1 | 想想所有你需要完成但还没有开始的任务。 | Think of all the tasks you want to get done , but haven’t yet started. | |
2 | 写下1-3件今天要做的最重要的事(MITs)(你可能已经在我的网站读过这个了)……这一天你真的想做的头等的三件事。 | for the day (you might have already read about this on my site) . . . the top 1, 2, or 3 things that you really want to get done that day. | |
3 | 信心是一种基本的信仰,你了解需要完成的东西是什么,因为你有合适的工具、受过良好的培训,可以那样做。 | Confidence is a fundamental belief that you know what needs to get done because you have the right tools and training to do so. | |
4 | 扬声器旁边是一厚本记着我每天要干什么的工作簿。 | Next to the speakerphone is a fat daily planner bookthey keep full of things for me to get done . | |
5 | 也许那是我们想开创的一份事业,也许是我们想要做好的一个项目,那么,我们怎样才能真正达到目的呢? | It might be a business we want to start or a project that we want to get done , but how exactly are we going to get there? | |
6 | 一旦管理层意识到事情不想他们预想的那样发展,又开始寻求政府救助,希望能像贝尔斯登(BearStearns)与政府达成协议。 | Once management realized a deal couldn’t get done to its liking, it sought government assistance for a deal, like we saw with Bear Stearns. | |
7 | 一直以来我都对该在那些零散小块的时间里做些什么感到手足无措。 | I’ve been struggling with squishing what needs to get done into an uncomfortably small timeline. | |
8 | 因此,2010年将会举行多次裁军会谈。但是并不是所有的都会取得积极成效。 | So there will be lots of disarmament talk in 2010. But not a whole lot will get done . | |
9 | 因此,我们将尽可能多的数据在尽可能长的时间内加载,这样的话大部分重要的工作可以首先完成。 | As a result, we delay loading as much data as possible for as long as possible, so the most important work can get done first. | |
10 | 在美国,我们要看到挡在前进路上的思想障碍,每个人都意识到必须把它搬掉。 | In the U. S. , we see ideological hang-ups standing in the way of what everyone realizes must get done . | |
11 | 在你代管时任务完成得更快,或许正是因为这个原因。 | Perhaps this is why things get done quicker in the office when you are in charge. | |
12 | 在你每天看电视的时候,选一两件以上提及的事情做把,你会惊奇的发现原来你还是可以做好许多零碎的小事情的。 | Choose one or two items on this list to do each evening and you just may be surprised at how many little extras you can get done . | |
13 | 在你思维灵活的时候去处理那些最困难的事情,你将会更快速的完成它,在一天余下的时间里你也会更加愉悦。 | If you handle the toughest tasks first when your mind is fresh, you’ll get done quicker and make the rest of the day more enjoyable. | |
14 | 在前一天的晚上,把我第二天需要完成的任务集中到一个表上。 | On the night before, put together a list all the tasks I need to get done for the next day. | |
15 | 怎样才能做到呢? | How does that get done ? | |
16 | 整理一下房间---广告时间不会很长,但还是能有很多事情可以做的。 | Do a quick reset of the room you’re in - Commercial breaks aren’t long but it’s amazing how much you can get done . | |
17 | 置身于不同的文化环境中,你能更深刻地了解当地的风土人情。 | Immersing yourself in a different culture will give you insight into how things get done there. | |
18 | 终于有一天你会发现自己还有那么多事没有做,而剩下的时间却已经不多了。 | One day you’ll be confronted with the realization of how much you still have to get done and how little of time you have to do it. | |
19 | 最终误解更少了,事情能够更快地完成,你不再会是“那个让人抓狂的开发者”。 | In the end there will be less miscommunication, things will get done faster, and you’ll no longer be "that frustrating developer. " | |
20 | 做好矿井地质工作为煤矿生产服务 | Get Done With Mining Geological Works to Serve the Coalmine Production |