardware that makes it all possible, but the economists who try to work out the effect on the price of platinum when a mountain of the stuff arrives from outer space. | |
2 | ||1:在大多数人眼里,获得51亿美元是一件高兴的事。||2: 然而对于尼克 奥本海默而言,这位德比尔斯(全球最大,历史最悠久的钻石矿业公司)主席却不那么轻松。其家族海默家族已经决定向矿业巨头英美资源集团出售剩余的40%德比尔斯的股份。 ||3:而这次交易也标志这个南非矿业巨头辉煌时代的结束。 | ||1: MOST people would be overjoyed to pocket $5.1 billion. ||2: But Nicky Oppenheimer, the chairman of De Beers, said that it was with a heavy heart that his family had decided to sell its remaining 40% stake in the world’s biggest diamond miner to Anglo American, a mining behemoth. ||3: The deal marks the end of an era for South Africa’s foremost mining dynasty. | |
3 | ||1:芝加哥南部的这个地区是美国许多的食品荒漠之一。||2:这些地方之所以著名,不是因为缺少某些食品,而是因为一些类型的食品可以得到。||3:虽然炸薯片,糖果和油炸面圈饼很容易得到,但是苹果确实稀缺的农产品。||4:所有证据也证明获取有质量的食品不足导致了还肥胖、糖尿病和癌症以及更多可避免的死亡疾病的几率升高。 | ||1:This part of Chicago’s South Side is in the heart of one of America’s many food deserts.||2:These are notable not for the absence of food, but for the kind of food available.||3:Though crisps, sweets and doughnuts are easy to come by, an apple is a rare commodity.||4:Yet all the evidence shows that poor access to quality food results in a higher risk of obesity, diabetes and cancer—and more avoidable deaths. | |
4 | ||1:最后不得不说,REINS法案(详细审查法案)是个糟糕的决定。||2:众议院通过了该法案,国会可以越俎代庖地更多地参与规章制定环节。||3:还有什么比行政部门更烂的类似机构吗?舍国会其谁!经济合作与发展组织(OECD)在1999年的研究表明,美国监管困境的核心问题是那些写的很烂的法律,而不是随后的规则制定。(没有人会天真到认为国会会吸取这份研究的经验而变得更加明智)||4: 来自田纳西州的民主党下议院议员Jim Cooper对他的同事表示:“国会那些家伙根本不去看他投了什么一票,也没时间看,更看不懂那些玩意儿。” ||5:他更对国会的意愿屈服于特殊利益集团之事表示失望:“有一个关于辣椒的游说,”他指的是那些为了争取那些种小红辣椒(餐馆里放在橄榄里的那种辣椒)的人的利益的人,“你们(国会)都不敢得罪那些“辣角色”。”||6:在这样的环境里,要把现有法规取消不比建立新法规更简单,甚至有可能更难。 | ||1: Finally, one bad idea is the REINS bill. ||2: Passed by the House, it would involve Congress more heavily in rule-making. ||3: If there is a body worse than the executive agencies at this kind of thing, it is Congress. A 1999 study by the OECD found that poorly written laws, not subsequent rule-writing, were at the heart of America’s regulatory woes. (No one has been foolish enough to suggest that Congress has become wiser since then.) ||4: Jim Cooper, a Democratic House member from Tennessee, says of his colleagues: “People vote on things they have not read, do not have the time to read, and cannot read.” ||5: He further despairs of the power of special interests to bend Congress’s will: “There is a pimento lobby,” he says of those who fight for the interests of those who grow the small red peppers served inside olives. “You do not want to cross the pimento people.” ||6: In such an environment, getting things undone is at least as hard as getting them done, and perhaps harder still. | |
5 | 百时美施贵宝(Bristol-Myers Squibb)又进行了一笔大型收购,同意以131亿美元收购MyoKardia。MyoKardia是一家专注于心脏病治疗的临床生物制药公司。去年,百时美施贵宝以900亿美元收购了Celgene,这是制药业有史以来规模最大的交易之一。 | Bristol-Myers Squibb made another big acquisition, agreeing to pay $13.1bn for MyoKardia, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company specialising in treatments for heart disease. Last year Bristol-Myers Squibb bought Celgene for $90bn, one of the largest-ever deals in the drug industry. | |
