1 | “并且另外要十五法郎,做刚接过手时的一切费用,”男子的声音又说。 | "And fifteen francs in addition for preliminary expenses," added the man’s voice | |
2 | Bushinsky说,"此外,盐和肉中的常见蛋白质导致尿中有较多的钙,这样就促使肾结石的形成。" | "In addition , salt and one protein common in meat lead to more calcium in the urine, which in turn contributes to the formation of kidney stones," Bushinsky said | |
3 | 埃斯库罗斯希腊悲剧作家,其戏剧作品首次除合唱外增加了两位演员。其90部剧本只幸存7部,其中包括奥瑞斯忒亚三部曲 | Greek tragic dramatist whose plays were the first to include two actors in addition to the chorus.Only7of his90dramas survive,including the Oresteia trilogy(458. | |
4 | 不仅如此,为了培育更多的天然林资源,造林方式也正在由以人工造林为主向以封山育林为主,封山育林、飞播造林、人工造林相结合转变。 | In addition , in order to cultivate more natural forest resources, emphasis will be shifted from tree planting to hunting prohibition and afforestation on mountains and the combination of mountain closure with serial seeding and tree planting | |
5 | 餐室里却还陈设着一个涂了淡红胶的旧碗橱。 | In addition to this the dining-room was ornamented with an antique sideboard, painted pink, in water colors | |
6 | 曹军远道而来,连续作战,疲惫不堪,又不服水土,瘟疫流行,加上后方不稳定,一时难以大举渡江。 | His army had come from afar and had not had time to acclimatize themselves. They were exhausted after a succession of battles. There was a raging epidemic. In addition , Cao Cao had hardly had time to consolidate the land he had conquered | |
7 | 产品出厂后由公司指派专业人员免费进行指导安装,同时可免费协助安装单位进行设备调试。 | After the product has been delivered, we will send specialists to direct the installation free of charge in addition to offering assistance in commissioning. | |
8 | 除ATP外,由这些自养生物进行的CO2固定,需要还原的吡啶核苷酸。 | The fixation of CO2 carried out by these autotrophs, in addition to ATP, requires reduced pyridine nucleotide | |
9 | 除此以外,大家还非常奇怪,象这样一个晴朗而根本没有风的日子,怎么会发生这样离奇的意外。 | And in addition , there was intense curiosity as to how, on so fair and windless a day, so strange an accident could have occurred | |
10 | 除此之外,改良税公正无偏-使用它与使用城市财产税以资助城市改造很相似。 | In addition , betterment levies are equitable. Using them is much like using urban property taxed to finance urban improvement | |
11 | 除此之外,农民时刻面临着被抓去为法老服劳役的危险,比如种地、修建或维修运河以及建造那些保留至今的宏伟宫殿、坟墓和寺庙。 | But in addition the peasant faced an ever-present threat of being taken into the service of pharaoh: to do forced lab our, till his land, build and maintain canals, and construct the great palaces, tombs and temples that survive to this day | |
12 | 除会计主任外,会计人员中还有记帐员负责把各项收支金额记入分类帐和顾客帐户。 | In addition to the head accountant bookkeepers on the staff post the transaction in the various ledgers and guest accounts | |
13 | 除了布景的感染力外,摄影机的使用技巧时时显出不可思议的效果。 | In addition to the impressiveness of the settings,there is a use of the camera which at times seems magical. | |
14 | 除了布景的感染力外,摄影机的使用技巧有时显出不可思议的效果。 | In addition to the impressiveness of the settings, there is a use of the camera which at times seems magical | |
15 | 除了出席开幕式的人之外,第一天有300多人参观了展览会。 | On the first day over three hundred people visited the exhibition, in addition to those who were present at the opening ceremony. | |
16 | 除了海绵状空泡是这一疾病的标志外,他们的脑部布满了大得像花一样的斑。 | In addition to the spongy form vacuoles that are the hallmark of the disease, their brains were littered with large, flower-shaped plaques | |
17 | 除了好的可能性,还有一种坏的可能性,就是帝国主义要发疯。 | In addition to the favourable possibility, there is the unfavourable one, and that is the imperialists may go berserk | |
18 | 除了日常的功课之外,美国的学生在上课之余有机会参加许多活动。 | In addition to their regular school work, students in the United States are offered a wide range of activities in the after-school hours | |
19 | 除了伤亡之外,还有许多人失踪。 | In addition to the killed and wounded, many were missed. | |
20 | 除了拖拉机,我们又添了一台插秧机。 | In addition to the tractor, we have acquired a new rice transplanter | |
21 | 除了西班牙文、德文与法文等常选的第二语言外,愈来愈多的学生选修东欧和亚洲语言。 | In addition to old standbys like Spanish, German and French, more and more students are opting for Eastern European and Asian languages | |
22 | 除了要非常温暖之外,雨林还需要大量的水分。 | In addition to extreme warmth, the rainforests also need lots of moisture. | |
23 | 除了遗传基因外,智力的高低还取决于良好的营养,良好的教育和良好的家庭环境。 | In addition to gene, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a decent home environment. | |
24 | 除了这些新排放标准之外,修正案中又订立了一个更富雄心的新计划,那就是污染严重的城市改变使用的汽油成分。 | In addition to these new emission standards, the amendments create an ambitious new program to change the composition of gasoline in heavily polluted cities | |
25 | 除了正常染色体对以外,还存在有第二种同源染色体的非整倍体状态,被称为三体性。 | An aneuploid state in which a third homologous chromosome is present in addition to the normal autosomal pair is called trisomy | |
26 | 除了政府动用资源进行扶贫外,国家将进一步动员社会各界参与扶贫,增加社会扶贫的资源。 | To enlist greater social involvement in this sphere of endeavor, the state will mobilize society at large to take part in the poverty alleviation drive, in addition to the resources provided by the government | |
27 | 除了自助餐外,美国家庭还喜欢野餐和户外烧烤餐。 | In addition to buffers, American families enjoy picnics and barbeques | |
28 | 除了综述表格外,还给出了问题及其产生的后果的一些具体例子。 | In addition to a summary table some specific examples are given of questions and the results they produced. | |
29 | 除了总的通货膨胀率或收缩率之外,部门间的收入分配也是争论之点。 | In addition to the overall rate of inflation or deflation, the sectoral distritribution of income has been at issue | |
30 | 除去“在押小姐”这一许多人眼里的暧昧荣誉外,获胜者及亚军还将得到1万里特(2500美元)的奖金--不过她们要到服刑期满后才能得到这笔钱。 | In addition to what many might see as the dubious honor of being crowned Miss Captivity, the winner and runners-up will qualify for 10,000 litas (,500)in prizes though they’d only receive them after completing their jail terms |