属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电信网络双巨头 Two’s company in
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-酒醉以酒解 A Hair of The Dog
1 | 如果卡车中的任何部件缺少新的润滑,都会导致设备发生故障,由此造成的后果大至公路上的车祸,小至计划外的停运,另外可能给客户带来诸多不便,并增加不必要的高额开销。 | Lack of oil refreshment in any part of the truck could lead to equipment failure, which could happen on the road with catastrophic consequences or at the very least lead to a period of unplanned downtime, customer inconvenience, and unnecessarily high cos | |
2 | 他便说给朱莉亚,十一年前一个同样酷热的下午发生的事情--或不如说,没能发生的事情。 | He began telling Julia of something that had happened, or rather had failed to happen, on another sweltering summer afternoon, eleven years ago | |
3 | 这样的雨天,很可能发生事故。 | Accidents can happen on such rainy days. | |
4 | 这种情况在对停车罚单诉讼中通常会发生,而驾驶过程中违规(交警不出庭的现象比较少见)。 | While this is more likely to happen on a parking ticket rather than a moving violation. | |
5 | ||1:技术上的革新总是给数百万人带来好处,但是那些实现技术革新的公司却不一定会因此而兴旺发达。||2:即便是需求迅速膨胀,其市场竞争也会非常残酷。||3:通信网络设备制造商非常清楚这一点。||4:它们默默地创造着奇迹,让更多的人可以在任何地点通过更智能的终端聊天、工作和娱乐,但得到的回报却少的可怜。 | ||1:REVOLUTIONS in technology bring benefits to millions, but the companies that make them happen do not always thrive.||2:Even when demand is booming, competition to meet it can be brutal.||3:Makers of telecommunications networks know this only too well.||4:They perform the unseen miracles that allow ever more people to talk, work and play on ever smarter devices just about anywhere, but their rewards have been mostly meagre. | |
6 | ||1:金里奇的竞选团队有一套策略,分为几步:他们的主角金里奇将以南部获胜,其中最后一战是3月24日路易斯安那州的初选胜利,接着竞选势头就会发挥它的魔力。||2:可是事与愿违。除了南卡罗来纳州,金里奇在已经投票的38个州和地区中只在一个地区获得胜利:他的第二故乡乔治亚州。||3:3月底,他把自己竞选团队中三分之一的人给炒鱿鱼了。||4:4月3日,他输掉了马里兰州,华盛顿和他妻子的家乡威斯康星州这些决定性地区的竞选。||5:罗姆尼获得代表人的票数总计提升至634票,其最大的竞争对手桑托利姆则获得263票。选情现在则是平平无奇,直到4月24日才会有大的波动,因为到那时五个大州将开始投票,拥有最多票数的则是纽约和桑托利姆的家乡宾夕法尼亚州. | ||1: The Gingrich campaign had a strategy, of sorts: their hero would win the South, ending with a victory in Louisiana’s primary on March 24th, whereupon momentum would work its magic. ||2: That did not happen. Aside from South Carolina, Mr Gingrich has won precisely one of the 38 states and territories that have so far voted: his adopted home state of Georgia. ||3: In late March he sacked one-third of his campaign staff. ||4: On April 3rd he decisively lost Maryland, Washington, DC and Wisconsin, his wife’s home state. ||5: Mr Romney improved his delegate total to 634 against 263 for his closest rival, Mr Santorum. The race now goes quiet until April 24th, when five states vote, the biggest prizes being New York and Mr Santorum’s home state of Pennsylvania. | |
7 | ||1:新兴市场共享成功,但沙尔曼认为前景不太乐观,有些国家将会突出重围,而剩下的则暗自神伤。||2:他在书中说,当投资者们发现急需发展地区特色的时候,新兴市场这个概念也许会失去吸引力:“事到如今,将这些新兴国家统一归为的边缘国,已经太大材小用了,独立发展将是更好的选择。”||3:但如果新兴市场国们不再归为一种投资类别,那么,那些周游列新兴国的专家们又将何去何从?||4:“经济突破型国家”一书有点自相矛盾:它视角广泛、轻松活泼,富有深度却又略显狭隘。 | ||1: Mr Sharma does not believe the shared success of emerging economies can continue. Some countries will break out from the pack, others will disappoint. ||2: The very concept of emerging markets may lose its appeal, he writes, as investors discover they need to distinguish between them: “These economies are now too big to be lumped into one marginal class, and are better understood as individual nations.” ||3: But if emerging markets stop making sense as an investment category, what will happen to the globe-trotting emerging-markets expert? ||4: “Breakout Nations” is something of a paradox: a broad, breezy book in praise of narrowness and depth. | |
8 | ||1:一个更高的储蓄率如果是通过增加收入而非降低花销所成就那么经济所承受的创伤会更小。那将会发生。||2:无党派国会预算局,在其1月31号发布的经济前景报告中预计真正的可支配性收入将会在今年增长3%,这得益于更快的工资增速和通货膨胀的大跌落。||3:这项报告同样预测那将会促进消费的增长,同时也会促进GDP总体上升2个百分点。 | ||1: A higher saving rate would be much less painful for the economy if it were achieved through increased income rather than lower spending. That could happen. ||2: The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), in its economic outlook released on January 31st, reckoned that real disposable incomes would grow by 3% this year thanks both to faster wage growth and a big drop in inflation. ||3: That, it reckons, should support growth in consumption and overall GDP of 2%. | |
