属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-HTC使用安卓系统 面临巨额赔偿的控诉
1 | 在大多数情况下,发动机用三个或四个支承点与车架固定在一起。 | In most cases , the engine is supported by the frame at three or four places. | |
2 | 在大多数情况下,每一个饱和或不饱和脂肪酸在m-l和sn-3之间的分布的量大约相等。 | In most cases , the individual saturated or unsaturated acids are distributed in approximately equal quantities between the sn-1 and the sn-3 positions. | |
3 | 在大多数情况下,您可以通过使用 UPS.com 的″计算时间和费用″部分来计算货件费用。 | In most cases , you can calculate your shipment cost by using the Calculate Time and Cost section of UPS.com. | |
4 | 在大多数情况下,如果 Microsoft Access 不能粘贴 Microsoft Access 数据库 中的部分或全部数据,它会创建一个“粘贴错误”表。 | In most cases , if Microsoft Access can′t paste some or all of the data in a Microsoft Access database , it creates the Paste Errors table. | |
5 | 在大多数情况下,完成函授所有要求课程的学业并且获得专科文凭需要3至5年的时间。 | In most cases , it takes three to five years to complete all the required courses through correspondence and get a college degree equivalent to that of a regular two-year college. | |
6 | 在多数案件中,败诉方必须通过诉讼文件移送命令请求法庭审理案件。 | In most cases , the losing party must petition the Court through a writ of certiorari to hear the case. | |
7 | 在多数病症中,早期发现和持续治疗可杀死成虫并得到康复。 | In most cases , early diagnosis and persistent treatment to kill the adult worms ensure recovery. | |
8 | 在多数情况下,药物(1)口服,(2)注射,(3)吸入,(4)外敷,或者(5)插入身体开口。 | In most cases , drugs are (1)taken by mouth, (2)injected into the body, (3)inhaled, (4)applied to the body surface, or (5)inserted into a body opening. | |
9 | 在多数情况下,只要企业向客户提供了商品或劳务,收入就已经实现。 | In most cases , revenue is earned when the business has delivered a completed good or service to the customer. | |
10 | 在多数情况下,最好让正在燃烧的乙炔钢瓶自己烧完。在设备接头处的小火是个例外。可以用湿抹布、湿石棉或相似的东西有效地扑灭它。 | In most cases , it is best to allow a burning acetylene cylinder to burn itself out. The exception is small fires at fitting connections which can effectively be extinguished by applying a wet rag, wet asbestos, or similar types of material. | |
11 | 在多数情况下是以均匀的纬纱间距为目的的,在这种情况下使用积极式卷取装置。 | In most cases uniform pick-spacing is the objective, and we use a"positive"take-up motion. | |
12 | 在多数情形下,一个伟大的斗争过程,其开始阶段、中间阶段和最后阶段的领导骨干,不应该是也不可能是完全同一的 | In the process of a great struggle, the composition of the leading group in most cases should not and cannot remain entirely unchanged throughout the initial, middle and final stages | |
13 | 在许多案例中,上诉法院做出的判决并不仅仅判定谁赢了这个实际的案子 | In most cases , when an appellate court makes a decision it not only decides who wins the specific case. | |
14 | 在许多情况下,美国海关凭交易价值对商品估价,即当该商品出口到美国销售时实际付出的价格。这一价值包括以下内容 | In most cases , U.S. Customs will appraise the merchandise at the transaction value, that is, the price actually paid or payable for the merchandise when sold for export to the United States. This value would include the following elements | |
15 | 在许多情况下用天然的微生物群落进行生物补救,只有在非常特殊的环境下才会加入降解性的微生物。 | In most cases the natural microbial communities are used in bioremediation. Only under very specialized circumstances will degradative microorganisms be added. | |
