1 | 德彪西常常盯着塞纳河和落日的金色反光来建立一种创造性的氛围。 | Debussy used to gaze at the River Seine and the golden reflections of the setting sun to establish an atmosphere for creativity. | |
2 | 她走到窗口,凝视着灰色天际的第一道彩霞。 | She went to her window to gaze at the first colour along the grey sky. | |
3 | 瞧瞧那“皇帝神仙鱼”(emperorangelfish)身上鲜艳的黄与蓝,还有迷幻般的漩涡,你就能感受到生物进化的无奇不有了。 | Gaze at the vivid yellows, blues, and psychedelic swirls of a single emperor angelfish and you’ll sense the whimsy of evolution. | |
4 | 人说话,不要看着别人的肩膀。那使你看上去很急于结束对话。 | Don’t gaze at others’shoulder when you talk with them. It gives a bad impression to others that you are eager to end the conversion. | |
5 | 如果你盯着它看太久,肯定会陷入绝望。 | It is something you cannot gaze at too long without falling into despair. | |
6 | 涂个非常简单有效的方法是:盯着你心爱的人的照片。 | One remarkably simple method: Gaze at a photo of a loved one. | |
7 | 我凝视着河水,凝视着增在消失的乡村生活,凝视着过去的我,各种各样的情感涌上心头。 | All kinds of feelings well up when I gaze at the water, when I gaze at the disappearing country life and when I gaze at myself in the past. | |
8 | 我气喘吁吁地爬到火山口边上,一屁股坐着满是石粉的地上,注视着地心喷出的烟尘。 | I wheeze my way onto the crater ridge and collapse on the talcum powder edge to gaze at the belching steam coming from the earth’s core. | |
9 | 我正想这么说,发现漂亮的接待员正注视着我,毫无疑问用的是一种尊敬的眼神。 | I was going to. But she was beautiful and had suddenly begun to gaze at me with an unmistakable look of respect. | |
10 | 找些客人和外面其他什么人一起好好看看月亮吧,哪怕只是几分钟呢。 | Grab some guests and head outside to gaze at the Moon together, even if just for a few minutes. | |
11 | 作为弥补,持票者可以在四又二分之一英尺外远远眺望这些全中国最大的棒棒糖。 | To make up for it, ticket-holders will be able to gaze at the largest lollipop in China, about four and a half feet across. |