9 | ||1:在空气变得沉闷酷热、河流变成污泥浊水、沙尘飞临北京街头以前,中国人不太注意毛泽东的工业化大跃进政策为国家带来了什么。||2:社会主义国家是没有污染的,污染是资本主义罪恶,它属于西方。||3:但是,梁从诫对此提出质疑。他发现,他孩提时代的北京蓝天、他儿时乐于攀爬的庭院树木,再也看不到了。||4:晋南山区的溪流而今已被煤尘染成黑色,无法饮用。 | ||1: UNTIL the air began to clog and burn, the rivers turned to sludge and desert sand began to sift into the streets of Beijing, China’s people did not much care what Mao Zedong’s great leap into industrialisation had done to the motherland. ||2: Pollution did not happen in socialist countries; it was a -Western, capitalist evil. ||3: But Liang Congjie noticed. He realised he no longer saw the blue skies of the Beijing of his boyhood, or the courtyard trees he had loved to climb. ||4: In the rugged south of Shanxi province, the water in the mountain streams was now black with coal dust and undrinkable. | |
10 | “这种拖引力作用在这样一颗星球上,气候将如何演变以及演变将如何发生,会带来很多有趣的事情。” | "It will do lots of interesting things as far as how climates might evolve and how evolution might happen on such a planet. " | |
11 | 2月19号来自全国各地的捐赠者没有花一分钱便让他们梦想成真。 | Donors across the country made this happen on Feb. 19, without donating a dime. | |
12 | 但更大规模更大范围的类似事件会不会发生呢? | But can it also happen on a larger, population-wide scale? | |
13 | 当然,中世纪的战争不会发生在跑步机上。 | Of course, medieval battles did not happen on treadmills. | |
14 | 当然因为受限于产品放置和赞助规则,这种事情不可能在英国电视上发生。 | This sort of thing couldn’t happen on British TV, of course, given the rules on product placement and sponsorship. | |
15 | 断开连接将按为还原作业设置的计划发生。 | Disconnection will happen on the schedule you set for the restore job. | |
16 | 肥皂剧中会发生那些事情?该剧中的 | What are some things that happen on soap operas? | |
17 | 根据国际奥委会的退票政策,只有赛事取消才能退票,比赛时间变更,奥运门票不退换。 | Ticket refund will only happen on sport event cancellation, excluding schedule change, according to the ticket policy stipulated by the IOC. | |
18 | 灵长类动物学家至少称社交网络中发生的一些事情是“理毛”行为。 | Primatologists call at least some of the things that happen on social networks "grooming" . | |
19 | 目前来看,在11月23日之前美国国会不太可能取得什么进展。 | As it stands, nothing serious is likely to happen on Capitol Hill before 23 November. | |
20 | 那些给与我希望的故事不会发生在聚光灯下,也不会发生在总统舞台上。 | The stories that give me such hope don’t happen in the spotlight. They don’t happen on the presidential stage. | |
21 | 您的职业生涯最好的一天会发生在7月7日,或非常接近。 | Your best day for career will happen on or very close to July 7. | |
22 | 您需要在远程的计算机上的本地管理员和操作将发生这种情况不上是远程计算机上。 | You need to be a local Administrator on the remote computer, and the action will happen on your computer, not on the remote one. | |
23 | 去沙滩听海浪声可以发生很多事。 | DJ: Many things can happen on the beach. | |
24 | 人人都热爱繁荣的市场,而最繁荣的景象总是发生在技术变革之后。 | EVERYONE loves a booming market, and most booms happen on the back of technological change. | |
25 | 如果无法雇佣经验丰富的咨询专家,父母们也可以为孩子们做一些准备来防止校园发生的犯罪。 | Short of hiring an expensive consultant, parents themselves can do more to prepare children for what can happen on campus. | |
26 | 入侵本不应该发生在美国本土,此事本身必然激起玩家的本能反应。 | Invasions are not supposed to happen on American soil, and as such must inspire a certain gut reaction in the player. | |
27 | 首先,讨厌的事情的发生,事实上,这种事会经常地发生。 | The first is that bad things happen, in fact they happen on a regular basis. | |
28 | 问:你认为执行这一饮食计划会有什么后果? | Q: What did you think would happen on the diet? | |
29 | 我不觉得能有强烈地预测出在社会层面上这会导致什么后果。 | I don’t think there’s a strong prediction about what would happen on a societal level. | |
30 | 新总理也将面临议会的信任投票,据希腊国家电视台报道,这次投票会在周一进行。 | The new PM will also face a confidence vote in parliament, which is expected to happen on Monday, Greek state TV reported. |