1 | B(淋巴)细胞:一类在身体的体液免疫反应中起主要作用的淋巴细胞。当它们被特种外来的抗原刺激时,这些淋巴细胞变异为原生质细胞,它们合成抗体在血液中循环,并与某种专门的抗原相互作用。 | B cell:A type of lymphocyte that plays a major role in the body’s humoral immune response. When stimulated by a particular foreign antigen, these lymphocytes differentiate into plasma cells that synthesize the antibodies that circulate in the blood and react with the specific antigens. | |
2 | B-可以很快地结合一个H+,这样就降低了它所引起的[H+]的升高,并为其提供了一种在血液中运输的载体。 | The B-can readily accept a H+ ion, thus eliminating that ions contribution to [H+] and providing a vehicle for its transport in the blood . | |
3 | CABG术后冠状动脉竞争血流对LIMA血流ET、NO含量的影响 | Effects of Competitive Flow from Differently Stenotic Coronary Artery on the Content of ET and NO in the Blood in Internal Mammary Artery Graft | |
4 | D,L-甘油醛抑制葡萄糖酵解的探讨 | Effect of DL-Glyceraldehydes on Maintaining the Glucose Level in the Blood | |
5 | 把香柏木,牛膝草,朱红色线,并那活鸟,都蘸在被宰的鸟血中与活水中,用以洒房子七次。 | and take the cedar-wood and the hyssop and the red thread and the living bird and put them in the blood of the dead bird and in the flowing water, shaking it over the house seven times. | |
6 | 把指头蘸于血中,在耶和华面前对着幔子弹血七次, | and put his finger in the blood , shaking drops of the blood seven times before the Lord in front of the veil. | |
7 | 把指头蘸于血中,在耶和华面前对着圣所的幔子弹血七次, | and the priest is to put his finger in the blood , shaking drops of it before the Lord seven times, in front of the veil of the holy place. | |
8 | 半乳糖症一种遗传的代谢紊乱,因缺乏对半乳糖新陈代谢所必需的酶引起。这种紊乱会引起半乳糖在血液中的积聚上升,如果不治疗会导致大脑发育迟缓且眼和肝脏畸形 | An inherited metabolic disorder characterized by the deficiency of an enzyme that is necessary for the metabolism of galactose.The disorder results in elevated levels of galactose in the blood and,if untreated,can lead to mental retardation and eye and liver abnormalities. | |
9 | 本病不经治疗可致酮症,血液内脂肪代谢产物--酮体堆积、继之发生酸中毒,致恶心、呕吐。碳水化合物及脂肪代谢障碍,毒性产物堆积,引起糖尿病性昏迷。 | Untreated diabetes leads to accumulation of ketones in the blood , followed by acidosis (high blood acid content)with nausea and vomiting and then coma. | |
10 | 卟啉症卟啉代谢异常的几种病态的一种,这种病通常为遗传性的,其特征是血液和尿中出现大量的卟啉 | Any of several disorders of porphyrin metabolism,usually hereditary,characterized by the presence of large amounts of porphyrins in the blood and urine. | |
11 | 补血药增加血液中血红蛋白数量的药物 | A drug that increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood . | |
12 | 参麦注射液对AMI大鼠血浆及心肌组织中AngⅡ含量的影响 | Effects of Shenmai Injection on AngⅡ in the Blood Plasma and Cardiac Muscle of AMI Rats | |
13 | 产生的H+如是在血液中自由聚集,那么血浆PH值将大幅度地降低。 | If the H+ ions produced this way were free to accumulate in the blood , the pH would fall Dramatically. | |
14 | 诚然,我说的食欲不仅限于对食物的垂涎,而是指任何未得到满足的欲望,指流淌在你血液中的焦渴,它证明你欲壑难填,生命的火焰尚未燃尽。 | By appetite, of course, I don’t mean just the lust for food, but anycondition of unsatisfied desire, any burning in the blood that proves you want more than you’ ve got, and that lyou haven’t used up your life. | |
15 | 胆管结石患者Oddi括约肌CCK受体与血CCK水平的意义 | Detection of CCK Acceptors in Sphincter of Oddi and CCK in the Blood of Gallstone Patients | |
