1 | "在保险业中""average""一词一般是""海损""的意思" | "In the insurance business, the term ""average"" simply means ""loss"" in most cases ." | |
2 | Access 2003 支持 Access 2000 文件格式 - 所以,在大多数情况下,您只需安装 Access 2003,然后打开 Access 2000 文件,即使这些文件包含 VBA 代码也无妨。 | Access 2003 supports the Access 2000 file format- so, in most cases , you need only install Access 2003 and then open your Access 2000 files, even if they contain VBA code. | |
3 | Access 2003 支持 Access 2002-2003 文件格式,因此在大多数情况下,您只需安装 Access 2003,然后打开 Access 2002 文件 - 即使这些文件包含 Visual Basic for Applications(VBA)代码也无妨。 | Access 2003 supports the Access 2002-2003 file formats, so in most cases you need only install Access 2003 and open your Access 2002 files- even if they contain Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)code. | |
4 | SQL Server 在大多数情况下将优化联接操作。 | SQL Server, in most cases , will optimize joining operations. | |
5 | 被试设备连接到测试仪器上,电压从零开始线性上升至满压,大部分场合为直流500伏。 | The EUT is connected to the measuring instrument, and the voltage is ramped up from zero to the final value, which in most cases is 500 V DC. | |
6 | 薄壁钟本身的浮力影响通常可以忽略不计。 | The buoyant effect of the thin-walled bell may be neglected in most cases | |
7 | 不过,大减价常是廉价购买好东西的良机。 | In most cases , however, sales are an excellent opportunity to buy quality products at reduced prices | |
8 | 大多数病毒的囊膜取自宿主细胞膜。 | The envelope is derived in most cases from the cytoplasmic membrane | |
9 | 大多数第一乐章的速度标记是行板、柔板或广板。 | The tempo marking in most cases is andante, adagio, or largo | |
10 | 大多数第一乐章的速度标记是行板、柔板或广板。 | The tempo marking in most cases is andante,adagio,or largo. | |
11 | 大多数情况下,“快速信息”框正下方有一个下拉列表,您可以从该下拉列表中选择英语以外的语言。 | In most cases , directly below the ″Quick Info″ box you will find a drop-down list from which you can select a language other than English. | |
12 | 大多数情况下,都要在地面下面铺防水层,诸如涂一层地沥青,多层焦油沥青或沥青质材料,或聚乙烯薄膜,以防止地下的潮气透过混凝土上升。 | In most cases a waterproof membrane, such as a layer of asphalt, several coats of a tar or bitumen substance, or polythene sheeting is laid under the floor to prevent dampness rising through the concrete from the ground below. | |
13 | 大多数情况下,对任何要在相同服务器上发布的文件最好使用相对链接-例如同一网站内的项目符号、导航按钮、背景纹理、图形和网页。 | In most cases , it′s best to use relative links for any files that will be published on the same server-such as bullets, navigational buttons, background textures, graphics, and pages within the same Web. | |
14 | 大多数情况下他的这类瞎想最终都是虚惊一场。 | In most cases these convictions of his turn out to be utter moonshine | |
15 | 大多数时候,你只需要移动、拖拽(Drag-Drop)鼠标,以及简单地设置一些属性便可以设计出一个复杂的报表。 | In most cases , you can design a sophisticated report simply by moving and drag-dropping your mouse and setting up some properties. | |
16 | 但是,在大多数情况下,并无法提供适当的外部水源或者由于成本太高而无法提供。因此,对大多数用户来说,这种冷却系统的应用领域非常有限。 | In most cases however, a suitable external water supply is not available or the cost of the clean water is prohibitive. Thus, this type of system has very limited applicability for most customers. | |
17 | 调解达成协议,人民法院应制作调解书(民事诉讼法90条列举了可不制作调解书的情况)。 | When a settlement agreement through conciliation is reached, in most cases , the people’ s court shall draw up a conciliation statement (the 90th article of Civil Procedure Law lists the cases that need no conciliation statement). | |
18 | 对大多数的事业单位而言,应依风险的特性与作业可能的变更程度,定期审查风险评估以表谨慎负责的态度, | In most cases it will be prudent to review risk assessments at regular intervals, depending on the nature of the risks and the degree of change likely in the work activity. | |
19 | 多数类型脑炎的共同症状为发热、头痛、困倦、昏睡、昏迷、震颤、颈背僵直。抽搐多见于婴儿。 | In most cases , symptoms include fever, headache, lethargy, and coma. Convulsions are most common in infants. | |
20 | 多数情况下,Windows 使用的默认虚拟内存设置是最优的。 | In most cases , the default virtual memory setting used by Windows should perform optimally. | |
21 | 多数情况下,首选的商业用电替代品是通过燃煤或燃焦碳来生产蒸汽。 | In most cases the combustion of coal or coke to generate steam will be the first alternative to purchased electricity | |
22 | 多数情况下,所需要的有关编程的主题在使用 Access 功能时即使不启动“Visual Basic 编辑器”也找得到。 | In most cases , the help you need on programming features will be available while working with Access features, without your having to start the Visual Basic Editor. | |
23 | 多数情况下,预防自由表面空气中心漩涡的推荐潜水深度大于预防电机过热的适当深度。 | In most cases , the recommended submergence for prevention of free-surface air vortices is more than adequate to prevent motor overheating. | |
24 | 多数情况下,在试图打开 Access 文件时,Microsoft Access 会检测该文件是否损坏,如果是,就会提供修复数据库的选项。 | In most cases , Access detects whether an Access file is damaged when you try to open it and gives you the option to repair it at that time. | |
25 | 多数情况下,这些调查程序必须在雇用后三天内完成。 | In most cases , this verification procedure must take place within three days of hiring. | |
26 | 多数情况下,这种假设是正确的。大多数代谢性酸中毒或碱中毒发展很慢,在病人症状出现以前有时间进行代偿。 | In most cases , this assumption is correct. Most metabolic acidosis or alkaloses develop slowly, allowing time for the compensatory processes to work before the patient presents with symptoms. | |
27 | 多数情况下是将表中的主键字段(以粗体文本显示)拖到其他表中名为外键?的相似字段(经常具有相同的名称)。 | In most cases , you drag the primary key field (which is displayed in bold text)from one table to a similar field (often with the same name)called the foreign key in the other table. | |
28 | 多数时候,他们只想知道应该选读什么科目。 | In most cases , people just want to know what they should study. | |
29 | 发梢开叉、头皮屑、头皮干燥发痒等常见问题损伤了原本健康的头发。在通常情况下,这些问题可通过适当的护理得以解决 | Split ends, dandruff, and dry, itchy scalp are common problems that can detract from otherwise healthy hair. In most cases such problems can be overcome by giving the appropriate treatment. | |
30 | 该系统防止车轮锁死,使汽车在制动状态下仍能转向。 | In most cases , the system also reduces braking distance, particularly on wet or uneven road surfaces. |