16 | 在一般情况下,纪律处分通知须由直属主管在与其部门主管谘商后完成。 | In most cases of disciplinary action, a Disciplinary Action Notice must be completed by the immediate supervisor, after first consulting with the Department Manager. | |
17 | 在重量法中,分析物(通常是离子)以确定的化学计量配比的不溶化合物沉淀, | In gravimetry, an analyzer (in most cases ionic)is precipitated in the form of an insoluble compound of defined stoichiometry. | |
18 | 重新结合的程度在大多数情况下是相互的。 | The degree of recombination is reciprocal in most cases | |
19 | 自然界里的大多数元素都是几种同位素的混合;例如锡,有十种同位素。在大多数情形下,自然界中只能找到稳定同位素。 | Most elements found in nature are mixtures of several isotopes; tin, for example, has 10 isotopes. In most cases , only stable isotopes of elements are found in nature. | |
20 | ||1:和以前的反对全球化的抗议活动相比,近来的很多活动都是自发的。||2:在一些情况下,一些起初的自由活动随着声势的加强逐渐和其他省市或国家的抗议活动联系了起来。||3:这使得善于利用技术的活动者们忙于交换信息和对策,但这并不是一场协同一致的全球性活动。 | ||1:In contrast with previous anti-globalisation protests, many of the latest ones seem to have started spontaneously.||2:In some cases, what began as freelance events gradually linked up with protests in other cities and other countries as they gained momentum.||3:That keeps technology-minded activists busy exchanging messages and tactics, but it does not amount to an orchestrated global push. | |
21 | ||1:还有另外唯一一个实行败诉偿付的州,那就是阿拉斯加,但这里败诉方支付的仅是胜诉方法律成本的一部分。||2:更有趣的是,1980年佛罗里达州在处理医疗事故案例时就使用过“败方赔偿”制度。||3:这种制度的实施使诉讼的数量下降了,但平均裁决赔偿额提高了,这表明,诉诸法律的更多的是那些一方获胜把握比较大的案子,而那些胜算不大的侵权纠纷,诉讼数量或判决数量都减少了。||4:但是,有很多败诉的原告生活穷困,无力支付对方的法律成本,而在另一起诉讼中,败诉的被告要支付原告数百万元的法律费用。||5:在1985年,连医生都支持废除这项法律。 | ||1:Only one other state, Alaska, has loser-pays, and only for a portion of fees.||2:More intriguingly, Florida imposed “loser-pays” in 1980 for medical-malpractice cases.||3:The number of claims dropped, but the average award rose, suggesting that more high-merit cases got their day in court while low-merit filings were deterred or settled for less.||4:But many losing plaintiffs were too poor to pay the winners’ costs, while in one case a losing defendant had to pay millions for the plaintiff’s legal fees.||5:Even doctors supported the law’s repeal in 1985. | |
22 | ||1:苹果公司也没有对HTC轻敌。||2:在7月15日,美国国际贸易委员会支持了两项在更大专利方面诉讼的请求,这些都是苹果控诉其竞争者的。||3:这个月早些时候,苹果又提起了更多的诉讼,并且加拿大的MOSAID公司也表示会以侵权起诉HTC和索爱。||4:关心这些案子结果的不仅仅是HTC,还有其他使用安卓系统的手机制造商。安卓被宣传为免费、开放的系统,但是最终证明它是异常昂贵的。||5:这是因为它要依赖一大堆基本的特征,而它们是属于专利的:像屏幕如何被手指滑开;一个电话号码如何被嵌入一封邮件中,只要轻触就可以拨打它,等等。 | ||1:Apple has not taken the challenge from HTC lightly.||2:On July 15th the US International Trade Commission upheld two claims in a larger patent suit Apple had filed against its rival.||3:Earlier in the month, Apple had filed additional claims and MOSAID, a Canadian company, said it would also sue HTC, and Sony Ericsson, for patent infringement.||4:The outcome of these cases will be of keen interest not just for HTC but for other handset-makers using Android: promoted as a free, open-source system, it is proving surprisingly expensive.||5:This is because it relies on a host of basic features that may be subject to patents: how a screen is swiped with a finger, how a phone number embedded in an e-mail can be called by tapping it, and so on. | |
