属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 66
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 波音公布新市场预测 沃尔纳出售ASDA Ci
1 | "好的。"我害羞地回答说,已经在想着该怎样穿过马路, | " Okay," I replied shyly, already wondering how I would get across the street | |
2 | (演技)受到欢迎, 产生良好效果 | get across the footlights | |
3 | “好的。”我害羞地回答说,已经在想着该怎样穿过马路,祖父当然会跟我一块。 | "Okay. "I replied shyly,already wondering how I would get across the street.Surely Grandpa was going tocome with me. | |
4 | 布朗先生是一位好教练,因为他能够把比赛的方法和技巧讲得一清二楚。 | Mr Brown is a good coach because he can get across the play. | |
5 | 车辆减少后孩子们开始过马路。 | When the traffic lessened, the children began to get across | |
6 | 好吧,这样说吧,现代美术家尝试表达出他对周围世界的个人感觉。 | Well, I’m attempting to explain that the modern artist is trying to get across his personal feelings about the world around him. | |
7 | 绝水必远水﹔客绝水而来,勿迎之于水内,令半济而击之,利﹔ | After crossing a river, you should get far away from it. When an invading force crosses a river in its onward march, do not advance to meet it in mid-stream.It will be best to let half the army get across ,and then deliver your attack. | |
8 | 你的意思别人并未真正理解. | Your meaning didn’t really get across . | |
9 | 你已经让学生知道这个讯息了吗? | Did you get across the message to the students? | |
10 | 桥被毁坏了,所以他们无法过河。 | The bridge was destroyed, so they wouldn’t get across . | |
11 | 桥已毁坏,我们无法过河. | The bridge was destroyed so we couldn’t get across (ie cross)the river. | |
12 | 如果一两句话不能把你想说的意思表达出来,那说明你说话的重点不够突出。 | If you can t express in a sentence or two what you intend to get across , then your speech is not focused well enough. | |
13 | 师徒四人正愁无法过河时,游过来一只老龟,老龟说:“我原住在河中,你们打走妖怪,我又回来了,我送你们过河吧!” | Later, the four were worrying about how to cross the river. Suddenly, there came an old turtle, who said," I used to live in the river. Now that you have chased away the spirit, I am back. Let me help you get across the river." | |
14 | 虽然空中自行车骑手可以学会怎样作短距离飞行,而且最后甚至可以飞越英吉利海峡,但是否能飞越大西洋则尚属可疑。 | But though air cyclists may learn how to fly over short distances, and may, eventually, even get across the English Channel, it is doubtful whether they will ever cycle across the Atlantic. | |
15 | 他急忙走下河来帮助我们过河。 | He hurried down the river to help us get across | |
16 | 他能简单地解说这场比赛,是个好的解说者。 | He is a good commentator because he can get across the game. | |
17 | 他无法使大家了解他的意思。 | He was unable to get across to the group what he meant | |
18 | 通过;了结;完成 | Get through; get across ;be connected | |
19 | 我的孩子们实在叫我生气。 | My children really get across me | |
20 | 我们可以看到小路在深溪对岸向前伸展,但却不知如何越过这道深溪。 | We could see that the path continued on the other side, but we had no idea how we could get across the stream. | |
21 | 我无法让她理解我是多么地爱她。 | I couldn’t get across to her how much I loved her. | |
22 | 现在还说不准他的表演是否会受观众的欢迎。 | It is still doubtful whether his performance would get across the footlights. | |
23 | 注意不要得罪那位主任,他会使你遭解雇的。 | Take care not to get across the director, he could have you dismissed | |
24 | ||1:30年过去了,情况发生了怎样的变化?有两点很突出。||2:首先,自两德统一以来,人们的行为发生了巨大的变化:有年幼子女的东德女性全职工作的比例1990年时为一半以上,而2018年则下降到不足三分之一。||3:德国有越来越多的女性从事兼职工作。||4:东西方差距依然存在。||5:东德全职妈妈的比例是西德的两倍多。||6:结果就是,东德女性的收入比男性少7%,而西德男女收入的差距是22%。||7:该报道认为,造成这些趋势的原因是政策和态度。 | ||1: Three decades on, how has the picture changed?Two things stand out. ||2: First, behaviour has changed drastically since unification: the share of eastern women with young children working full-time fell from over half in 1990 to just under a third in 2018. ||3: More women across Germany are working part-time. ||4: Second, east-west differences still exist. ||5: The share of eastern mums in full-time work is more than double that in the west. ||6: As a result, whereas women in the east earn 7% less than men, the gap in the west is 22%. ||7: The report argues that policy and attitudes together explain these trends. | |