16 | 但是,当肾小球滤过率(GFR)下降到10~20min以下,蛋白质和氨基酸的代谢产物有机阴离子在血液内堆积,导致AG增高型代谢性酸中毒。 | However, as the glomerular filtration rate (GFR)falls below 10 to 20 milliliters per minute, organic anions from the metabolism of proteins and amino acids build up in the blood , resulting in an elevated-gap metabolic acidosis. | |
17 | 氮气气泡在血液和身体组织中形成,产生巨痛。。 | Bubbles of nitrogen form in the blood and body tissues, causing great pain. | |
18 | 当医生需要知道酒精是否与病人的病情有关时,对血液或尿液中酒精的含量的估计就会起到相当关健的作用。 | The estimation of alcohol in the blood or urine is relevant when the physician needs to know whether it is responsible for the condition of the patient. | |
19 | 低血糖症血液中葡萄糖不正常地低含量 | An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood . | |
20 | 反应素个体血液中的一种抗体,可以对诸如气喘病和光粉热这些变态反应产生预先的基因处理 | An antibody found in the blood of individuals having a genetic predisposition to allergies such as asthma and hay fever. | |
21 | 仿真深潜作业人员潜水前后其血小板浓度及弥散性血管内凝固试验因子之变化 | Changes of Platelet Count and Factors of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Test in the Blood of Simulated deep-sea Divers | |
22 | 氟伐他汀对兔动脉粥样硬化血管壁NF-κB及ICAM-1表达的影响 | Effect of Fluvastatin on the Expression of NF-κB and ICAM-1 in the Blood Vessel Wall of Atherosclerosis Rabbits | |
23 | 复方玫瑰胶囊对家兔心肌缺血-再灌注损伤中血清GSH-PX、H2O2影响的实验研究 | Experimental Study of Fufang Meigui Capsule’s Effects on GSH-PX and H2O2 in the Blood Serum of Rabbits Damaged by Myocardial Ischemia and Reperfusion | |
24 | 高铁血红蛋白一种红褐色的结晶有机化合物,当血红蛋白被血的分解或被各种氧化药品或有毒物质氧化时,在血中形成,它包含处于正铁状态的铁,不能起到氧的传送者的作用 | A brownish-red crystalline organic compound formed in the blood when hemoglobin is oxidated either by decomposition of the blood or by the action of various oxidizing drugs or toxic agents.It contains iron in the ferric state and cannot function as an oxygen carrier. | |
25 | 红(白)血球,红(白)细胞. | the red (white) corpuscle s in the blood | |
26 | 缓释尿素对滩母羊血清中尿素浓度的影响 | Effect of slow-decomposed Urea on the Urea Content in the Blood Serum of Tan-sheep Ewes | |
27 | 甲状腺的激素分泌--大部分是甲状腺素(T4)--由甲状腺刺激激素(TSH)控制,在其血液水平降到一定极限以下时由脑下垂体释放。 | Secretion of thyroid hormones-mostly thyroxine (T4)-is controlled by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), released by the pituitary gland when the level of thyroid hormones in the blood drops below a certain threshold. | |
28 | 检查测量血液里脂肪分子中碳、氢原子发出的无线电信号。癌似乎改变了这些分子。而这又改变了发出的无线电信号。 | The test measures radio signals given off by carbon and hydrogenatoms in fat molecules in the blood . Cancer seems to change the molecules. and this changes the radio signals that are given off. | |
29 | 碱剩余检测血液中的所有缓冲系,而并非只是HCO3-。大多数血气分析报告都将碱剩余作为一种估计血液代谢因素的替代手段, | The base excess is a measure of all buffers in the blood , not just the HCO3-.Most ABG reports include the base excess as an alternative means to evaluate the metabolic components in the blood. | |
30 | 接触X射线人员血液内GSH-Px、SOD、MDA、Se的多因素分析 | Multiple-Factor Analysis of GSH-Px, SOD, MDA and Se in the Blood of X-Ray-Exposed Staff |