属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚历山大·黑格 Alexander Haig
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-医用植入设备 一个甜美的想法
1 | 《星期日泰晤士报》报道,新加坡正在向单身公民们分发关于如何安排完美约会的小册子。 | Singapore is handing out booklets to singles with tips on how to plan the perfect date, the Sunday Times said | |
2 | 今年的庆祝活动包括派米。 | This year’s celebrations have included the handing out of free rice. | |
3 | 尽管他当真要放款,那托辣斯还是空炮! | Even if he can start handing out loans, this finance trust of his is still nothing but a hoax! | |
4 | 救济人员在(向生还者)分发紧急配给品. | Relief workers were handing out emergency rations(to the survivors). | |
5 | 他们在街上散发传单。 | They were handing out leaflets in the streets | |
6 | 他们站在大街上向行人散发传单。 | They were standing in the street, handing out leaflets to passers-by | |
7 | 迎宾员的职责包括为您推出购物车,微笑,并且让您知道我们很高兴您光临沃尔玛。 | The People Greeter has many responsibilities, including the job of handing out shopping carts, greeting you with a smile, and letting you know we′re glad you came to Wal-Mart. | |
8 | ||1:除了格兰特和艾森豪威尔,美国不放心把公民权交到其他军人手里;从1981年里根政府上任伊始,阿尔·黑格就没有摆脱希望接管国家大权的印象。||2:在就任国务卿的听证会上,他对质询者出言不逊(“谁也不能独占伦理道德,连你也办不到,参议员”)。||3:他无意中说想当外交政策的“主教”,这个称号真是自命不凡。||4:新闻界始终如一地讥讽他“盛气凌人”。||5:他的照片登上过《时代》杂志的封面,仰着下巴、双手叉腰,上面写着“由我做主”。 | ||1: Grant and Eisenhower aside, America is uneasy about handing civil power to soldiers; and from the very start of the Reagan administration, in 1981, there was nothing Al Haig could do to erase the impression that he wished to take over the country. ||2: At his confirmation hearings for the post of secretary of state he rode roughshod over his interrogators (“No one has a monopoly on virtue, not even you, senator”). ||3: He let slip that he wanted to be the “vicar” of foreign policy, a word with pope-size pretensions. ||4: The press pinned on him the word “arrogant”, and never removed it. ||5: His picture appeared on the cover of Time, chin high and arms akimbo, above the words “Taking Command”. | |
9 | ||1:和其他所有的电子设备一样,一个起搏器同样需要能源。||2:自从1958年第一个永久起搏器被植入后,可植入医疗设备的制造商就在不断尝试为其产品提供电能的各种方法。||3:尝试了各种化学电池以及感应充电计划,甚至是将放射衰变的热能转换为电能的钚电源单元格。||4:现在,钚电源起搏器还是时不时的出现在停尸房和医院中,并且使得美国核管理委员忙于忙于处罚那些疏于妥善处理钚电源起搏器的医院。 | ||1:LIKE any other electrical device, a pacemaker needs a power source.||2:Since the first permanent pacemaker was installed in 1958, manufacturers of implantable medical devices (IMDs) have tinkered with many different ways of supplying electricity to their products.||3:A variety of chemical batteries have been tried, as well as inductive recharging schemes and even plutonium power cells that convert the heat from radioactive decay into electricity.||4:Plutonium-powered pacemakers still turn up from time to time in mortuaries and hospitals, and a failure to dispose of them properly keeps America’s Nuclear Regulatory Commission busy handing out citations to unsuspecting hospitals. | |
10 | ||1:环保工作需要谨慎为之。||2:他经常说,在中国,像“绿色和平组织”那样,喜欢搞些有几分危险和引人注目的招式来推动工作是不识时务的。||3:他就曾放任过自己一两次,1998年托尼?布莱尔访华之际,他写信请求其帮助拯救藏羚羊;曾带上摄像机秘密拍摄四川的非法砍伐。||4:政府打手曾对他小有注意。||5:但从整体上看,他是以中国人易于接受的方式采取行动。||6:不批评父母,而是帮助父母做家务。||7:同理,不攻击政府,而是提醒政府已经有了保护土地、水体和大气的成文法,并愿意为实施这些法律献力。 | ||1:This was delicate work.||2:In China, he always said, there was no point in the sort of dangerous and eye-catching stunts favoured by Greenpeace.||3:He indulged in one or two, handing a letter to Tony Blair, on a visit to China in 1998, to petition him to help save the Tibetan antelope, or bringing in secret cameras to record illegal logging in Sichuan.||4:State goons kept a bit of an eye on him.||5:But in general his campaigns were conducted in an orderly Chinese manner.||6:You did not criticise your parents; instead, you helped with the housework.||7:Similarly, you did not attack the government; instead, you reminded it that there were laws already on the books to protect the land, the water and the air, and offered to help enforce them. | |