6 | “我要宽恕我的敌人。”我想要跟你们分享一个故事,那是发生在很久以前我发自内心的宽恕。 | "I had to Forgive My Enemy" . I wanted to share a story from my past about forgiving from the heart . | |
7 | 本传记是一部感人的书,因为它是用情感写就的。 | This is a moving story, written from the heart . | |
8 | 从心出发,从我做起;当下开始,从善如流;不争论,只争朝夕! | From the heart , from my start; They began VMs; Not arguing seize the day! | |
9 | 大家确实在欢笑,发自内心的笑,这六年来,不是也笑容度过的吗? | We did the laughter, laughter from the heart , which in six years, not have smile through it? | |
10 | 但当爱选择从你或爱人的心底溜走时,你什么都不需、也不该做。 | But if it choose to leave from your heart or from the heart of your lover, there is nothing you can do and there is nothing you should do. | |
11 | 但是,如果我们从心里祈祷,他们将会感到新鲜并从上帝那儿得到力量。 | But if we pray from the heart , kids will see the freshness and power of our relationship with God. | |
12 | 狄金森的这首《我是无名小卒,你呢?》应该是其发自肺腑之作。 | When composing "I’m nobody! Who are you? " it is likely that Emily Dickinson was writing from the heart . | |
13 | 而电影最基本的是我们进到一个黑屋子里面跟一群观众去共享一种心灵上的沟通。 | One kind of the basics of films is that we get into a black room and share a kind of communication from the heart . | |
14 | 而且(说句真心话)这至少让你有事可做。匿名 | And (speaking from the heart here) it will give you something to do. Anon | |
15 | 发自于心的才能够触动人心。 | What comes from the heart touches the heart. | |
16 | 感谢神,因为你们从前虽然作罪的奴仆,现今却从心里顺服了所传给你们道理的模范。 | But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. | |
17 | 更多的时候,这些心愿来自于内心——甚至可以令直系亲属感到惊讶。 | More often, the wishes come from the heart - and can be surprising even to immediate family members. | |
18 | 公司口号沟通从心开始 | Company slogan communication begins from the heart | |
19 | 或许这种亲切是因为我打听的是关于食物的问题,这个主题从来都不会远离阿拉伯男性的心。 | Perhaps that gentleness was because I was inquiring about food, a subject never far from the heart of the Arab male. | |
20 | 基督徒的慷慨大方出自于内心。 | Rather Christians practice generosity from the heart . | |
21 | 她对于“恭维和空洞的仪式”很少满意,声称“我的喜欢只会发自我的内心”。 | She took little satisfaction in "formal compliments and empty ceremonies" and declared that "I am fond of only what comes from the heart . " | |
22 | 她说,她的歌来自生活。南非黑人爱唱自己的日子,用节奏和欢乐来表达他们“心底的呐喊”。 | It was natural, she said, for black South Africans to sing their lives and to turn their "cries from the heart " into rhythm and joy. | |
23 | 今晚我要说说心里话。 | Tonight I want to speak from the heart . I’m going to speak off the cuff. | |
24 | 经历上帝的恩典,自然会慷慨施予。 | Generosity stems from the heart that has experienced God’s grace. | |
25 | 距心湖两三英里的地方,住着一位年轻时曾被掳走的老婆婆。 | Two or three miles from the Heart Lake lives an old woman who was stolen away in her youth. | |
26 | 梅西约瑟夫是依心而活的执行理事。她说自己提供了20多年的海豚疗法。 | Macy Jozsef, the executive director of Living From the Heart , says she has been providing dolphin therapy for more than 20 years. | |
27 | 美国国家情报委员会的报告令人警醒,因为它来自美国安全部门的核心。 | The NIC report has made people sit up because it comes from the heart of the US security establishment. | |
28 | 目标应该是发自肺腑的! | Goals need to be from the heart ! | |
29 | 那些发自内心的东西,会赢得别人的心。 | What is uttered from the heart alone, Will win the hearts of others to your own. | |
30 | 那种怜悯之心,那种发自内心的怜悯 | that compassion that from the heart compassion is so powerful |