1 | 或许是他已决定让该国一些经营不良的公司破产,以此挽救别的一些公司。 | It may be that he has decided to let some of the state’s bad companies go under in order to save the others. | |
2 | 货币和政府似乎要破产了,还有那我们坚信安全无忧的金融系统部分。 | Currencies and governments are likely to go under , along with parts of the financial system we believed had been made safe. | |
3 | 即使再融资对这些公司是可行的,其代价也非常昂贵,破产只是时间问题。 | Even if refinancing were available for endangered firms, it would be prohibitively dear. It is only a matter of time before some go under . | |
4 | 她女儿有时会钻到她的裙子底下然后再从另一头冒出来。 | Her daughter would sometimes go under her dress and come out the other side. | |
5 | 决策者肯定不会重蹈覆辙,让大银行涉入。 | Policymakers will surely not repeat the mistake they made then, of letting a big bank go under . | |
6 | 没有人能够正确估计如果任由通用和克莱斯勒倒闭将会发生什么。 | Nobody can be sure what would have happened if GM and Chrysler had been allowed to go under . | |
7 | 那么,问题也许就自动解决了:如果情况真像你所说的那么糟糕,那家公司可能很快就会倒闭。 | And then the difficulty may have solved itself: if things are as bad as you say, the company may go under quickly. | |
8 | 你看,主要投资银行——雷曼兄弟公司不是倒闭了吗? | You see, Lehman Brothers, a major investment bank, is apparently about to go under . | |
9 | 然而,如果公司业务急速下滑,马上要面临破产,那么你该马上找份新工作! | However, if business is down to the point where it looks like the company is going to go under , start looking for a new job NOW! | |
10 | 如果国会和白宫放手底特律三强自生自灭,如奇瑞这样的中国公司可能成为收拾残局(取而代之)的人。 | If Congress and the White House let the Big Three go under , Chinese companies like Chery might be the ones that pick up the pieces. | |
11 | 世界必须联手应对金融危机,而欧亚需要做出表率,否则我们将面临经济崩溃的危险。 | The world must unite to tackle the financial crisis, with Asia and Europe at the fore, or we’ll all go under | |
12 | 衰退已经夺走了许多人的工作,并造成更多中小型企业沉没。 | The recession has pushed more people out of work and caused more small- and mid-sized businesses go under . | |
13 | 威尔士亲王和王后都很清楚并且支持威廉王子夫妇在未来几个月想低调点的想法。 | The Queen and the Prince of Wales are fully aware of their plan to go under the radar in the next few months and are very supportive of it. | |
14 | 下一次当你躺在手术刀下的时候,你也许会再三考虑一下环境问题。 | Next time you go under the knife for a surgical procedure, you might want to think twice about the environment. | |
15 | 许多盈利的公司破产就好是因为资金链问题。 | Lots of profitable companies go under because of cash flow problems. | |
16 | 一批小企业倒下去,千万家小企业又冒出来,原因就在于失业者开始自己创业。 | Small companies go under but many new ones are born, as workers who lose their jobs create their own. | |
17 | 英国是爱尔兰主要贸易伙伴之一,所以英国政府有很好的理由不想他的邻国破产。 | Britain is one of Ireland’s main trading partners and creditors, so it has good reasons not to want its neighbour to go under . | |
18 | 与雷曼的情况不同,我不认为政府应该让作为经济基石的大型银行倒闭。 | Unlike in the Lehman case, I do not think governments should allow big banks that are cornerstones of their economies to go under . | |
19 | 在Rexx中,它们被命名为“词干变量”,但是其概念非常类似于很多其他语言中的程序库。 | In Rexx they go under the name "stem variables, " but the concept is very similar that of dictionaries in many other languages. | |
20 | 在汉克·保尔森和伯南克所做的所有决策中,任由雷曼兄弟破产成为最关键也最受争议的一项。 | Of all the decisions made by Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke, the one to let Lehman go under stands as the most pivotal. | |
21 | 在决定谁上天堂谁下地狱这个问题上,保尔森先生的实用主义给予他一定的灵活性。 | Mr Paulson’s pragmatism has given him a degree of flexibility in deciding who to save and who to allow to go under . | |
22 | 在滤镜菜单中找到渲染,然后在渲染选项中,选取灯光效果。 | Go under the Filter menu, under Render, and choose Lighting Effects. | |
23 | 在你的桌下放一组哑铃 | Have a set of dumbbells ready to go under your desk. | |
24 | 在有效保护小储户的同时,让管理不善的机构倒下不是更好吗? | Would it not be better to let mismanaged institutions go under , while protecting small depositors effectively? |