1 | (e)检验服务,包括一般检验服务和为健康、安全、分级或标准化为目的特定产品检验 | (e)inspection services, including general inspection services and the inspection of particular products for health, safety, grading or standardization purposes | |
2 | (部队、舰队等的)检阅,阅兵式 | Ceremonial display and inspection of troops,a fleet,etc | |
3 | 《船舶和海上设施检验条例》,是指《中华人民共和国船舶和海上设施检验条例》 | The Regulation on the Inspection of Vessel and Marine Installations refers to the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Inspection of Vessel and Marine Installations | |
4 | GB10051.3-1988起重吊钩直柄吊钩使用检查 | Lifting hooks--Inspection of shank hook in service | |
5 | GB5491-1985粮食、油料检验扦样、分样法 | Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for sampling and sample reduction | |
6 | 包括计算机程序、专有技术的解释和说明、涉及到合同产品的设计、制造、安装和检验等方面的信息 | including computer programs, carrying the descriptions and explanations of Know-how, relating to the design, manufacturing, assembly, and inspection of Contract Products. | |
7 | 本办法第十条规定情形以外的药品,经口岸药品检验所检验不符合标准规定的 | As to the drugs other than those specified in Article 10 of the present Measures, those not meeting the prescribed standards upon the inspection of the port drug inspection office | |
8 | 本办法第十条规定情形以外的药品,应当提交最近一次《进口药品检验报告书》和《进口药品通关单》复印件。 | For the drugs listed in Article 10, a copy of the recent Report on the Inspection of Imported Drugs and the Customs Clearance Form for Imported Drugs shall be submitted | |
9 | 本节所称船舶、海上设施,其含义与《船舶和海上设施检验条例》使用的同一用语的含义相同。 | The terms “vessels” and “marine installations” as mentioned in this section mean the same as those of the corresponding terms used in the Regulation on Inspection of Vessels and Marine Installations. | |
10 | 不合格品率的小批计数抽样检查程序及抽样表 | Sampling procedures and tables for inspection of small lots or batches by attributes for percent nonconforming | |
11 | 肠卜师古代罗马根据祭神牺牲的肠进行占卜的巫师 | A priest in ancient Rome who practiced divination by the inspection of the entrails of animals. | |
12 | 超越职权范围进行船舶、设施检验 | Conducting the inspection of vessels and installations beyond the authorized power | |
13 | 船舶检验机构的检验人员违反《船舶和海上设施检验条例》的规定,有下列行为之一的 | Where the inspection personnel of a vessel inspection agency, as in violation of the Regulation on the Inspection of Vessels and Marine Installations, commit any of the following acts | |
14 | 从重最终产品检验检疫转向重生产过程的监管,从重品质检验转向重安全、卫生、健康、环保的检验把关。 | The focus shall be shifted from product inspection and quarantine to the manufacturing process, from quality inspection to the inspection of the safety, sanitation, health and environmental protection. | |
15 | 带传动普通及窄V带传动用带轮(基准宽度制)槽形检验 | Belt drives--Pulleys for classical and narrow V-belts drives(system based on datum width)--Geometrical inspection of grooves | |
16 | 带传动普通及窄V带传动用带轮(有效宽度制)槽形检验 | Belt drives--Pulleys for classical and narrow V-belts drives(system based effective width)--Geometrical inspection of grooves | |
17 | 但是,至少也要安装一个由国家推荐的检验实验室认证的降温减压安全阀 | But not less than a combination temperature and pressure relief valve certified by a nationally recognized testing laboratory that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials | |
18 | 对产品的检查,无论是生产过程中还是生产之后,无论是人工进行还是自动进行,都属于检测的范畴。从根本说来,产品的检测可从两方面进行。 | The examination of the product either during or after manufacture, either manually or automatically, falls in the province of inspection. Basically, inspection of products can be done in two ways. | |
19 | 对地面进行仔细检查 | Held a minute inspection of the grounds. | |
20 | 对房子粗略的检查未能发现它结构上的问题 | A cursory inspection of the house failed to reveal its structural flaws. | |
21 | 对公司的帐目彻底审核. | A scrupulous inspection of the firm’s accounts | |
22 | 对害虫存在和滋生的固体垃圾处理场所要进行日常监测,并采取措施减少或进一步防止害虫的滋生。 | Routine inspection of solid waste disposal areas for the presence or harbourage of pests, taking any and all practical measures to eliminate and further prevent any infestation; | |
23 | 对试验结果进行检查可以发现出现故障状态调整不当,然后可予以校正。 | An immediate inspection of the test results also may reveal malfunctions or improper adjustments that then can be corrected | |
24 | 服务应该包括,但不局限于,完全安装完工后的检查,以确保安装是按照制造商说明书和推荐进行,监督所有现场测试,并启动制造商所制定的质量保证。 | Services shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, inspection of the completed installation to ensure that it has been performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations, supervision of all field-testing and activation of the Manufacturer’s Prescribed Warranty. | |
25 | 肛门闭锁的诊断靠会阴的望诊即可。 | The diagnosis of imperforate anus is made by inspection of the perineum | |
26 | 高级建筑装饰工程质量检验评定标准 | Evaluation standard for quality inspection of superior architectural decoration engineering | |
27 | 化工建设项目进口设备、材料检验大纲 | General rules for inspection of imported equipment and materials of chemical construction project | |
28 | 回弹法检测混凝土抗压强度技术规程 | Technical specification for inspection of concrete compressive strength by rebound method | |
29 | 机密信息定义:机密信息指双方向对方透露的任何被定义为“保密”、“所有权”或类似名称的信息,可以是书面的、口头的或实物 | Confidential Information means any information disclosed by either party to the other party,in writing,orally or by inspection of tangible objects,which is designated as Confidential Proprietary or some similar designation at the time of disclosure | |
30 | 钢材塔形发纹磁粉检验方法 | Steel products--Method for magnetic particle inspection of tower sample |