23 | ||1:虽然抗议活动的目标可能是含糊不清,但是共同的思路是十分明确的。||2:过去一些天里,迅速出现在全球80多个国家里900多个城市的中的抗议活动所提出的实质性的要求甚少,在某些情况下抗议者们竟然闭口不谈。||3:比起具体目标,抗议者们更喜欢整体性的反抗。||4:他们认为自己的实际需要比贪得无厌更重要。||5:他们喜欢通过共识作出决定,不相信上层集团,认为自己更多地承受着资本主义的痛苦而非享受着它的甘甜。||6:除此之外便没有什么明确的说法了。 | ||1:THE aims may be incoherent, but the common threads are clear.||2:The protests that have mushroomed in over 900 cities in 80-plus countries over the past few days have voiced few practical demands, and in some cases they actually avoid making any.||3:Participants favour the general over the specific.||4:They think need matters more than greed.||5:They like decisions by consensus, distrust elites and feel that capitalism’s pains and gains are unfairly shared.||6:Beyond that, the horizon clouds. | |
24 | ||1:中右派智库“曼哈顿研究会”的马莉?格里芬,曾提交一项败方赔付的提案,她说,德州推行的政策“远远不达到应有的水平”,而佛罗里达州在面对问题时退缩得太快。||2:马莉认为,那些实行败诉赔付制度的国家需要有法律保险,比如,在英格兰,如果指控提出,当事人可在立案之前,花100-200英镑(150-300美元)来购买法律保险。||3:律师也可以预付保险费并将这笔费用加在他们的账单中。||4:在德国等其他国家,许多家庭将法律保险并入到每月缴纳的保险费中。||5:格里芬女士认为,在“败诉赔付”制度比较成熟的国家,那些小额的“骚扰”官司和大额的“彩票”官司对律师吸引力都会减小。 | ||1:Marie Gryphon of the Manhattan Institute, a centre-right think-tank, who is author of a loser-pays proposal, says that Texas got “much less than half a loaf”, and that Florida was spooked too quickly.||2:She argues that loser-pays countries need legal insurance, which can be bought (for example) in England for just £100-200 ($150-300) after an alleged loss, but before a suit is filed.||3:Lawyers can advance the premiums and add them to their bills.||4:In other countries, such as Germany, many households carry standing legal insurance with a small monthly premium.||5:Ms Gryphon argues that in such a mature loser-pays market more small-value but high-merit cases would be brought, while both small “nuisance” suits and big “lottery” suits would be less attractive to lawyers. | |
25 | “实时”的意思名副其实:在大多数情况下,就在你键入的同时,你输入的东西会显示在他人的屏幕上。 | And "real-time" means exactly that: in most cases what you type appears - as you type it - on other people’s screens. | |
26 | CDRH说,这个步骤在大多数情况下使患者避免得性无能。 | This procedure, says the CDRH, in most cases , avoids sexual impotence. | |
27 | 白内障手术是一种将眼球内的病变晶体摘除并在大多数情况下代之以人工晶体的手术。 | Cataract surgery is a procedure to remove the lens of your eye and, in most cases , replace it with an artificial lens. | |
28 | 并且这个问题的根源,在大多数情况下,是由于——恐惧和不负责任。 | And the roots of this problem, in most cases , are the following - fear and irresponsibility . | |
29 | 不太可能是文章实在太长了,因此需要分页;在大多数情况下,这样做是用来提高页面浏览量的。 | It’s unlikely that the article is so long that it requires pagination; in most cases , it is used to increase page views . | |
30 | 大部分的例子表明,市场行销中测定投资回报是一项昂贵并且收效甚微的事情。 | In most cases , to determine the ROI of a marketing program is an expensive exercise with little or no value. |