属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-稀土与气候变化 陷入了危机?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-碳的收集和储存 崭新的梦想
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-稀土与气候变化 陷入了危机?
1 | ||1:奥德伯格音乐节有个“布里顿-皮尔斯青年艺术家项目”,正是这个项目让这一滨海小城闻名世界,成为培养音乐天才的中心。||2:该项目的40周年纪念正好赶上伦敦奥运会,奥德伯格音乐节的行政主管Jonathan Reekie就此决定,是时候让奥德伯格阔步向前,建立一个“世界”交响乐团。||3:世界上大部分乐团的成员大都来自欧美,即使最国际化的乐团也不例外。||4:建立奥德伯格世界交响乐团(AWO),难就难在Reekie和他的团对必须寻找18到29岁的年轻乐手,还得运用现代科技确保这一乐团真正国际起来。 | ||1:Through its Britten-Pears young artist programme, Aldeburgh Music has earned a world-class reputation as a centre for the development of musical talent.||2:When the programme’s 40th anniversary coincided with London’s Olympic games, Aldeburgh Music’s chief executive, Jonathan Reekie, decided the moment had come for Aldeburgh to take a leap ahead and create a “world” orchestra.||3:Most orchestras—even the most international ensembles—recruit largely from Europe and America.||4:The challenge for Mr Reekie and his team in creating the Aldeburgh World Orchestra (AWO) was to seek out 18-29-year-olds and use modern technology to try to make the orchestra truly global. | |
2 | ||1:但如果环保主义者的美梦成真了呢?到那时,镝与钕的需求也会得到满足吗?这就是麻省理工学院的三位材料科学家伦道夫?科尔臣、伊利莎?阿隆索和弗兰克?菲尔德(Randolph Kirchain, Elisa Alonso and Frank Field)最近向自己提出的问题。||2:他们在最近发表在《环境科学与技术》(Environmental Science and Technology)的文章中给出的回答是:如果要让风动涡轮发电机和电动汽车以现有科技完成环境规划者赋予它们的二氧化碳减排使命,在未来25年间,钕与镝的供给量将需要分别增加600%和2500% 以上。||3:这两种金属现在的年供给量增长为6%;要达到三位研究人员预计的水平,镝与钕的年供给量实际增长必须分别为14%与8%。 | ||1:But what if the environmentalists’ dream came true? Could demand for dysprosium and neodymium then be met? That was the question Randolph Kirchain, Elisa Alonso and Frank Field, three materials scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, asked themselves recently.||2:Their answer, just published in Environmental Science and Technology, is that if wind turbines and electric vehicles are going to fulfil the role environmental planners have assigned them in reducing emissions of carbon dioxide, using current technologies would require an increase in the supply of neodymium and dysprosium of more than 700% and 2,600% respectively during the next 25 years.||3:At the moment, the supply of these metals is increasing by 6% a year.To match the three researchers’ projections it would actually have to increase by 8% a year for neodymium and 14% for dysprosium. | |
3 | ||1:为实现目标,国际能源署呼吁要在2020年以前建造100座收集装置,在2050年之前要建造3000座收集装置。||2:这就是问题所在,因为目前只有八座,而且没有一座装置是联接发电厂的。||3:其他28座装置大部分在北美,有的处于施工阶段,有的还在计划中。||4:很有可能取消一些装置的建造,因为五月一日在亚伯达的一项工程中发现CCS在达到脱离速度方面存在难度。 | ||1:To do this, the agency reckons, requires the building of 100 capture facilities by 2020 and 3,000 by 2050.||2:Which is a problem, because at the moment there are only eight, none of which is attached to a power station.||3:Another 28, mostly in North America, are under construction or planned.||4:But some are likely to be cancelled-as happened on May 1st to a project in Alberta.CCS is thus having difficulty reaching escape velocity. | |
4 | ||1:这一问题当前还不甚突出。||2:尽管大量稀土来自中国,而该国政府最近一直在限制出口(美国、欧洲与日本已就此于3月13日向世贸组织(World Trade Organisation)提起诉讼),但其它已知矿源,比如现在已放弃开采的加州帕斯山(Mountain Pass mine in California)(上图),可以在较短时间内重新开采供货。||3:按照当前的需求水平,供应来源集中于某地的会引起的任何问题都只不过会让人烦恼一时,不会造成生存危机。 | ||1:At the moment, that is not too much of a problem.||2:Though a lot of the supply of rare earths comes from China, whose government has recently been restricting exports (a restriction that was the subject of a challenge lodged with the World Trade Organisation by America, Europe and Japan on March 13th), other known sources, such as the now-abandoned Mountain Pass mine in California, pictured above, could be brought into play reasonably quickly.||3:At current levels of demand any problem caused by the geographical concentration of supply would thus be an irritating blip rather than an existential crisis. | |
