属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 奔驰首款量产电动车将首秀日内瓦车展
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴西夜总会大火 狂欢后的悲剧
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-依靠意念控制假肢
1 | "协商会"期间,双方应签署协商会议纪要,以此作为初步设计。 | During the kick-off meeting, both parties shall sign the kick-off meeting protocol, which shall be taken as the basis of basic design. | |
2 | 爆炸冲击震动下柔性基础上浮放设备的抛离分析 | Kick-Off Analysis of Free-Standing Equipment on Elastic Foundation under Blast Shock | |
3 | 比赛3点开始。 | The kick-off is at 3. | |
4 | 比赛一开始先进行掷币,赢队的队长可以选择他所想进攻方向的场地或在比赛一开始时,踢发球。 | At the beginning of a game, a coin is tossed and the winning captain may choose the end from which he wishes to play or to kick off at the beginning of the game. - | |
5 | 裁判掷硬币决定哪个队开球。 | The referee tossed a coin to decide which team should kick off . | |
6 | 从开球的第一分钟起他们就显得很有进取心。 | They look enterprising from the first minute of the kick-off. | |
7 | 大雪之后,球场管理员答应3点钟足球比赛之前能把球场清理干净时,他实在是在强鼓勇气。 | After the heavy snowfall the groundsman was whistling in the dark when he promised that the pitch would be clear for a three o’clock kick-off. | |
8 | 就在这个世界上最古老的电影节开幕前几个月,电影制片人、洛迦诺电影节前总监马可·穆勒才被任命为本届电影节的负责人。 | Marco Muller, a film producer and former director of the Locarno film festival, was named to organize the world’s oldest cinema competition just months before it was set to kick off . | |
9 | 卖方应自费派遣技术人员参加"协商会"并在会议前向买方提交相关的技术文件,包括本合同附件九所规定的标准和规范。 | the Seller shall, at its own cost, dispatch its technical personnel to participate in the kick-off meeting and submit to the buyer before the meeting the relevant documentation including the standards and codes specified in Appendix 9. | |
10 | 卖方有权对该标准和规范提出意见。在"协商会"上经双方讨论商定的标准和规范作为初步设计。 | The Buyer is entitled to put forward its opinions on the submitted standards and codes. The standards and codes shall be decided on the kick-off meeting and be taken as the design Basis. | |
11 | 明晚的大会即是竞选活动的开始。 | A rally tomorrow night will kick off the campaign | |
12 | 他们排起阵势准备开球。 | They’re lining up in position for the kick off . | |
13 | 他随时都可能死去。 | He might kick off any minute. | |
14 | 太晚了,我该走了。 | It’s too late; I must kick off now | |
15 | 为开始其Solaris向Linux过渡计划,IBM成立了由Linux移植专家组成的专门小组,在全世界与IBM的销售人员一起工作。 | To kick-off its Solaris-to-Linux program, IBM has deployed a dedicated team of Linux migration experts who work closely with IBM sales teams around the world. | |
16 | 我叫特萨开始(讨论) | I’ll ask Tessa to kick off (the discussion) | |
17 | 现在考试已经全部结束,我要先到欧欣城去玩一个星期,去晒晒太阳,在海上玩冲浪,还可以看看那里的姑娘们。这就作为我暑假的开始。 | Now that my exams are all finished, I’m going to kick off the summer vacation by going down to Ocean City for a week to get some sun, some surf and a chance to look at the girls | |
18 | 一位体育界的著名人士被邀请为决赛开球。 | A sports personality was invited to kick off at die final. | |
19 | 主队在投币中获胜,被选定来开球 | The home team won the toss and elected to kick off . | |
20 | 足球开赛时间定于下午2时30分. | Kick-off is timed for 2.30. | |
21 | 最近这段时间重庆有关部门正在法国巴黎举行旅游宣传,主题就是新三峡新旅游。本月23号一年一度的三峡国际旅游节也将在重庆拉开帷幕。 | And recently relevant departments of the city have been making tourism promotion dedicated to the Three Gorges in Paris. Moreover, the annual Three Gorges International Tourism Festival will also kick off on September 23. | |
22 | 据“Gizmodo”报道,周二,微软联合创始人在一群惊呆了的北京观众面前展示了一罐人类粪便,开启为期三天的“新世代厕所博览会”,来鼓励发明未来的厕所。 | According to a report by Gizmodo, on Tuesday, the Microsoft co-founder brandished a jar of human feces in front of a stunned Beijing crowd, to kick-off a three-day Reinventing Toilet Expo to inspire the toilets of the future. | |
23 | 起步失败之后,梅赛德斯-奔驰终于要在今年这届的日瑞瓦车展上发动其电动汽车的“攻势”了。 | After a false start, Mercedes-Benz will finally kick off its electric car offensive at this year’s edition of the Geneva Auto Show. | |
24 | 首个为2014年巴西世界杯而专门建造的体育场将举行处女赛,而庆祝世界杯500天倒计时的狂欢也在筹备当中。 | the first of the stadiums for next year’s football World Cup staged a debut match and a party was planned to mark 500 days till kick-off. | |
25 | 他说,“我们希望在开幕式上做一次演示,让一位年轻的巴西成年截瘫病人使用这种马甲通过大脑活动的控制走进现场,并且负责这次世界杯的开球仪式。” | "And we hope to make a demonstration during the opening ceremony by having a young paraplegic, a Brazilian adult, to walk into the field using this vest, controlled by brain activity and being in charge of the opening kick-off of the World Cup," he said. | |
26 | 5月31日当法国和塞内加尔在2002年世界杯足球赛的开幕赛开球时,他们将创造历史。 | When France and Senegal kick off on May 31 in the opening game of the 2002 soccer World Cup Finals, they will be making history. | |
27 | placeOrder并不会返回任何值,因为我们仅需要其启动订购过程。 | There is no value returned from placeOrder because we only need it to kick off the ordering. | |
28 | 奥巴马简短的丹麦之行无法做出最后承诺,但至少将开启地球上最重要的对话。 | Mr Obama’s brief Danish foray will not allow him the last word, but it can at least kick off the most important conversation on Earth. | |
29 | 北京奥运会将明年开始,然后在2010年这将会有上海世博会和第16届亚运会在广州。 | The Beijing Olympics will kick off next year, then in 2010 there will be the Shanghai Expo and the 16th Asia Games in Guangzhou. | |
30 | 比起其他的小食,铁板烤肉是最吸引人的,使人胃口大增。 | There’s nothing better than the sight of roasting meat on a spit to kick off , or intensify, that growl in your stomach. |