11 | ||1:她一如既往地收获胜利。||2:成功地阻止了内罗比中心一个公园里建六十层摩天大楼的计划,本来计划阿拉普莫伊总统所在政党的办公总部就要设在该摩天大楼内。||3:她在一块指定用来建设高尔夫球场的荒木林地上植下树木。而且,至少暂时地阻止了政府将大片公共土地分发给政府支持者。 | ||1: As ever, she had her triumphs. ||2: Against the odds, she prevented a 60-storey skyscraper from being built in a park in central Nairobi. It had been designed to house, among other things, the headquarters of President Moi’s party. ||3: And she succeeded, at least for a while, in stopping the government from handing out parcels of public land to reward its supporters. That followed her attempt to plant a tree on forested land earmarked for a golf course. | |
12 | ||1:尽管其他州都在推动允许同性婚姻的进程——2月8日,华盛顿州众议院投票通过允许同性婚姻的提案,当然决议的最终批准还需公民投票表决——但现在看来,此案(8号提案违宪一案)一定会上诉至美国最高法院。||2:婚姻,是与情感高度相关之事,远不同于养老金,银行账户等一般俗务。||3:就像第九巡回上诉法院在宣布其裁决时所指出的那样:“如果玛丽莲梦露的电影叫《如何与百万富翁签订一纸家庭伴侣关系》(而不叫《如何嫁个百万富翁》),意思就大相径庭了。” | ||1: The case now seems certain to be appealed to the United States Supreme Court, though other states are simply pushing ahead with allowing gay marriage: on February 8th Washington’s state legislature voted to allow it, though the decision could yet require approval at a referendum. ||2: Marriage, far beyond such mundane matters aspensions and bank accounts, is of course a hugely emotive subject. ||3: As the Ninth Circuit noted in handing down its judgment, “Had Marilyn Monroe’s film been called ‘How to Register a Domestic Partnership with a Millionaire’, it would not have conveyed the same meaning.” | |
13 | “不。”桑德斯一边回答一边分发名片。“我是一名认证过的执行护卫特工。” | "No, " Sanders replied, handing out business cards. "I’m a certified executive protection agent. " | |
14 | “祭出爆炸性的信息如伊拉克视频确实有效果,但我不认为这是可持续的,”富尔达说。 | "Handing out something big like the Iraq video works, but I don’t think this is sustainable, " Fulda said. | |
15 | “我们已经尝试为大伙购买午餐以及分发大额奖金,但至今没有任何成效,”公司总裁哈维.邓恩说道。 | "We’ve already tried buying everyone lunch and handing out big bonuses, but so far nothing’s worked, " company president Harvey Dunn said. | |
16 | Dell正给与那些对标价错误的系统下订单的用户大约20,000新台币的折扣合计600美元有余。 | Dell is handing out a 20, 000 NT (just over $600) discount to those who ordered the wrongly priced system. | |
17 | KoiKei同时也推出免费品尝的杏仁蛋糕,它们比我在内地吃到的更够味儿。 | Koi Kei was also handing out samples of its almond cookies, tastier than what I’ve been able to find on mainland China. | |
18 | 巴西这个月分发了6500万免费的避孕套,远远高于通常的4500万。 | Brazil is handing out 65 million free condoms this month; that’s up from the usual 45 million. | |
19 | 把公共部门的合同递到政治献金人的手里,这种“有钱人的游戏”是经常使用的手段。 | Handing out public-sector contracts to political donors, "pay to play" , is common practice. | |
20 | 颁奖典礼期间《哈利波特》影星丹尼尔·雷德克里夫(DanielRadcliffe)作为客串主持之一颁发奖项。 | Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe was among the guest hosts handing out awards during the ceremony. | |
21 | 北京为逾22万名低收入工人一次性发放补贴100元人民币(合15美元)。 | Beijing is handing out one-time subsidies of Rmb100 ($15) to more than 220, 000 low-income workers. | |
22 | 毕马威给审计师发奖金时同时强调“业务增长”; | PWC stressed "business growth" when handing out bonuses for auditors; | |
23 | 不过政客们还需要处理这样一个问题:国家是否应该将如此多的福利施舍给如此多的人。 | Yet politicians also need to tackle the question of whether the state should be handing out so much to so many. | |
24 | 参与者的反应是在巨蟒中一个具有隐含意义的威胁派由一个的更大名义让处罚者进行处罚。 | Participants reacted to the meaning threat implicit in Python by handing out a larger notional punishment to a lawbreaker. | |
25 | 从八岁起,Carly就开始帮助别人,在教堂门口派发其他家庭所需的感恩节小提篮。 | Carly started helping others when she was eight, handing out Thanksgiving baskets at church to families in need. | |
26 | 从去年开始,布什政府一直发放补助,促进健康婚姻。 | Since last year, his administration has been handing out grants to promote healthy marriages. | |
27 | 但实际上,上述这些机构全都在发放资金或准货币,并在积累流动性不佳的资产。 | In reality, all of them were handing out money, or near money, and accumulating illiquid assets. | |
28 | 但是这样发放排放许可确实在实践中会将纳税人的财富转移向工业企业。 | But handing out emission permits does, in effect, transfer wealth from taxpayers to industry. | |
29 | 但也有人说,储存的粮食是特供城镇居民发放的。 | But others say stockpiled grain has already been earmarked for handing out to people in the towns. | |
30 | 当时,活动倡议者站在牛津街街头,向民众分发印有手机公司老板详细信息的名片。 | At one point campaigners stood in Oxford Street handing out calling cards printed with details of mobile phone company bosses. |