属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- The World This Week Busine
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧盟委员会 拉加德或将成为欧盟委员会掌门人
1 | ||1: Raghuram Rajan经常被说成是少数几个预测到金融危机的经济学家之一。 ||2:2005年一次向世界顶级央行银行家的演讲中,他说道创新让金融业更危险。||3: 当时,Larry Summers并没有理会他的观点,说他有点卢德分子的感觉,恐惧技术变革。现在Larry Summers是美联储主席的热门人选。 | ||1: RAGHURAM RAJAN is often described as one of the few economists to predict the financial crisis. ||2: In a speech in 2005 to the world’s top central bankers he said innovation had made finance more dangerous. ||3: At the time his view was dismissed by Larry Summers, now a front-runner to become chairman of the Federal Reserve (see article), as “slightly Luddite”. | |
2 | ||1:他的晚年基本上就是个悲剧。||2:他的孩子和第二任夫人职业是电视节目主持人的西尔维娅﹒莱姆斯,都死得比他早,一位死于血友病的并发症,另一位死于吸毒成瘾。||3:当墨西哥落入与毒品有关的暴力行为时,他的后期作品也变得黑暗起来。||4: “La Voluntad y La Fortuna”(“命运与欲望”)以一只漂浮在大西洋上断头的沉思开篇。 ||5: 他不理睬Enrique Pe?a Nieto,制度革命党的候选人也是墨西哥总统竞选的领先人物,7月1日任期到期,他认为此人无足轻重,也没有能力解决这个国家存在的问题。 | ||1: His later years were marked by personal tragedy. ||2: Both his children with Silvia Lemus, his second wife who was a television presenter, died before him, one of complications from haemophilia and the other from drug addiction. ||3: As Mexico descended into drug-related violence, his later novels became darker. ||4: “La Voluntad y La Fortuna” (“Destiny and Desire”) begins with the musings of a severed head, floating in the Pacific. ||5: He dismissed Enrique Pe?a Nieto, the PRI candidate and front-runner in Mexico’s presidential election, due on July 1st, as a lightweight, unequal to the country’s problems. | |
3 | 荷兰皇家壳牌公司任命范伯登为其新一任的首席执行官。范伯登曾为该公司液化天然气精炼部门任职,30年来一直默默无闻。 | Royal Dutch Shell appointed Ben van Beurden as its new chief executive. Mr Van Beurden, who has spent a large part of his 30 years at the energy company working at its liquefied-natural-gas division, had not been regarded as a front-runner. | |
4 | 甚至5年前,那还无法想象;但值此大选将于明年五月份结束之际,莫迪成为最有可能担任印度下一届首相之人。 | EVEN five years ago it would have been inconceivable; but, with a general election due by next May, Narendra Modi is the front-runner to become India’s next prime minister. | |
5 | 现在,欧洲议会中各政治团体正利用这一规定来兜售他们中意的候选人—中间偏左的社会党人推选舒尔茨,而中间派自由主义者倾向于付思达,下个月,中间偏右的欧洲人民党也将推出自己的实力选手,极有可能就是让-克洛德·容克。 | Political groups in the parliament are exploiting this to put forward their preferred choices now—Mr Schulz for the centre-left Socialists, Mr Verhofstadt for the centrist Liberals and, next month, a front-runner for the centre-right European People’s Party who seems likely to be Mr Juncker. | |
6 | “希拉里过去两周糟糕透顶,作为领跑者,她成为众矢之的,她几乎被当成了在任总统,”佐格比说。 | "Clinton had a bad couple of weeks and as a front-runner she’s a target for everyone, she’s treated almost as the incumbent, " Zogby said. | |
7 | IMF领导人选战领先者可以从对手身上学到些什么 | What the front-runner to lead the IMF could learn from the other candidates | |
8 | 比如说,约翰麦凯恩很大程度上因为2000年竞选失败者的身份参加2008年的竞选。 | John McCain, for example, entered the 2008 race as the front-runner largely because of his honourable failure in 2000. | |
9 | 并且,从新闻中我获知中国在制造超速计算机领域也是个世界领跑者。 | And I read in the news that China is a front-runner to build a super-fast computer. | |
