1 | “聪明固然很好,领先固然很好,但过了一定的极限,你就会不受信任:你让人讨厌,是个怪物,”他说。 | "It’s good to be smart, it’s good to get ahead , but past a certain threshold, you can’t be trusted: you’re a nerd, you’re a geek, " he said. | |
2 | 安格拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)、尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)和其他人已召开了数次峰会,承诺要走在金融市场的前面。 | Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy and the rest have gone into summits promising to get ahead of the financial markets. | |
3 | 但这似乎还不足以摆脱危机。 | But it looks unlikely to be enough to get ahead of the crisis. | |
4 | 当今世界,要想取得令人瞩目的成就,就要会讲至少两种语言,特别是英语。 | In today’s world, being able to speak more than one language, including English, is how you stand out and get ahead . | |
5 | 电视业的经验之一就是,接受变革,并领先于变革。 | One of the lessons from TV is to accept change and get ahead of it. | |
6 | 对于那些来自社会底层、只受过很少教育的人们来说,商业是一种改善生活、进入上流社会的奇妙方式。 | Business is afantastic way for someone from a modest background with minimal education toimprove their life and get ahead . | |
7 | 对于任何想处于领先地位的人来说,把创造力带进工作已经具有现实意义。 | The need to bring your creativity to work has real-life relevance to anyone looking to get ahead . | |
8 | 对于事业追求安稳看上去是明智的,但是要想进步的话,你可能要冒一些风险。 | Playing it safe with your career may seem smart. But to really get ahead , you may need to take some risks. | |
9 | 房地产专家们总是在这样问自己:究竟该如何做我猜能在这个陈旧的市场中领先? | Real estate professionals have found themselves debating: how do I get ahead in a stale market? | |
10 | 风险在于,投资者会超前于自己的判断力,将资金交给错误的团队管理。 | The risk is that investors get ahead of themselves and put money with the wrong teams. | |
11 | 各行各业的人们开始注重建立个人品牌,以期在事业和生活各领域取得成绩。 | People in all walks of life are starting to use personal or self-branding to get ahead in the game of life. | |
12 | 怀默霆认为,实际上,中国人几乎与美国人一样,认为个人努力能让人出人头地。 | In fact, Chinese are almost American in their belief that individual effort enables people to get ahead , Mr Whyte posits. | |
13 | 即便如此,也不能认为欧元区的决策者们为克服危机已经走得太远。 | Even so, it is wrong to conclude that, in trying to get ahead of the crisis, the euro zone’s policymakers have gone too far. | |
14 | 假如说,结论是欧元区决策者们已经为设法战胜危机走得太远了,那就错了。 | It would be wrong to conclude that, in trying to get ahead of the crisis, the euro zone’s policymakers have already gone too far. | |
15 | 控制得太严格做不仅会减少收入,还会削弱自己发展科技的动力,以至于最后让外国人领先。 | Not only does that reduce revenue, it also weakens the incentive to improve technology and lets those foreigners get ahead . | |
16 | 玛丽很有志向,她急切想在事业上出人头地。 | Mary is ambitions. She is keen to get ahead in her career. | |
17 | 每次我一提离婚,他就动粗,因为一位在医学院教书的医生需要有老婆才可能继续升迁…… | Who gets violent whenever I bring up divorce because a doctor at a teaching hospital needs a wife to get ahead . . . | |
18 | 每个月,我会储蓄一次按揭的25%,以便能支付第一个房子。 | Each month, I will save 25% of a mortgage payment for helping me get ahead on payments when I purchase the first home. | |
19 | 那个小混蛋是个马屁精,只要能往上爬,他啥事都干。 | He’s a little kiss-ass bastard who’ll do anything to get ahead . | |
20 | 难道你不想出人头地吗? | ’Don’t you want to get ahead ? | |
21 | 你的想法会非常出色,你能够帮助你的伙伴取得进展。 | You will have excellent ideas and you should be able to help your partner get ahead . | |
22 | 你可能没想到,当你尝试生长时,如果你感觉到每次都有一股强大的力压倒你。 | If you feel like some greater force keeps knocking you back down every time you try to get ahead , you’re not imagining it. | |
23 | 你希望那些努力工作并且牺牲很多的人先得到其应得的,然后那些懒惰的骗子什么也得不到。 | You want to believe those who work hard and sacrifice get ahead , and those who are lazy and cheat do not. | |
24 | 你作为一个新律师加入,投注大量的精力和时间,那是在那个行业领先的好方法。 | Youcome in as a new lawyer and you put in massive amounts of effort andtime, it is the accepted way to get ahead in that industry. | |
25 | 年轻人发现走在前面越来越难。 | Young people are finding it harder to get ahead . | |
26 | 其实他跟你我一样也很想干出点名堂来。 | He wanted to get ahead just like you and me. | |
27 | 然而如果你为下一个低潮作出点计划,就能在下一份工作和长远上表现得更出色。 | However, if you make a plan for your next slow period, you can get ahead for your next work rush and come out better in the long run. | |
28 | 让子女们在生活中占有先机是中产阶级家庭的头等大事。 | Helping children get ahead in life is a primary goal for middle class families. | |
29 | 如果超过100%,就需要削减消费,如果收入随着开支增长,那也没必要减少支出。 | If it’s over 100%, you need to make some cuts in your spending or you will never get ahead , as your spending will grow as your income grows. | |
30 | 如果你准备在这个盛大节日奉上这道佳肴,最好提前两天做好。 | If you’re looking to get ahead with your meal, you can make this dish up to two days ahead of the big day. |