属类:文学表达-外国名著-ROBINSON CRUSOE
1 | (指材料、产品等)经得起(磨损等) | (of materials,products,etc)remain in good condition in spite of(hard wear,etc) | |
2 | (指旧物)保存得好的 | (of old things)in good condition | |
3 | 13、你方4日电传所述第A-4号合同项下的货物,今日安全到达,经立即检视,状态良好。 | The shipment of goods under Contract No A-4 which you announced in your telex of 4th arrived today in good condition . An immediate examination of the shipment indicated that it is in order. | |
4 | 保护牙齿完好是很重要的。 | It is very important to keep your teeth in good condition . | |
5 | 便召聚众祭司和利未人,吩咐他们说,你们要往犹大各城去,使以色列众人捐纳银子,每年可以修理你们神的殿。你们要急速办理这事。只是利未人不急速办理。 | And getting together the priests and Levites, he said to them, Go out into the towns of Judah year by year, and get from all Israel money to keep the house of your God in good condition ; and see that this is done without loss of time. The Levites, however, were slow in doing so. | |
6 | 次日天气晴朗,鲁滨逊设法游到失事的船边,他发现满船的有用的物品依然完好无损。 | The next day, in clear weather, Crusoe is ableto swim out to the wrecked ship which he finds loaded with useful supplies in good condition . | |
7 | 从附去的小册子及价目表,贵方将会发现我方以提供货真价实的服务来尽力保护买主的利益。 | From the brochure and price-list enclose, you will find we always try our best to be sure that the order will arrive in good condition . | |
8 | 到今天,一辆没有破损的1967年生产的美洲豹车是汽车搜集家的一项瑰集品。 | Today a 1967 cougar in good condition is a collector’s item | |
9 | 第八十六条留置权人负有妥善保管留置物的义务。 | Article 86 The lien holder shall have the obligation to maintain the retained property in good condition . | |
10 | 第二十七条 测绘人员使用永久性测量标志,必须持有测绘工作证件,并保证该测量标志的完好。负责保管该测量标志的单位和人员,应当查验使用后的测量标志的完好状况。 | Article 27 Surveying and mapping personnel, when employing permanent surveying markers, must hold surveying and mapping work certificates and ensure that the surveying and mapping markers remain in good condition . The unit or individual responsible for taking care of the surveying and mapping markers shall inspect and examine if they are intact after employment. | |
11 | 第二十七条 港口码头、港外系泊点,装卸站和船闸,应当加强安全管理,保持良好状态。 | Article 27. Safety administration must be strengthened with respect to harbour wharves, mooring points and loading spots outside of harbour areas as well as ship locks, so that they are always kept in good condition . | |
12 | 第六十九条质权人负有妥善保管质物的义务。 | Article 69 The pledgee shall have the obligation to maintain the pledged property in good condition . | |
13 | 第十六条 海上输油管线,储油设施,应当符合防渗、防漏、防腐蚀的要求,经常保持良好状态,防止漏油事故。 | Article 16. Offshore oil pipelines and oil-storage installations shall always be kept in good condition , as required for the prevention of seepage, leakage and corrosion, so as to prevent oil leakage accidents. | |
14 | 第一百三十四条 旅客或者收货人收受托运行李或者货物而未提出异议,为托运行李或者货物已经完好交付并与运输凭证相符的初步证据。 | Article 134 Receipt by the passenger of checked baggage or receipt of cargo by the consignee without complaint shall be prima facie evidence that the same have been delivered in good condition and in accordance with the document of transport. | |
15 | 掉入冰窟的著名别列索夫卡猛犸,后来被发现保存得十分完好。 | This is what happened to the famous Beresovka mammoth which was found preserved and in good condition . | |
16 | 该窑使用过一段时间,情况并不好。 | The kiln had been in use for some time and was not in good condition | |
17 | 高压电路的绝缘必须良好,因为绝缘不良会引起高压电泄漏,从而不能进入火花塞。 | The high-tension wiring insulation must be in good condition , since poor insulation will allow the high-voltage surge to leak to ground instead of entering the spark plugs. | |
18 | 工作和娱乐让身体得到锻炼。活动有助于让身体处于良好状态,让肌肉健壮,足以进行日常活动。还有助于让肌肉做好准备,在必要时迅速行动。 | Work and play give the body exercise. activity helps keep your body in good condition . It makes muscles strong enough to carry out your daily movement, it also keeps them ready to act quickly when necessary. | |
19 | 国王发现有几袋金子不见了,可不明白是怎样丢的,因为门上的锁和销子似乎都没人动过,戒备也挺森严的。他临走时对卫兵说:“小心点,有人盯上这里的钱财了。” | The king noticed that several solid talers were missing, but could not conceive who could have stolen them, for locks and bolts were in good condition , and all seemed well guarded. Then he went away again, and said to the sentries, be on the watch, someone is after the money. | |
20 | 海上输油管线,储油设施,应当符合防渗、防漏、防腐蚀的要求,经常保持良好状态,防止漏油事故。 | Offshore oil pipelines and oil-storage installations shall always be kept in good condition , as required for the prevention of seepage, leakage and corrosion, so as to prevent oil leakage accidents. | |
21 | 户外广告设施设置申请人应当保持户外广告设施的整洁、完好,及时维护、更新; | Applicants for approval to install outdoor advertising facilities shall keep the facilities clean, tidy and in good condition , and shall make replacements and repairs whenever necessary. | |
22 | 黄龙鲧窃得无上的圣物息壤,用以堵水。堵而不止,治水失败,鲧被天诛于羽山。鲧死3年而尸不腐。他的尸身剖开之后,跳出了他活蹦乱跳的儿子禹。 | Gun the Yellow Dragon stole the Growing Earth from heaven in an attempt to block the floods. This failed and he was killed by heaven. Three years after his death, his body was still in good condition . When it was cut open, out bounded his son, the Great Yu. | |
23 | 甲方将其所有的位于上海市××区的房屋及其附属设施在良好状态下出租给乙方使用。 | Party A will lease to Party B the premises and attached facilities owned by itself which is located at×× Shanghai and in good condition for. | |
24 | 价格是合理的,房子情况良好。 | The price was reasonable, and the house was in good condition | |
25 | 检查(建筑物等)(鉴定其结构状况) | Examine(a building,etc)to make sure its structure is in good condition | |
26 | 检查液晶显示屏上电池指示灯以判定电池电压是否正常。 | Check that the battery indicator on the LCD panel shows that the batteries are in good condition . | |
27 | 较大的轮胎破口和切口可用补胎片在内侧进行修补。另外,轮胎磨损后,可在外胎上热补新的胎面,使外胎翻旧如新。 | Larger holes and cuts in tires can be repaired by applying a patch on the inside. In addition, when treads have worn down, new treads can be vulcanized onto the casing provided the casing is in good condition . | |
28 | 咖啡具外包装状态良好,故我方接受了到货并予以签收,未提任何问题。 | The packages containing the coffee sets appeared to be in good condition and we accepted and signed for them without question. | |
29 | 看缺陷、看工艺:正规的总成部件齐全完好,若发现总成上一些小零件缺陷,一般为水货。 | Defects: Genuine parts come complete and in good condition . Parts with subtle defects are generally not genuine. | |
30 | 康斯坦丁·桑塔洛夫冲线的时候状态良好,6小时32分41秒,他赢得了世界100公里极限马拉松赛的胜利。 | Konstantin Santalov looked in good condition as he crossed the line,six hours 32 minutes and 4 1 seconds on the road, he earned his victory for world l00kms ultra-marathon. |