属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Turning a line 化学元素即将出现新的一行
1 | (医生、律师)挂牌开业. | hang out one`s shingle | |
2 | <医师、律师>挂出招牌开业 | Hang out [up] one’s shingle | |
3 | 把事情的经过统统告诉我吧。 | Tell me the whole story--let it all hang out ! | |
4 | 把洗好的衣服晾在绳上. | hang out the washing on the line to dry | |
5 | 把衣服挂在绳子上. | hang(out)the clothes on the line | |
6 | 别把身子探出窗外,你会掉下去的。 | Don’t hang out of the window; you may fall | |
7 | 城里最好玩的地方在哪? | Where is the best spot in town to hang out ? | |
8 | 打出骗人的旗号; 挂羊头卖狗肉 | hang out false colours | |
9 | 但是,我又没有其他人可以厮混,于是我开始与吸毒者为伍,加入了他们的行列。 | I wasn’t into that stuff, but I didn’t have anyone else to hang out with, so I started smoking pot to fit in. | |
10 | 对西洋流行歌曲的爱好使我跟欧亚裔人比较熟络,他们和马来朋友成了我的死党。 | I preferred instead to hang out with my pop-song loving Eurasian and Malay buddies. | |
11 | 光阴似箭(时光流逝),不亦然乎?我们以前蹉跎岁月,时间仿佛就是昨天 | Time flies, doesn’t it? Time seems like only yesterday we were letting it all hang out | |
12 | 还有许多人,也许有点笨,完全无视大学社团的存在,只是与大学里的伙伴们在一起打发时间 | Many people, perhaps foolishly, completely ignore University societies and just hang out with mates in college. | |
13 | 几乎每一家主要日报都跟政府做对,而且五颜六色的小报大声疾呼的标题在报摊上揭露政府的丑闻。 | Almost every major daily has turned against the Government,and the screaming headlines of colorful tabloids hang out from newsstands like the Government’s dirty linen. | |
14 | 她在挂牌营业以前必须通过律师资格考试 | She has to take the bar exam before she can hang out her shingle. | |
15 | 警察都知道那些小偷常出没于哪些地方。 | The police know where the thieves hang out | |
16 | 你今天情绪不好。出去玩一玩,尽情欢乐一下吧。 | You’ve been in a bad mood today;Go and enjoy yourself. Let it all hang out | |
17 | 你为何只去泡酒吧?跟我一起玩儿不好吗? | Why do you just hang out in bars? Why don’t you hang out with me instead? | |
18 | 你应该给孩子们更多的机会,使他们有自己的时间和空间与朋友一起玩或者做他们想做的事。 | You should give your children more opportunities to have personal time and space to hang out with friends or do whatever they want. | |
19 | 如果你对我不公平,我就把你的那些丑事都给抖露出去 | If you’re unfair to me. I’ll certainly hang out all your dirty linen | |
20 | 史提夫毫不保留地把每一件事告诉我。 | Steve let it all hang out and told me everything. | |
21 | 手里有了钱,这孩子去了其他年轻人喜欢去的地方。在那儿他开始结交女友,他们约会,不久结婚。 | Having money to burn, the child goes to places where other young people just like them hang out , and they meet people, they date, and sometimes they get married. | |
22 | 他们喜欢去偏僻地区和肮脏的偏远村落(詹姆斯·阿特拉斯) | They like to hang out on the geographical fringes,the seedy outposts(James Atlas) | |
23 | 他这些日子里都在什么地方来着 | Where does he hang out these days? | |
24 | 它干洗起来很漂亮,皱纹挂一挂就去掉了。 | It dry-cleans beautifully and wrinkles hang out . | |
25 | 天下雨时把洗的衣服搭出去是没有意义的。 | It is pointless to hang out washing when it is raining. | |
26 | 我和我的朋友们喜欢聚集在披萨店。 | My friends and I like to hang out down at the pizza restaurant. | |
27 | 在假日,我们喜欢去森林小木屋完全放轻松。 | On holidays, we like to go to the forest cabin and let it all hang out . | |
28 | 这个地区是几十家低级夜总会、咖啡馆、脱衣舞俱乐部、娱乐场和为迎合外国人及喜欢与他们出来泡吧的日本人而开设的夜间营业的俱乐部。 | The district is home to scores of dives, cafes, strip clubs, casinos and after-hours clubs catering to foreigners and to Japanese who like to hang out with them | |
29 | ||1:“他们常出现在一些比较另类的小地方。”说这话的是理查德-潘,他是萨科拉门托的一名儿科医生,也是加州立法机构的成员。||2:他说的“他们”是那些援引“哲学豁免”规定,不给自己孩子注射州推荐疫苗的父母们。||3:有些地方,比如加州内华达山脉丘陵地区的乡村,那里可能有保守的、以“不要踩我”为信条的民众,他们不相信所有政府推荐的东西,仅仅因为那是政府推荐的。||4:在其他地方,比如沿海的“有机食品和瑜加”地带,这里的人们包容开放,但父母可能也会不给孩子接种疫苗。他们认为注射疫苗很危险,只能预防一些头疼脑热的小病。 | ||1: “THEY hang out in pockets,” says Richard Pan, a Sacramento paediatrician and member of California’s legislature. ||2: He is referring to parents who, invoking a “philosophical exemption”, opt not to give their children the state-recommended vaccinations. ||3: In some pockets, such as the rural foothills of California’s Sierra Nevada, they may belong to the conservative don’t-tread-on-me crowd that distrusts all government recommendations simply because they come from the government. ||4: In others, such as the liberal organic-food-and-yoga belt along the coast, parents may forswear vaccines because they see the shots as dangerous, and the diseases they protect against as mild. | |
30 | ||1:合成一种新元素非常复杂。||2:GSI的粒子加速器中的钛原子必须有足够快的移动速度来克服自身质子间的斥力与锫质子间的斥力,却又必须足够慢,以防将还没时间稳定下来的新合成元素119号撞裂。||3:尽管需要良好的混合,Dullmann博士相信,在接下来的几个月中,会合成一两个119号元素的原子,并能稳定足够长的时间以被检测到。 | ||1:Making a new element is tricky.||2:The titanium atoms must be travelling fast enough in GSI’s particle accelerator to overcome the repulsion between their protons and those of the berkelium, yet slowly enough to avoid ripping the newly formed atom of element 119 apart before it has had time to settle down.||3:With the right mix, though, Dr Dullmann is confident that one or two atoms of 119 will be created over the course of the next few months, and will hang around long enough to be detected. |