1 | 来自Armagh郡的我有点怀念田园风光,所以我有机会的话会和朋友们去公园逛逛。 | I’m from Omagh and I miss the countryside so if I can I’ll try and hang out in the park with friends. | |
2 | 蕾切尔和我不怎么相互吃醋。毕竟当查理忙的时候,还有人陪我玩。 | ’Rachel and I aren’t really very jealous. . . and anyway, when Charlie’s busy, I have someone to hang out with. ’ | |
3 | 例如,我是个很喜欢跳舞的人,因此我总觉得,当我和我的朋友一起去舞蹈俱乐部的时候,时间就像水一样流逝过去了。 | For example, I am a big fan of dancing, so I think time is cruising every time when I hang out dancing clubs dance with my buddies. | |
4 | 了解病菌在哪里聚集的几个事实,可以使我们能从著名的病菌恐惧者梅根·福克斯的视角来看问题。 | Learning a few facts about where bacteria hang out makes it easy to see things from the perspective of noted germaphobe Megan Fox. | |
5 | 美国马里兰大学的一项新研究显示,已婚夫妇经常出去聚会可以使他们更加快乐。 | A new study out of the University of Maryland suggests that married couples who regularly hang out with other couples are happier. | |
6 | 你难道不觉得婚外友谊是对婚姻关系至关重要吗? | Do you think it’s important in your relationship to hang out with other couples? | |
7 | 你是不是感到沮丧、孤独,觉得没人会愿意和你外出游玩,并因此停止了所有这方面努力? | Are you so depressed and lonely that you feel like nobody would want to hang out with you, so you stop making the effort? | |
8 | 你想要在酒吧里面消磨时间,花点钱。 | You’re gonna hang out to bars and pay your money. | |
9 | 你应该可以随心所欲地跟父母中的任何一方出去游玩或者交谈,而不用担心另一方会因此嫉妒、受伤或抓狂。 | You need to feel free to hang out with and talk to each of your parents without the other parent acting jealous, hurt, or mad. | |
10 | 如果你在Lucene用户列表上闲逛或者听DougCutting回答问题,你会看到同样的主题。 | You’ll notice the same theme if you hang out on the lucene-user list and listen to Doug Cutting answering questions. | |
11 | 如果你这个人很无趣,能一眼看透,你压根就别惦记着女人会打电话邀你出去了。 | If you’re boring, predictable, and uninteresting, then you’re never going to have women calling YOU to hang out . | |
12 | 如果我和朋友闲逛,我们就去家乐福超市,买点食品,回家烧饭。 | If I hang out with my friends, we go to Carrefour, buy food and then go back to my place and cook. | |
13 | 如果我有孙子,我希望他们可以和朋友们一起出去玩,而不是躺在床上互发邮件。 | I hope my grandchildren, if I ever have any, hang out with their friends instead of laying on their beds texting each other. | |
14 | 如果一个女孩只是外表性感以及能跟你玩得来,不代表她就能成为一个好的女朋友或是妻子。 | Just because she is hot and fun to hang out with does not mean she is a good girlfriend or wife. | |
15 | 如果在家里找不到啦啦队长的话,那就拉上三五好友外出游玩吧,他们时时地会在你的心里播散阳光的。 | If you can’t find any cheerleaders at home, you need to hang out with a friend or two who can shower you with sunshine every now and then. | |
16 | 上图,索马里男孩在山上游玩,从山上可以眺望一座容纳了几千名内战中流离失所的民众的难民营。 | Above, Somali boys hang out on a hill overlooking a refugee camp for the thousands of internally displaced people. | |
17 | 事实上,他就是一个大号的嫩头青,如果你愿意让他时不时地去和他的朋友们疯一疯,当他回到家后会变成一个更好的男人。 | Actually, he’s a big dumb teenager, and if you let him go hang out with his friends every now and then, he’ll come home a better man. | |
18 | 所以,这个星期三我邀请你们跟我一起来,让我们一起想一个办法把这个难题解决掉。 | So, I’d like to invite you to come hang out with me this Wednesday, so we can figure out a way to make this not a problem anymore. | |
19 | 他跟蹒跚学步的幼儿很合性子,以至教会托儿所邀请他来玩,长期有效。 | So attuned is he to toddlers that he has a standing invitation from the nursery at church to hang out . | |
20 | 他是那种能陪你喝几杯啤酒,一起闲逛的好朋友。 | He’d be a great guy to hang out with over a couple of beers. | |
21 | 他说:“你最好早点回家,跟家人出去玩玩!” | "It’s better you go home early and hang out with your family, " he said. | |
22 | 他想知道你提到的每个有趣的事情,所以准备泄露每件事情。这么做是值得的。 | He’ll want to know all the juicy gossip on everyone you hang out with, so get ready to disclose everything. Doing so is worth your while. | |
23 | 它就是一个小社会,人们有时间时会搭帮结伙,或是闲逛、或是钓鱼,也许去打猎,但现在,都是过去时了。 | It was its own little city, everyone would either hang out , or go fishing, or go hunting with each other. That life is gone. | |
24 | 它们在哪里聚会:这蜜蜂的种类有很多,黄蜂,大黄蜂,小黄蜂。 | Where they hang out : There are many kinds of bees, wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets. | |
25 | 它们在哪里聚会:这些老油条的户外聚会的不速之客,总是在靠近湖,沼泽,礁湖,池塘或者任何其他水系附近出没。 | Where they hang out : These chronic outdoor-party crashers can be found near lakes, marshes, lagoons, pools, or any other body of water. | |
26 | 它让我有种被参与的感觉,尽管我可能因为太忙而无法参加每个星期六晚上在某人家的聚会。 | It helps me feel involved, even though I might be too busy to hang out every Saturday night at someone’s house. | |
27 | 探索各种想法、地方和观点。沉闷的人都躲在回音室里人云亦云。 | Explore ideas, places, and opinions. The inside of the echo chamber is where are all the boring people hang out . | |
28 | 通常情况下你不会让你11岁的孩子和16的孩子一起乱晃。 | Normally, you wouldn’t let your 11-year-old hang out with 16-year-olds. | |
29 | 哇,我觉得那样很酷,想像一下拥有一个清爽的空间,坐下来,脑子里除了手头以外没有别的烦心事。 | Wow, that feels cool, having a clear space to sit down and hang out with nothing on my mind except what’s here. | |
30 | 我不再需要花时间泡在论坛里或者同时呆在20个不同的IRC聊天室里。 | No longer am I required to hang out on the time consuming forums for twenty different niches or various IRC chat rooms. |