5 | 在当下,英国仍然是一个相对安全的避风港——很多富有的欧洲人在伦敦买房作避风之用。即使这本书的标题在一定程度上夸大了现实,两位作者指出英国依旧存在的严重问题这点是正确的。 | For the moment, Britain is a relatively safe haven, with rich Europeans buying up boltholes in London. But the authors are right that serious problems remain—even if the title of this book somewhat overstates the case. | |
6 | “你在这儿稍等一下,”她说道。 | "Wait here, " she said, and in a moment she came back from her bedroom. | |
7 | Michael叫同伙们把漂白过的制服穿上,他离开一下,马上就回来。 | Michael orders the men to put on their bleached coveralls and that he’ll be back in a moment . | |
8 | 不一会儿,车头耀眼的红灯照射在月台前白雪覆盖的铁路,湿漉漉、黑幽幽的钢轨闪闪发亮。 | In a moment the red glare from the headlight streamed up the snow-covered track before the siding and glittered on the wet, black rails. | |
9 | 不一会儿,她的眼睛湿润了,目光垂到了地上。 | In a moment her eyes grew moist, and her glance drooped to the ground. | |
10 | 不一会儿,她跑下山坡,在残梗之海穿行,宛如一头轻盈敏捷的小母鹿。 | in a moment , she was running down the side of the hill and was off through that sea of stubble, as light and quick as a young doe. | |
11 | 趁你们都在咱赶紧把书都搬过来,人多力量大,一会儿就能搞定 | Let’s bring the books here as you are here . Many hands make quick work and finish in a moment . | |
12 | 但是,所有这些信息很快的在脑海中经过,所以,它既没有开始也没有结束。 | All this information, however, flows in upon us with enormous rapidity in a moment , so that it has neither beginning nor end. | |
13 | 但是当他面临危机,需要指引的那一刻,他就变成了钻石。 | When he needed guidance in a moment of crisis, it became a diamond. | |
14 | 但在昨天,转瞬间我被改变了。 | But yesterday in a moment ’s time I was changed. | |
15 | 但这次,我意识到,生命可以在一瞬间结束。 | But this time, I realised that life can be over in a moment . | |
16 | 当您需要让规则按预定义顺序启动时,这一点非常重要,很快您将会看到。 | This is important when you need your rules to be fired in a predefined order, as you’ll see in a moment . | |
17 | 当时他是一时疯狂,并不是他自己愿意的,才做了令他自己后悔的事。 | In a moment of madness, when he was not himself, he did a thing he regrets. | |
18 | 当死神突然降临,生活的一个方面一瞬间出现了一个大窟窿,我就完全不知所措了。 | When of a sudden death came and in a moment made a gaping rent in its smooth-seeming fabric, I was utterly bewildered. | |
19 | 当一个进程执行一个新程序时,根据公式计算新的能力集(稍后讨论这些公式)。 | When a process executes a new program, its new capability sets are calculated according to a formula I will discuss in a moment . | |
20 | 当用户单击该按钮,或者以其他方式激活触发器时,您可以获得第二种情况,一会儿我将展示给您。 | When the user clicks the button or otherwise activates the trigger, you get the second case, which I ll show you in a moment . | |
21 | 对美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)而言,这个胜利带来了一个战略机遇。 | For Barack Obama it is a triumph that ushers in a moment of strategic opportunity. | |
22 | 服务版本控制也属于SOA治理的讨论范畴之内,我们稍后将对SOA治理进行讨论。 | Service versioning also belongs in any discussion of SOA governance, which you’ll learn more about in a moment . | |
23 | 告诉他过一会儿到这儿来。 | Tell him to come here in a moment . | |
24 | 隔了一会儿,他又补充说道:“并且她也是最纯朴的。” | He added in a moment , "And she was the most innocent. " | |
25 | 各位还将欣赏由本公司一些才华横溢的青少年工所表演的纯正的中国味的文艺节目。 | In a moment , you will enjoy the authentic Chinese performance given by some talented young employees of our company. | |
26 | 管理员的日常工作必须包括备份、日志轮转、性能度量(稍后详细讨论)、应用补丁和保护所有系统。 | Daily chores must include backups, log rotation, performance measurement (more on this in a moment ), patches, and safeguarding all systems. | |
27 | 过一会儿他会转过身来看着我们,那时他脸上会泛出灿烂的微笑,让你全身都感到温暖。 | In a moment he will turn and see us, and his face will be lighted by a smile so radiant you’ll feel warm all the way through. | |
28 | 过一会儿我会说明如何纠正它。 | I’ll show you how to fix that in a moment . | |
29 | 好的。这是我们的菜单,请先看看菜单,决定点什么菜,我马上回来。 | Yes. Here’s the menu. You may look at the menu first and decide what you would like to have. I’ll be back with you in a moment . | |
30 | 后来,忽然间她又会如梦方醒,重又象猴子一样活泼,一样乱动起来。 | And then, in a moment , she would come life, and as quick and restless as a monkey. |