属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Turning a line 化学元素即将出现新的一行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Turning a line 化学元素即将出现新的一行
1 | 系得不牢; 处于非常危急的境地 | hang on by one’s eyelids | |
2 | 系得不牢; 处于非常危急的境地 | hang on by the eyelids | |
3 | 学生们会注意听教授所说的每句话。 | The students would hang on every word that their professor said. | |
4 | 要设法坚持下去。 | Try to hang on . | |
5 | 要是我是个泼辣女人就好了,那样你就会俯首帖耳地仔细听我的每一句话了。 | If only I were a bitch! Then You’d hang on every word | |
6 | 依赖某人; 听从某人 | hang on sb.’s sleeve | |
7 | 在察看房子的时候,拉什顿和瘟神发现大门背后的墙上挂着一只很大的晴雨表。 | While Rushton and Misery were looking over the house they discovered a large barometer hang on the wall behind the front door | |
8 | 在同伴们去找绳子时,那个登山者只好紧紧抓牢。 | The climber had to hang on while his companions went to find a rope. | |
9 | 抓紧那根绳子,不要松手. | Hang on to that `rope and don’t let go. | |
10 | 抓住皮带,汽车要开动了。 | Hang on to the strap. The bus is starting | |
11 | 抓住我的手。 | Hang on to my hand. | |
12 | 准备付出以效力欧洲顶级球会的球员的薪金水平留住该名球星 | is prepared to match the wage level of Europe’s big clubs to hang on to his star player | |
13 | ||1:“他们常出现在一些比较另类的小地方。”说这话的是理查德-潘,他是萨科拉门托的一名儿科医生,也是加州立法机构的成员。||2:他说的“他们”是那些援引“哲学豁免”规定,不给自己孩子注射州推荐疫苗的父母们。||3:有些地方,比如加州内华达山脉丘陵地区的乡村,那里可能有保守的、以“不要踩我”为信条的民众,他们不相信所有政府推荐的东西,仅仅因为那是政府推荐的。||4:在其他地方,比如沿海的“有机食品和瑜加”地带,这里的人们包容开放,但父母可能也会不给孩子接种疫苗。他们认为注射疫苗很危险,只能预防一些头疼脑热的小病。 | ||1: “THEY hang out in pockets,” says Richard Pan, a Sacramento paediatrician and member of California’s legislature. ||2: He is referring to parents who, invoking a “philosophical exemption”, opt not to give their children the state-recommended vaccinations. ||3: In some pockets, such as the rural foothills of California’s Sierra Nevada, they may belong to the conservative don’t-tread-on-me crowd that distrusts all government recommendations simply because they come from the government. ||4: In others, such as the liberal organic-food-and-yoga belt along the coast, parents may forswear vaccines because they see the shots as dangerous, and the diseases they protect against as mild. | |
14 | ||1:合成一种新元素非常复杂。||2:GSI的粒子加速器中的钛原子必须有足够快的移动速度来克服自身质子间的斥力与锫质子间的斥力,却又必须足够慢,以防将还没时间稳定下来的新合成元素119号撞裂。||3:尽管需要良好的混合,Dullmann博士相信,在接下来的几个月中,会合成一两个119号元素的原子,并能稳定足够长的时间以被检测到。 | ||1:Making a new element is tricky.||2:The titanium atoms must be travelling fast enough in GSI’s particle accelerator to overcome the repulsion between their protons and those of the berkelium, yet slowly enough to avoid ripping the newly formed atom of element 119 apart before it has had time to settle down.||3:With the right mix, though, Dr Dullmann is confident that one or two atoms of 119 will be created over the course of the next few months, and will hang around long enough to be detected. | |
15 | ||1:尽管如此,一些美国人还是喜欢配枪,因为他们要么喜欢打猎或打靶,要么住在野生动物多或者警察太少的地方。||2:持枪权利被写入宪法,而且被许多人视为公民自由。||3:然而欧洲人对这却难以理解。尽管人们对福罗里达州的Trayvon Martin枪击案和前国会女议员Gabrielle Giffords枪击案极其愤怒,这也没有引发枪支管制的立法。 | ||1:Nonetheless, some Americans hang on to their weapons because they enjoy hunting or target practice, or live in places with too many wild animals or too few policemen.||2:The right to gun ownership is enshrined in the constitution and is regarded by many as an issue of civil liberty—something that Europeans struggle to understand.||3:So even as outrage is sparked over shootings such as that of Trayvon Martin in Florida and former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona, there is little appetite for gun-control legislation. | |
