属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-美国宇航局发布毅力号传回的首批视频和彩照
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-埃塞尔比亚总理梅莱斯因病休假
属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-你能“击败急冻侠”吗?
属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-俄罗斯飞船发射失败 宇航员紧急着陆成功
1 | 飞行控制人员也对毅力号发回地球的数千张图片感到满意。他们表示,探测器着陆后状况良好。 | Flight controllers were also pleased with the thousands of images that Perseverance sent back to Earth. They said the rover was in very good condition after the landing. | |
2 | 贝雷克特:“关于梅莱斯的病情,我想我已经说过他很健康。他的小病得到了很好的治疗,毫无疑问他很健康。” | BEREKET SIMON: "Regarding his illness, I think I have told you that he is in good condition . He has got very good treatment for the ailment, and definitely he’s in good condition." | |
3 | 他是勇士队的场地工作人员,帮助维持球场的良好状态用于比赛。这项工作包括修建草坪以及在场地上画线。 | He is a member of the Braves’ grounds crew, which means he helps keep the field in good condition for the games. The work involves cutting grass and painting lines on the field. | |
4 | 通过苹果“以旧折新”项目,消费者能将品相完整手机换积分折新。 | Apple’s handy Reuse and Recycle trade-in program would allow Apple product devotees to trade in older iPhones that were in very good condition for a credit toward a newer model. | |
5 | 在拜科努尔航天中心观看这次发射的美国宇航局局长吉姆·布莱登斯坦(Jim Bridenstine)发推表示,黑格和奥夫奇宁健康状况良好。他补充说,“将会对事故原因进行彻底调查。” | NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, who watched the launch at Baikonur tweeted that Hague and Ovchinin are in good condition . He added that a "thorough investigation into the cause of the incident will be conducted." | |
6 | “我们检查了里面的许多组分,发现他们都保持良好状态,并且清洁。”Clark女士说道。 | "We inspected many components of it, and generally found it to be in good condition and clean, " Ms. Clark said. | |
7 | 1884年,费城国民银行(PhiladelphiaNationalBank)行长表示,经营状况良好的银行并不向储户支付利息。 | Banks in good condition , the head of the Philadelphia National Bank said in 1884, did not pay interest to depositors. | |
8 | Lingenfelser说上周五将它放归海洋时,它的状况不错,但兽医们曾对它进行过抽血测试。 | Lingenfelser said that Castaway appeared to be in good condition Friday, but that veterinarians had drawn blood for testing. | |
9 | 安全性仍然是个问题,但受试者的状况良好,特定的治疗效果是意料中事。 | Safety is still an issue, but treated subjects are in good condition and a specific treatment effect is expected. | |
10 | 包装及密封是否良好,有无外观损伤、进水、受潮等现象 | Package and sealing are in good condition , no visual damage or moisture exists. b | |
11 | 必须很好地保持鞋子干净整洁? | Shoes must be well maintained, clean and in good condition ? | |
12 | 玻璃器皿干净完好 | Glassware is in good condition & clean | |
13 | 草场轮休甚至可以通过保持草地的良好状态帮助减少野火。 | Rotational grazing can even help preventwildefileswildfires by keepinggracelands grasslands in good condition . | |
14 | 彻底检查一下工具,如电动绞车,钢丝绳,滑轮,弄清楚它们是否都处于良好。 | pulleys, and make sure of whether all of them are in good condition . | |
15 | 除了宜人的气味,须后水还有助于保持皮肤光滑和处于良好状态,对每天剃须的男士们的一种关爱。 | In addition to smelling good, aftershave helps keep the skin smooth and in good condition , a concern for men who shave every day. | |
16 | 但是,冷冻在冰箱中,可以使食物在生长季节后几个月中保持良好。 | Cold storage in a freezer, however, can keep foods in good condition for months after the growing season. | |
17 | 当然你的球衣不能太烂了,这样你可以拿去捐给那些有需要的慈善机构。 | If your race T-shirts are in good condition , donate them to a charity that accepts clothing. | |
18 | 第二,确保电话线状况良好。 | Second, make sure that your phone line is in good condition . | |
19 | 电脑(包括台式电脑、手提电脑、工作站)返回IT,状态良好能正常使用 | Computer (including desktop, laptop, workstation) return to IT and in good condition and function well | |
20 | 电气回路已进行校线及绝缘检查,接线正确、端子牢固、接触良好、标识正确; | Electric loop has been tested, insulation checked , wiring correct, terminal fastness, contact in good condition , proper label; | |
21 | 吊钩情况是否良好,包括旋转和安全闩 | Is the hook in good condition including swivel and safety latch | |
22 | 吊索情况是否良好 | Are slings in good condition | |
23 | 东西都还好,保养得也不错,如无必要,不需打磨了。 | They are still in good condition . No need polish if not necessary. | |
24 | 房产代理商在销售指南中这样介绍:设施齐全、保养完好且风格独特。 | It is described in the estate agents guide as a ’unique home in good condition overall and has been well maintained’. | |
25 | 干净、状况良好 | Clean and in good condition . | |
26 | 工作区域各类标识齐全,状态良好。 | Logo is integrated and in good condition . | |
27 | 滑轮情况是否良好 | Are sheaves in good condition | |
28 | 患有阿尔茨海默病的奶奶身体状况也不错,因为那时已经出现了医治这种疾病的良药,她每天可以步行去上插花课。 | Masako, who has Alzheimer’s disease, is in good condition because of new drugs for the ailment. She walks to a flower arrangement class. | |
29 | 货物到达时情况良好。货物到达时情况良好。 | The goods arrived in good condition . | |
30 | 甲板设备的维修保养纪录真实、详细、规范。 | Deck equipments maintenance record in good condition |