10 | 波兰外交部长扎德克•西科尔斯基(波兰前国防部长)是最初的秘书长热门人选。 | Poland’s foreign (and ex-defence) minister, Radek Sikorski, is an early front-runner. | |
11 | 布朗的退出会引来具有大量低等级竞争者而少真实实力派特点的竞赛。 | Mr Brown’s exit will bring a contest featuring plenty of unpalatable contenders but no obvious front-runner. | |
12 | 达特的想法虽然领导潮流超过50年,但却并不是人人信服。 | Dart’s solution, while the front-runner for more than 50 years, failed to win everyone over. | |
13 | 但是,至少暂时,共和党总统竞选的领先者米特·罗姆尼看起来更倚重现实主义者而非新保守派。 | But, for the time being at least, the Republican front-runner Mitt Romney seems to rely more on realists than neocons. | |
14 | 接下来的前面的选手联邦法官Kimba木、都在科罗拉多滑雪当问她是否已经保姆的问题。 | The next front runner , federal Judge Kimba Wood, was out in Colorado skiing when asked if she had a nanny problem. | |
15 | 例如,安佰深是收购ISS呼声最高的私募公司,而ISS这家丹麦的清洁公司早已被其他私募收购了。 | For example, Apax is the front-runner to buy ISS, a Danish cleaning firm already owned by private-equity outfits. | |
16 | 领先者的民调数字令人质疑 | The front-runner’s questionable poll position | |
17 | 欧盟作为领跑者率先将截至2020年的减排量由20%调整到了30%,但附条件要求其它各方采取相关行动。 | The European Union, as front-runner, offered to boost its 20% cuts to 30%, conditional on other parties’ actions. | |
18 | 普京亲手挑选的42岁律师德米特里•梅德韦捷夫(DmitryMedvedev)是一位一路领先的人,他也将成为俄罗斯下届的总统。 | Dmitry Medvedev, a 42-year-old lawyer chosen by Mr Putin to be Russia’s next president, was always a front-runner. | |
19 | 然而,竞争领先者是五角大楼情报部门副部长,詹姆士克拉伯。 | The front-runner, though, is James Clapper, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for intelligence. | |
20 | 任何投票都会认同这个事实:罗姆尼是比赛的领先者,而Huntsman却陷在开始的几步里。 | Any poll will ratify the significance of that insight: Romney is the front-runner, and Huntsman is languishing in single digits. | |
21 | 日本冲绳更是首屈一指。 | Okinawa in Japan is the front runner . | |
22 | 身为领先者并不容易,突然之间这场比赛似乎已经开始,但结果如何还是未知数。 | Being the front-runner is not easy and the race, which suddenly seems to have begun, is far from decided. | |
23 | 同一天,在传递给选举领先者哈米德·卡尔扎伊总统的言辞中,该大使的信息直接了断:“不要宣布胜利。” | The same day, the ambassador delivered a blunt message to the front-runner, President Hamid Karzai: "Don’t declare victory. " | |
24 | 无疑,2月7日决赛的领跑者是俄罗斯于2004-05年间所支持的恶棍维克多·亚努克维奇(图右)。 | It is true that the front-runner in the run-off on February 7th is the Russian-backed villain of 2004-05, Viktor Yanukovich (pictured left). | |
25 | 先前的竞争领先者是阿尔瓦罗•柯洛姆,一个中左派的候选人,在2003年的总统大选中他败给了博尔赫。 | The early front-runner is Á alvaro Colom, a candidate of the centre-left who lost to Mr Berger in 2003. | |
26 | 现在,航线私有化成了人们街头巷尾热议的话题,一位法国竞买者可能会捷足先登。 | Now, amid talk of a privatisation, a French bidder is seen as a front-runner to buy the port itself. | |
27 | 现在麦凯恩先生是优势巨大的领跑者,而朱利安尼先生已经退出了。 | Now Mr McCain is the clear front-runner and Mr Giuliani is out of the race. | |
28 | 一路领先的民主党人巴拉克·奥巴马(5.12分)远远落后。 | The Democratic front-runner, Barack Obama, trails far behind (5. 12). | |
29 | 遗憾的是,这位领跑者否认这一点。 | It is a pity the front-runner is in denial. | |
30 | 在那时,许多人对这番话不以为然,认为这不过是正步向惨痛失败的民主党总统竞选领跑者在吐苦水而已。 | At the time, many dismissed this as the bitterness of a Democratic front-runner who was heading towards a painful defeat. |