16 | ||1:现代超铀元素的研究比上世纪40年代和平了许多。||2:的确,怀疑论者会质疑,创造一个新的元素一次仅一、两个原子,只为展示它可以被合成,这样做究竟意义何在。||3:然而,这样的举动虽看起来怪异,实际上却也合乎情理。||4:正如周期表中的锝、钷是在通常没有放射性的地方出现的不稳定岛,所以许多物理学家认为,在不稳定部分中实际潜藏着稳定元素岛。||5:他们预测,有184个中子的原子核(原子序数应在120-130之间)会稳定出现足够长的时间——也许是几百万年。||6:这起码使它们可以被利用变为可能。 | ||1:Modern transuranic research is more peaceful than it was in the 1940s.||2:Indeed, sceptics might wonder at the value of creating new elements a mere atom or two at a time for little reason other than to show that it can be done.||3:There is, however, method in the madness.||4:Just as technetium and promethium are islands of instability in parts of the periodic table which are not normally radioactive, so many physicists believe that in the unstable part at the bottom there lies an island of stability.||5:Their prediction is that nuclei containing 184 neutrons (which would have atomic numbers in the 120s) will hang around for sensible amounts of time-possibly as long as several million years.||6:That would at least give them a chance to be useful. | |
17 | 原因在于尽管计算机能够真实地模拟使虚拟皮肤及面料产生悬挂、弯曲、飘动和拉伸的外力,但迄今为止想要找到构建反射光的精妙方法仍是极为困难的事情。 | The reason is that, whereas it is possible to simulate realistically the forces which make virtual skin and fabric hang, bend, flap and stretch, recreating the subtle ways they reflect light has so far proved extremely tricky. | |
18 | “等一等,先别百爪挠心。他还会继续雇你。我跟他已经谈妥了。” | "Hang on , don’t go having kittens. He’s going to hire you on. We already discussed it. " | |
19 | 安德鲁股份交易公司准备为一个婚礼的面纱换取你的毕业帽。 | Andrew C. , Stock Xchange Ready to trade your graduation cap for a wedding veil? Hang on . | |
20 | 奥巴马的计划依赖于就一个虽鲜为人知但是相当自由的贸易团体,泛太平洋伙伴关系的谈判。 | Mr Obama’s plans hang on negotiations for a little-known but rather liberal trade grouping, called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). | |
21 | 毕竟,婴儿潮一代(babyboomers)有可能会紧握权力不放,让X一代和查尔斯王子(PrinceCharles)一样一直处于等待状态。 | It’s possible, after all, that the baby boomers will hang on to power, keeping Gen X in a Prince Charles-like holding pattern. | |
22 | 不论环境怎样,也不去理会你的感觉,持守在神不变的性情上。 | Regardless of circumstances and how you feel, hang on to God’s unchanging character. | |
23 | 不要表现出你的不爽,而要表现出你是在很认真地听他的每一个字。 | Don’t show your exasperation; instead be an attentive listener and hang on the interviewer’s every word. | |
24 | 餐桌旁,男人们抢着应和她说的每一句话;女人们则在她举起葡萄酒杯祝酒时,随她一起放声欢笑。 | At her dinner table, men hang on her every word, and women echo her pearly laugh as she raises a wine glass in a toast. | |
25 | 持续不断,并紧抓你的梦想。而同时,保持灵活。 | Be persistent, and hang on to your vision. And at the same time, be flexible. | |
26 | 充电间内靠墙侧充电机挂墙摆置,电池可放置在托盘上。 | Chargers can hang on the wall, and the batteries put on the pallets. | |
27 | 出息呀,如果你再撑个15年,你的平均寿命就会升得比你的年纪还快。 | Well, if you can hang on another 15 years, your life expectancy will keep rising every year faster than you’re aging. | |
28 | 当你感觉白天如孤单的夜晚,假如你想放手,当你觉得已经厌倦了这生活,坚持住。 | When your day is night alone, if you feel like letting go, when you think you’ve had too much of this life, well hang on . | |
29 | 当然了,有些东西还是一定要保存好的,特别是作为一个自由职业者或者小企业主。 | Of course, some things you need to hang on to, especially when you’re self-employed or own a small business. | |
30 | 当有美女如云的场面时你注意到你的女友坐的更直了并且更喜欢粘着你 | You notice your girlfriend sit up straighter and hang on to you more tightly when other attractive women are around. |