25 | ||1:欧洲的情况同美国差不多。著名的皇室婚礼举行地圣保罗教堂外支起了一个个帐篷,帐篷上面贴满了标语,标语的主要内容都是抨击银行家的(但也有一个上面写着“免费拥抱”)。||2:一位有好的教堂神职人员劝说警方不要把抗议者们赶走,至少因为现在时机不合适(如果抗议活动变成政府的眼中钉,人们的观点可能会改变)。||3: 在旅游行业工作的健谈的澳大利亚人Joanna Wilde说在“得不到我们想要的”她就不离开。尽管她这样说,“我们想要的”同在美国一样,获取不清楚是什么。 ||4:她的朋友Jan希望“更加平等,更加相通”。||5: 在一个临时帐篷里洗杯子的学生Jamie Lee说抗议活动是全球资本主义瓦解的开始。 ||6:一个列有十个要求的清单上批判避税天堂和商业对于政治的影响。 | ||1: The scene across Europe is similar. A tent city outside St Paul’s Cathedral in London, best known for royal weddings, is festooned with slogans, chiefly bashing bankers (though one offers “free hugs”). ||2: A friendly cathedral cleric persuaded police not to move the protest, at least for now (if it becomes an eyesore, views may change). ||3: Joanna Wilde, a chatty Australian who works in tourism, says she will stay “till we get what we want”—even if, as in America, what that might be is unclear. ||4: Her pal Jan wants “more equality and empathy”. ||5: Jamie Lee, a student washing cups in a makeshift kitchen, says the camp is “the beginning of the end of global capitalism”. ||6: A ten-point list of demands blasts tax havens and the influence of business over politics. | |
26 | ||1:热衷于聚会派对,从不拒绝美酒的南希?威克经常出现在鸡尾酒会。||2:到她生命的最后一段时光也是如此,可能她就出现在伦敦《经济学家》杂志社办公大楼对面的斯塔福耶酒店的美国酒馆。||3:上世纪40年代时亦是如此,1940年她刚刚结婚,嫁到维希政权下的法国,那时她经常出现在另一家美国酒馆,在巴黎卢浮旅馆里或者在马赛和平旅馆里。||4:在那里,她很偶然地碰到一位被法国当局保释的在囚英国军官。 这位军官后来带领她加入了抵抗德国纳粹的运动中,也使她成为了英国特别行动处驻占领的法国的一位特工。||5:而在特别行动处39位渗入法国的女特工中,11名没有在德国纳粹集中营中丧生,而她也许是其中最令人敬畏的那个。 | ||1:CONVIVIAL, and not averse to a drink, Nancy Wake could often be found cheering up a cocktail bar.||2:In the late 1940s, and again towards the end of her life, it might have been the American Bar of the Stafford Hotel, just across the road from The Economist’s offices in London.||3:In 1940, when she was living as a newlywed in Vichy France, it could have been another American Bar, this one in the H?tel du Louvre et de la Paix in Marseilles.||4:It was a chance encounter here with an English officer, interned by the French authorities but that day on parole, which led to her membership of the resistance, and then to her role as an agent of the British Special Operations Executive in occupied France.||5:Of the 39 SOE women infiltrated into France, 11 of whom would die in concentration camps, she was perhaps the most redoubtable. | |
27 | ||1:沃尔玛终于为英国连锁超市Asda找到了买家。Asda是沃尔玛在1999年收购的一家英国连锁超市,两年多来沃尔玛一直想要出售这家超市。||2: 这笔价值68亿英镑(87亿美元)的交易的买主是一个由Zuber和Mohsin Issa领导的财团。 ||3:兄弟俩经营EG集团,该集团在10个国家经营加油站和食品特许经营,并在英国拥有许多肯德基连锁店。 | ||1: Walmart at last found a buyer for Asda, a British supermarket chain that it bought in 1999 and has been trying to sell for more than two years. ||2: The new owner in the 6.8bn pounds ($8.7bn) deal is a consortium led by Zuber and Mohsin Issa. ||3: The brothers run eg Group, which operates petrol stations and food concessions across ten countries, and owns many Kentucky Fried Chicken franchises in Britain. | |
28 | 葛兰素史克公司在撒哈拉以南非洲的6000名婴儿身上测试了这种疫苗。患临床疟疾的风险减少了56%,患严重疟疾的风险减少了47%。葛兰素史克公司在研制RTS.S的搭档“疟疾疫苗开发计划”的Christian Loucq说这种效力“是我们曾期待的积极一面”。 | GSK tested the vaccine in 6,000 infants across sub-Saharan Africa. It reduced the risk of clinical malaria by 56% and severe malaria by 47%. This efficacy was “on the positive side of what we were expecting,” says Christian Loucq of the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative, GSK’s partner on RTS,S. | |
29 | 大桥已经毁坏,我们无法过河了。 | The bridge was destroyed so we couldn’t get across the river. | |
30 | 但即使是在波兰,该公司给出的条件也远不能与德国边境相比。 | But even in Poland, the company’s offering is nothing like what you get across the border in Germany. |