1 | 你所欠缺的,只是别人给你一个有力的刺激。 | what you need is a good kick in the ass. | |
2 | 你一旦提及八大恶习或者部分恶习,他们很可能将你所说的一脚踢开。 | Some or all of the eight habits are likely to kick in as soon as you broach the subject. | |
3 | 你只是需要一点帮助、一点推动,被胳膊肘轻捣一下或是屁股上挨一脚就会开动。 | You just need a little help, a push, gentle nudge, kick in the butt to get going. | |
4 | 您也可以选择中止任务以确保您的电脑不会在您使用的过程中自动关闭。 | You can also choose to stop the task if the PC isn’t idle to help make sure it doesn’t kick in if you are on the PC. | |
5 | 批评者们可不同意,他们观察到补贴和其它大的支出在2014年前才能生效。 | Not so, say critics, observing that subsidies and other big outlays do not kick in till 2014. | |
6 | 其它激素,后叶催产素和后叶加压素(oxytocinandvasopressin),对以后形成长期伴侣关系似乎起重要作用。 | Other hormones, oxytocin and vasopressin, kick in later and appear to be crucial for forming long-term partnerships. | |
7 | 如果关系得以继续发展,这是又有化学物质开始生效。 | If the relationship can advance, then other chemicals kick in . | |
8 | 如果你不是想试试新东西,不要在紧急的情况下把很少测试的模块塞进系统。 | Don’t create rarely-tested modules that only kick in during emergencies, when you’re least likely to feel like trying new things. | |
9 | 如果您确实喜欢好品牌,那就等着那三周的销售周期去准备您那半价出售的美味冰激凌吧。 | If you do like the premium brands, wait for that 3-week sales cycle to kick in and stock up when your favorite flavor is half price. | |
10 | 如果失败的话,国会将拒绝推荐这个方案,那么在2013年将对国防和其他支出实施自动削减1.2万亿美元的方案。 | If it fails, or Congress rejects its recommendations, then $1. 2 trillion in automatic cuts to defence and other spending kick in , in 2013. | |
11 | 如果私营机构没有在5年内达到制订的成本削减目标,公共医疗计划然后自动生效。 | If the private sector does not meet certain cost-cutting targets in, say, five years, a public-sector plan should automatically kick in . | |
12 | 若该委员会不能达成共识,美国将从2013年自动开始在10年内降低赤字1.2万亿美元。 | If the panel does not reach a consensus, automatic spending cuts of $1. 2 trillion over 10 years are due to kick in starting in 2013. | |
13 | 赛中梅西仅打满上半场,第28分钟头球攻门击中横梁,第39分钟则有一次直接任意球打中立柱。 | Messi’s header struck the bar in the 28th minute and hit the post in the 39th with a free kick in the first half. | |
14 | 所以,最好在症状来临之前服用药物。 | So it’s best to take medication just before they kick in . | |
15 | 他说,先前所采取的货币和财政措施也应该开始发挥作用。 | Earlier fiscal and monetary policy actions should also begin to kick in , he said. | |
16 | 忘记那些鸡毛蒜皮的东西吧,设计一项税收是很容易的,这样它就不会突然夭折,而且它的影响也会是进步性的。 | Forget the nitpicks; it would be easy to design a tax so that it didn’t kick in right away, and so that its impact would be progressive. | |
17 | 为准备峰会,欧洲委员会呼吁任何时候一个欧盟国家违反预算限度时自动启动严厉制裁。 | In the run-up to the summit, the European Commission has called for tough automatic sanctions which would kick in whenever an E. | |
18 | 我猜测其原因可能是一些与锁相关的优化(比如锁省略或锁biasing)无法进行(参见参考资料)。 | Best guess why: some lock-related optimizations (such as lock elision or lock biasing) failed to kick in (see Resources). | |
19 | 我希望听到你们在情绪袭来的时候,选择三种方法时的感想。 | I’d love to hear your thoughts and feelings about the three choices we have when emotions kick in . | |
20 | 我总是多愁善感,每隔三个月我都要花48小时来进行一次睾丸素注射。 | I’m sensitive and emotional, but every three months I have my testosterone injections, which take 48 hours to kick in . | |
21 | 武术套路中旋风脚动作的运动生物力学分析 | The Sport Biomechanics Analysis of Whirlwind Kick in Wushu Routines | |
22 | 下面是一些“鞭笞”建议让你的事业朝正确方向发展---前进。 | Here are some kick-in-the-pants tips to get your career moving in the right direction: forward. | |
23 | 现实的人们有现实的对手机的需求,这些需求在他们卷入理论意义上那部手机更好这类抽象问题之前就摆在眼前了。 | Real people have real needs for phones that kick in before getting into abstract questions of which phone is better in a theoretical sense. | |
24 | 因而,同样是一脚踢球,与地处海平面球场上的一脚踢球相比,球飞行速度更快,线路也更直。 | Thus, the same kick in Johannesburg compared with one at sea level would cause a soccer ball to travel faster and on a less curved path. | |
25 | 有研究表明,即使肥胖女性的后代往往也超重,饮食因素只是其中部分原因。 | Studies have shown that obese women tend to have overweight children, even before dietary factors kick in . | |
26 | 在中国于11月宣布的刺激方案中的大部分基础建设支出将在今年晚些时候才付诸实施。 | Much of the infrastructure spending in the package that China announced in November will not kick in until later this year. | |
27 | 这个游戏的概率太差了,几次交易就能摧毁一个买家。 | The odds in this game are so bad that after a few trades they are sure to kick in and destroy a buyer. | |
28 | 这难免令人遗憾:很少有人会嫉妒一种连蠢蠢欲动的青春期都要暴露在聚光灯下的生活。 | It is hard not to feel a twinge of pity; few would envy such a life in the spotlight as teenage hormones start to kick in . | |
29 | 这也意味着在额外支出发挥作用之前,中国有更大的可能迎来一、二个糟糕的季度。 | It also increases the odds of an ugly quarter or two before the effects of that extra spending kick in . | |
30 | 这增加了一种风险,即美国可能陷入彻头彻尾的通缩,使资产负债表复苏过程延长数年而非数季。 | This increases the risk that outright deflation will kick in and lengthen the balance sheet recovery period by years and not quarters. |