属类:文学表达-外国名著-EUGENE ONEGIN
1 | 开始堕落而不自觉。This | young man was influenced by bad people and became corrupt without being aware of it | |
2 | 另外,饱受美国财务丑闻影响的金融保险业的股价也开始回升,英国巴克莱银行、欧洲大型保险公司瑞士苏黎世等集团的股价都有较大幅度攀升。 | In addition, financial and insurance stocks influenced by US fraudulent accounting scandals have begun to rebound with stocks of Britain’s Barclays Bank and Europe’s insurance giant Zurich Group rising significantly | |
3 | 罗马庙宇深受希腊风格影响,但是祭坛在庙的里边,廊柱通常为附墙的柱子。 | Roman temples were profoundly influenced by Greek style, but the altar was inside the temple and the colonnade was often reduced to a row of engaged columns. | |
4 | 麦当娜还说养育两个孩子的经历对她产生了很深的影响,卢尔德6岁,罗科3岁。 | Madonna also said she was profoundly influenced by the experience of raising two children, Lourdes, 6, and Rocco, 3. | |
5 | 美国人从移民的风俗和观念中也学到了很多东西,并且在极其细微和有趣的方面受到了它们的影响。 | Americans have also learned much from the customs and ideas of the immigrants and are often influenced by them in subtle and interesting ways | |
6 | 明达的人不为别人的想法所左右。--佛陀 | The sensible man is not influenced by what other people think.-- Buddha | |
7 | 明达的人不为旁人的思想所左右。--佛陀 | The sensible man is not influenced by what other people think.--Avebury | |
8 | 你的所作所为深刻地影响人类 | Humanity is profoundly influenced by what you do | |
9 | 你的所做所为深刻地影响人类(约翰·保罗二世)。对于 | Humanity is profoundly influenced by what you do(John Paul II.To | |
10 | 你恭维奉承也无济于事. | Flattery will get you nowhere,ie I will not be influenced by your flattering remarks. | |
11 | 牛顿书中的写法表明,他深受欧几里得对量和比例分析的影响。 | His style shows how deeply he was influenced by euclid’s treatment of ratio and proportions | |
12 | 啤酒的风味也会受到少量的甘油和醋酸的影响。下面酵母生产啤酒所需的条件是:pH值在4.1~4.2之间,并要求发酵7~12天。 | The beer flavor also is influenced by the production of small amounts of glycerol and acetic acid. Bottom yeasts produce beer with a pH of 4.1 to 4.2 and requiring 7 to 12 days of fermentation. | |
13 | 容器种类和包装都受加工处理的影响,尤其是当考虑产品是在加工还是在加工后放进容器内的时候。 | Both container type and packaging are influenced by the process, especially when considering whether the product is placed in the container prior to or after processing. | |
14 | 色彩经常是服装设计中最重要的因素,色彩会受到时装和消费者喜好的影响,顾客选择服装时,通常首先考虑的因素是色彩。 | Color is often the most important element in a design. Highly influenced by both fashion and customer preference, color is usually the first factor the customer considers when selecting a garment. | |
15 | 生物的活动被土壤养分含量状况所制约。 | Biological activity in a soil is influenced by soil acidity and nutrient status | |
16 | 事实表明,其他的性能(电学性能,光学性能和磁性……)也受这些材料的细化晶粒结构的影响。 | It has also been shown that other properties (electrical, optical, magnetic:)are influenced by the fine grained structure of these materials. | |
17 | 是委内瑞拉贵族后裔,在欧洲受教育。他受到欧洲理性主义的影响,加入委内瑞拉独立运动,成为杰出的政治和军事领袖。 | The son of a Venezuelan aristocrat, Bolívar received a European education. Influenced by European rationalism, he joined Venezuela’s independence movement and became a prominent political and military leader. | |
18 | 受ombre的影响。 | Influenced by ombre. | |
19 | 受坏榜样的影响 | Be influenced by bad examples | |
20 | 受某时期、地方或人强烈影响的人或事物;产儿;产物 | Child of sth; person or thing strongly influenced by a period,place or person | |
21 | 受新思想的影响 | Be influenced by new ideas | |
22 | 树枝状水系型式的发展是由遭受侵蚀的岩石类型和层态影响的。 | Development of the dendritic pattern is influenced by the type and attitude of rock the erosion encounters | |
23 | 谁也不能避免受到广告的影响。 | No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. | |
24 | 虽然清真寺(起初是一块圣地)受各地建筑风格的影响,但基本上还是很宽敞、有屋顶,有的还有尖塔,且不允许有雕像或画作装饰。 | Though the mosque-originally a sacred plot of ground-has been influenced by local architectural styles, the building has remained essentially an open space, usually roofed, with a minaret sometimes attached. | |
25 | 他的作品对印象派画家产生巨大影响,也正是因为他与印象派之间的关系才最终使他的才华为世人所公认。 | The Impressionists were greatly influenced by his work, and it was this association with the impressionist school that finally brought about recognition of his talent | |
26 | 他的作品具有很强的表现主义色彩,从中透出特有的一种孤寂、空漠的情调,一种平和而含蓄的美。 | His works were greatly influenced by impressionist ideas and display a quiet and lonely beauty. | |
27 | 他那具有感染力的乐观主义影响了我们。 | We are influenced by his radiant optimism. | |
28 | 他去过德国,深受康德和席勒的影响。回俄国后,他那德国人的气质使他与众不同。他和叶甫盖尼的关系愈来愈亲密。 | He had been in Germany, where he was much influenced by Kant and Schiller. In Russia his German temperament set him apart. He and Eugene became more and more intimate. | |
29 | 他受徐谓、石涛影响较大,画风粗放,不拘法度,泼墨淋漓。 | His painting style was influenced by Xu Wei and Shi Tao, and he used light colors and adopted splashed ink skills to capture an unrestricted quality. | |
30 | 它受来自墨西哥湾的暖洋流影响,沿海终年不结冰。 | Because it is influenced by the mitigating action of the warm Gulf Stream, originating from the Gulf of Mexico, which flows up the coast preventing the formation of sea ice. |